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RE: Contest Alerts: Active Contest List on 24th June 2024

in #contestalerts3 months ago (edited)

UPDATE : June 24th, 9.53pm

Today didn't go according to plan...

I woke up before 7 feeling really sick.

Then I was sick, and then I was sick again.

Carolina was awake by then and feeling much the same.

Two people being sick in one motorhome is not a lot of fun, but luckily Carolina wasn't as bad as me.

It was the burritos we brought with us from Zulema's party.

They had been in our little fridge but I hadn't checked the propane.

We should have chucked them but with nowhere open last night we were desperate.

Carolina only had one bite and then she remembered she had some pickled eggs and pickled cucumbers.

I ate all three.

That was a bad move.

So our planned early start was not so early.

I was throwing up for at least two hours, and Carolina wasn't up for driving.

But by 10 we decided we had to get going.

We needed to fill up first.

The van started but it sounded a bit grumpy.

We got over to the Valero Gas Station and put in 70 dollars of diesel.

But then nothing. It wouldn't start.

When I turned the key it just made a sound like a choking coyote and then stopped.

This was a bad day getting worse by the minute.

I still wasn't feeling great but Carolina was fine now.

She went into the service station to see if they there was anyone who could help.

(I know I should have got the roadside assistance. I forgot. I just forgot.
I even had the join up page for Good Sam's open on my computer but everything was a rush and I didn't do it.)

Carolina, did what Carolina does, and she got a young guy to come out to take a look.

Emilio opened the hood and Carolina turned the key.

The poor coyote choked some more but with the same result.

"I think it's the fuel pump, or maybe the glow plugs, or maybe the starter motor..."

I don't think Emilio actually knew much more than us about mechanics but he was very keen to impress Carolina.

But all was not lost. After a few impassioned words in Spanish from Carolina, Emilio got out his phone and made a call.

His cousin Ricardo who works at a garage in Fort Stockton could come over after work to help us.

Carolina gave Emilio a big hug to thank him. He was happy.

We went over to Uncle's Store to pick up some supplies and some propane, and grab a coffee.

I needed it.

Carolina still hadn't opened up to me about what going on.

All she would tell me was that she has an appointment on Friday to see someone.

She needed to call to confirm the time.

But she's lost the piece of paper with the number, and she doesn't remember the name so we can't look it up.

She did try to memorize the number just in case...

  • The first part is an Abba song on the verge of crashing.

  • The second part is a science fiction sports team.

  • The third part was the speed of a song back in her dad's day.

  • The last part is when a bond forms backwards.

Can you help us find the phone number to reveal where Carolina needs to go?

I just hope our bright van colors won't give us away...

Update to the Update - We're still waiting for Ricardo... ☹️

UPDATE : June 25th, 11.09pm

Ricardo got to us this morning.

It's the fuel pump that has gone. They don't have the right one in stock but Ricardo says they can get one in by tomorrow morning.

The pump is going to be $180 but I don't know how much Ricardo is going to charge for fitting it.

Luckily I got paid today!

I hope we can get back on the road before noon tomorrow.

There is still quite a journey ahead especially if we stick to the back roads.

And we haven't managed to call yet to find out what time Carolina has got to be there.

Emilio gave Carolina some flowers from the store today.

She started putting them in her hair.

She tried putting them on me too but that's not my thing. I'll leave the hippy stuff to her.

I think she was smoking something with Emilio in their staff room after he finished work.

That's not my thing either so I went back to the van to watch more of Rawhide on my phone.

If I was into guys Clint Eastwood would be my sort of guy, but I don't think I am.

When Carolina came back she was more chilled.

She had decided to call her Tio Palta. He would be able to sort things out.

I still don't know what's going on with Carolina but her uncle is back home a thousand miles away so I'm not sure how he is going to be able to help her.

Carolina's mum came to visit her in Austin with one of her brothers a few months back but I'm pretty sure that wasn't Tio Palta. I do remember this other uncle got into a big argument with Mikhail - it was something to do with money.

Carolina was on the phone to her uncle for ages - almost a whole episode of Rawhide.

I didn't want to be nosy, and Carolina was speaking way too fast for my rudimentary Spanish to keep up but I did hear Mikhail's name mentioned several times.

She seem to be embarrassed about something, and I think she mentioned Bitcoin a couple of times.

That was odd as I'm pretty sure none of her family know anything about crypto.

I guess Carolina will tell me what's going on when she can tell me what's going on.

Anyone got the phone number yet?

Who knows where Tio Palta is? And how is he going to be able to help Carolina?

(By the way I don't think Tio Palta is his real name.)

UPDATE : June 26th, 11.17pm

It was a bit of a rest day today waiting for Ricardo.

After I had finished going through the Community Curator applications for July I watched an old Stargate movie - The Arc of Truth. It made a change from Rawhide - I'm a bit saddle sore from too much Clint.

When she wasn't over with Emilio, Carolina watched The Golden Compass.

I'm more SciFi than fantasy so I left Carolina with her movie and went to the store to get some food for the journey. We've still got a week on the road until we reach our final destination so I thought it would be good to stock up so we don't have to eat moldy burritos again.

Carolina said she wanted more pickles but didn't say what type so I got her some dill pickles and some bread and butter pickles. Pickles are her new obsession at the moment.

To my surprise they also had Kimchi so I bought a jar to see if it will help improve Carolina's gut health.

She eats really badly and she was sick again this morning.

When I try to get her to eat more fruit and salad she says I am nagging her like her mama.

She really needs to look after herself better.

Ricardo eventually came with the new fuel pump just before 5pm.

He charged $149 for fitting the pump. A bit of an odd amount but I think Emilio told him $150 was too much

It was too late to set off by the time the van was fixed so we going to make an early start tomorrow.

We should still make it by Friday.

Unfortunately no one has found the number yet so we will have to take a chance on the time.

I really need to sleep now.

Please, please help us find the phone number. Some of you are getting so close.

Remember, every word could be another clue...

UPDATE : June 28th, 12.48am

I am exhausted.

I am shocked.

I am confused.

I am sad.

Most of all I am sad that Carolina couldn't tell me that she was pregnant.

I thought our friendship was something more.

We spent the day driving.

And arguing. And crying. And arguing some more.

I cannot remember the route. We zigzagged back and forth from dawn till dusk.

We went from loving, and then not. And then back again.

We had hope, and then we didn't.

Carolina smoked a little, but I made her leave it behind.

I hope she didn't start the fire, but we skirted around that.

We played the Billy Joel CD that had been left in the player.

But that didn't help.

Six hours became sixteen.

I am exhausted. I am still sad.

It is Carolina's life. It is Carolina's choice. Not mine.

I will support her in every way I can. What ever way she goes.

Tomorrow is another day.

Where have we been?

Where is this going?

UPDATE : June 28th, 5.41pm

We are driving. We are driving fast. Carolina is driving very fast.

The appointment was at 4pm but we got there 40 minutes early.

Carolina's mind was made up. She didn't want to wait any longer in case it changed.

The woman with the 3.30pm slot had changed her mind.

"Carolina, the doctor can see you earlier if you would like?"

She didn't hesitate.

"Can my friend come in with me?"

I held her hand as they did the ultrasound. But I couldn't look.

"Twelve weeks, so a little too late to use a pill."

"But vacuum aspiration is really not too painful..."

The doctor was halted midway by a knock on the door.

"Sorry I think I shouldn't have told him. But he sounded so very upset. Your boyfriend is only 10 minutes away and he really wants to be with you for this."

Carolina screamed at the receptionist and grabbed me.

Two minutes and we were back in the van.

Driving very fast.

"Slow down Carolina, where are we going?"

Thirty minutes later we reached the destination.

There seemed to be no one around. It was totally quiet.

Carolina knocked on the door...


Where are we?

What happens now?

Where do we go from here?

UPDATE : June 29th, 8.43pm

Bad, bad day.

Everything gone wrong.


Urgent rendevous...

gamed guzzles pesos

This is one.

And this is a second one.

The third ones would be my second best friend.

Big, bad change ahead.

More when I am less stressed, less worried, less sad.

If this all goes wrong I might be standing next to the last man on earth.

Right now I am feeling so very very small.

Where must we go to?

What is happening?

UPDATE : July 2nd, 6.50am

It's been an horrendous 72 hours.

We found a beat up priest in Placitas.

I think I committed a felony in Albuquerque.

We just missed a shoot out in a car park in Tucson.


I found out why Mikhail is so keen to find Carolina.

It's not about the baby.

Now I have to prepare for two big meetings on Friday.

Will fill in the details of what has happened so far if I have time.

Heading west...

For anyone who is joining this #flashquiz late @pennsif has put together a really useful summary of the story so far...

To help anyone wanting to know more about the story, the characters or missed clues I am going to be holding an AMA (Ask Me Anything) on Pennsif's post for the next couple of days.

I will do my best to answer all your questions...

#flashquiz 003 (stage 4)


I think I have got this.

505 - 494 - 5700

Carolina has an appointment at Alamo's Women Clinic in New Mexico.

almost the length of an episode of Rawhide

$149 is an odd amount

I'm not sure if I can edit the comment. So adding here.

Just read @the-gorilla's query. I'm more confident now that she's headed there to get an abortion.

And yes... the morning sickness.

And her obsession with pickles.

I'm more confident now.

Pickles are not for everyone...

I was about to ask it you'd seen my question 😉

I'll screenshot what I started writing before I had to do the school run...


So I think you've got it 🙂

Haha. I wonder how sc01 will take this new information, since Carolina has been quiet about everything.

sc01 will understand. She'd do anything for Carolina... love's a powerful thing.

Are you talking about Spain or England? I think this would be place 🤔.

It seems logical to me that you think she's pregnant, which speaks to Carolina's discomfort, and Mikhail's obsession with her. If your numbers match that clinic, there's no doubt it's that one.

Perhaps that was the cause of the breakup with Carolina, at first Mikhail did not want to take responsibility, but now he is looking for a way to take possession of her or prevent her from having her.Maybe the truck is a rainbow.

I also wanted to get the sports link correct before replying... I think it's got something to do with the San Francisco 49ers and somebody else mentioned Battlestar Galactica in an earlier comment that I can't find.

I'm more confident now that she's headed there to get an abortion.

I also didn't think that sc01 would go with such a controversial storyline.

I suppose that if I was confident, I'd have clicked "Post" before going out.

After getting to number 49, I had also been trying to find the connection between San Fransisco 49ers and Clint Eastwood but I couldn't. Then out of curiosity I entered the number in Google and got this:

Screenshot 2024-06-27 at 5.16.25 AM.png

I was happy to see the results but also frustrated about the 49ers. So I just shared the number and thought others could give figure out the last connection.

Then I saw your comment and I was wondering - it's a valid query but why didn't he mention the phone number in his comment?

Even if she is headed for abortion, should she be smoking... And that too not just tobacco!!!

I can't seem to wrap my head around this.


The same thing happened to me, I thought: it's not pregnancy because she's smoking. But maybe we feel like that because we are very good girls, when we know we are pregnant, we don't think about doing anything crazy like drinking alcohol and even less smoking...🫣
But this is a very crazy old west style story🤠🤣

Carolina is all mixed up at the moment...

It is very understandable, and in her state the emotions are on the surface. But you are a good friend by accompanying her...

why didn't he mention the phone number in his comment?

Why, oh why?

Well, the reason was that I could see the person who was closest was blindly guessing random numbers and I didn't want to do that... which made me think that I had more time to join it all up. But as usual, somebody comes along shortly after to write what I'm thinking 🤣

After I asked the question, I thought "somebody's going to read this, wonder why I asked and find the phone number" which was when I wrote the comment that I didn't submit. Funny thing... I found that phone number 2 days ago but was at the tennis all day yesterday so didn't look into it further.

I'll be surprised if it's wrong. It seems quite obvious now.

I also didn't think that sc01 would go with such a controversial storyline.

I'm stuck at: who's tio palta... Is he really her uncle?

But what I think will make it more controversial!So keeping my thoughts to myself...

De verdad que la trama se está volviendo complicada :0

✅ Have you looked at their website?

It was right before my eyes...

Yes. Got it from there. At first I only read the headline.

Well done!!!! 👏👏


I think that @shahariar1's suggestion that the Abba song is S.O.S. is correct but the interpretation should be (505) - the area code for the Northwestern Area of New Mexico - fairly close to our current location.


Anybody with an old skool calculator will have made words out of numbers and this is the opposite 🙂


I've got no idea about the Sci Fi Sports Team. "The Niners" from Deep Space Nine is the best I can come up with...

The speed of a song is also likely to be 45 - rather than 33 which was more common with Albums (although it could conceivably be either).

My initial thinking is that "a bond forms backwards" is related to James Bond - 007 - so the number could end in 700.

I know it's not correct, but currently I'm at:


Maybe you're trying to call Ansul Harvelle but I doubt it.

I've used several mathematical formulas and I can't figure out the riddle, but I also haven't been able to read in my calculator a clear word with your numbers 505-994-5700


I need the help of the penguins of Madagascar

@the-gorilla, you are in the zone, but haven't quite hit the target...

Maybe it's SOCORRO:

SO: for the first part of the song.

SOC: for football, a sport that can be considered science fiction because of the different plays that are played there.

ORRO: that can be read in the same way backwards.

I keep trying.

Uncle Palta must be from Jalisco, Mexico. I'm sure he's one of those mobsters who has contacts with a lot of dangerous people in and around New Mexico. Maybe like I said before, Carolina's looking to ambush her ex-boyfriend.

I have to tell you something, after my research, I've been able to find out that the ex of carolina, he's been behind everything since the beginning.

He knew through Facebook that they were looking for a mobile home, so he asked a friend to offer his home at a good price even though he even had solar panels, so that they could take them without thinking about it. Before selling them, they put in a deficient gas pump, that is, half-life, but the most critical thing is that he put in the van a tracking device, so he hasn't lost the trail of Carolina even though they're in the middle of nowhere.

Looks like you must have insider information. Do you work for the security services?

Getting so close.

We must find the tracking device...

Rather, I think it's a side effect of watching too many movies about mafias. 😂

I can't relate to your feelings right now, it reminds when I was eighteen my best friend then got pregnant for one of my cousins, but she couldn't tell me and I heard it from someone else's, even when we lived together. Nobody believed me, even my elder siblings when I said I wasn't aware because we were so close. I cried my eyes out, I felt disappointed, betrayed, angry, and confused. The stigmatization is something I don't want to recall, you know the saying "Show me your friend and I will tell you who you are?" Most people believe that I will also end up like her.

Well, I understand that we are humans and are prone to making mistakes, so I forgave my friend and life goes on. She's happily married now and her husband accepted her for who she is.

So cry, be angry but then forgive Carolina, as you rightly said, we all have to choose our life's course, just be there for her and continue to encourage her on the right path, and she will never forget you. I'm sending love 💕 and hugs 🫂!

Thank you 💞

Buenas noches.

Con mucho respeto, hago llegar mi publicación para que el grupo de steemians de Falcón, Venezuela poder contar con su apoyo para el meet up.

An Abba song :- SOS ; 767

A science fiction sports team might be "Jets," which refers to the New York Jets :- 5387

The speed of a song back in her dad's day:- 45 RPM (45)

When a bond forms backwards:- tie Backwards, it spells "eit.**; 348

The number will be 767-538-4584.

I set it accordingly, I think 🤔 I am wrong 😂

One part right, three parts wrong...

What about 505-994-5348

As far as Gorilla is in the zone, so I only make some changes... I am ready to explain the last 3 to 4 numbers as how they take place here...

Why are you so confident that your answer will be wrong 😂.


After reading your last update it got me curious, I mean this quiz seem so real to me, or is it fictional? Carolina's sudden obsession with with pickles shows that she's pregnant, the early morning sickness too 🤧 and she's being emotional when you try to get her to eat more fruit and salad.

This is becoming more interesting than I thought, and it gonna be adventurous, I can't wait as the event unfold.

There is truth, there is fiction.

And then there's everything in between...

Who knows where Tio Palta is?

Palta is a gender neutral name having Incan origin. Incan civilizations were in South America (Peru and Chile). So my guess is, that uncle lives somewhere there. Carolina was speaking in Spanish to him which confirms that he's from that region.

El aguacate es llamado Palta en Bolivia, Perú y sobre todo Argentina

I came across this information too but the one I shared here seemed more fitting. In any case... avocados or incans, both lead us to the same region...Peru...maybe.


Yo bro, that's chicken 🐔

Sera 🐥?

Tío Palta suena como como millonario jajaja, pero en algunos países el nombre lo recibe una fruta que es muy sabrosa, aquí en Venezuela se le llama aguacate combinada con una arepa se le llama reina pepiada y es lo máximo


You’d better call Saul:

(505) 503-4455


Currently calling the number you provided, but not yet connected🤣

We tried, but it looks like Jimmy has been detained on other business.

For another 80 years or so...

Jimmy after hearing the news 😂 😂


Ohhh my GOD, how can I see what will be happened after 80 years? I don't think I will be alive then

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