Win SBD Forever - Just comment! - Multilingual Weekly Contest #9

in #contest6 years ago


I'm happy to announce the ninth edition of #SBDforever contest!

But before I introduce the theme, it is time to reveal the winners for the eighth one! I was happy to receive the entries of @mafaldation, @viking-ventures, @smylie2005, @thaishps, and @curatorcat!

This edition didn't have enough author payout for two shares, I'm sorry... But that's fine, if you didn't win this time, just try again! I remember you that some winners have already been selected TWICE just by entering and being active on my blog!

Now for the prize!

I was happy to know your cities! A lot of people from USA as expected... I really want to go there and spend some weeks just travelling by car. I believe it's a nice country if you search for the right places!

Unfortunately there is only one winner this time. And the winner is... ... @curatorcat! I already heard about Port Townsend, but I didn't knew it's history. It seems like a nice place to go :)

You'll will receive the SBI share in a few days. Just check this spreadsheet if you're wondering if everything is alright.

Didn't win? No problem, just try again! Because here is...

...SBD Forever Round #8!

Here's this week's challenge!

Your dream travel!

What's your dream destination? If you had all the time and all the resources, where would you go?

I'd like to make a huge trip from Europe to India. I'm very much fascinated by the myriad of cultures we can find in such a trip, and I enjoy different languages, cultures, religions and ways of living. Such diversity amazes and fascinates me.


Best comment will win 1 Steem Basic Income share (worth 1 Steem), which means SBD FOREVER! That's right, no jokes:

You get a weekly income FOREVER. You just need to keep posting and you'll get the same amount in upvotes regardless of how many posts you make per week. The system just looks for your posting frequency and adjusts the income automatically. Seems impossible to maintain? Do you want to look at their maths? Here they are!

Some rules

  1. Upvote this post with 100%. The payout will help me with the cost of the share.
  2. Resteem this post, for the same reasons!
  3. Follow me if you enjoy my posts.
  4. Post ONE comment below with your entry
  5. Feel free to write in English, Portuguese, Spanish or French.
  6. If you already have a SBI share feel free to participate as well, since you can have many shares and get double income.
  7. The deadline for submissions is next Monday, 21 May, at 11am UTC. I'll announce the winners, if possible, that same day.
  8. If the author payout reaches more than 1$, I'll round up the prize to the nearest whole number and attribute more than one winner!

Ready... Set... Go!


My Dream Travel Destination: Back to the Past!

Think about it, I have all the time in the World. That means I can control it to my whims and be able to travel to any time period I wish and see it for what it was! Mwhahahaha!

All shits and giggles aside, here's my actual entry:

My Dream Travel Destination: Istanbul-Constantinople

When considering all the places I could've think of, I decided to wish to travel to Istanbul-Constantinople (yes the city is officially recognized as Istanbul, but it sounds cooler having both names together). I could've chosen the island of Madagascar, Paris, London (not the City of London) and so on and so on. But I decided that this would be a nice city to think about to these more-or-less commonplace answers.

Why Istanbul-Constantinople then?

  1. History: Take stock that Istanbul-Constantinople was the historical capital of Eastern Rome (Byzantium). This city dates back history to when Rome first conquered the region of Thracia and the city of Byzantium during its expansion period. To when Constantine re-founded Byzantium into Constantinople some years before the Roman Empire split into two (Eastern and Western Rome) for administrative reasons. To when Justinian ruled and saved Eastern Rome many times (although putting it into trouble many other times). Being the last city that the Ottoman Empire took from Eastern Rome and transformed it into a massive Islamic capital.
  2. Architecture: The Hagia Sophia is a must go for any person exploring Istanbul-Constantinople for its historically Orthodox background and its current Islamic usage right now. Equal to that is the Theodosian Walls (Walls of Constantinople), which as of 1980s was getting rebuilt and after almost 4+ decades it should be one-to-one to the original walls, so definitely worth a visit now. Over all, the city is a mesh of Greeco-Roman and general Islamic influences that is worth taking a thousand pictures.
  3. Culture: Like how I ended off point two, let me expand on that. The Greeco-Roman influences, though covered by general Islamic influences, is still persistent the surviving arts and architecture of the city. As well as the fact that Greeks still persist in the Thracian region and the city itself, so Greek culture persists in that region. Yet general Islamic influence, in particular Turkish culture, persists with how it is the administrative Capital of Turkey today and the fact that buildings like the Hagia Sophia still stand. So no surprise that Turkish culture persists and left a hefty mark on Istanbul-Constantinople as did the Greeco-Romans. Yet, it's also the fact that in general diversity reigns in this part of Turkey heavily and was called the "City of Wonders" back in the day.

    Some Pictures

    Hagia Sophia

    Theodosian Walls (Walls of Constantinople)

    "Golden Horn"/Hilaç

    Hippodrome of Constantinople (as it is marked currently)

    I just really want to experience Istanbul-Constantinople for myself, and bring friends along if I can afford it. Definitely a destination worth seeing in one's life time, if not for the architecture alone.

You just planted 0.25 tree(s)!

Thanks to @theironfelix

We have planted already 4861.58 trees
out of 1,000,000

Let's save and restore Abongphen Highland Forest
in Cameroonian village Kedjom-Keku!
Plant trees with @treeplanter and get paid for it!
My Steem Power = 26009.17
Thanks a lot!
@martin.mikes coordinator of @kedjom-keku

You just planted 0.23 tree(s)!

Thanks to @theironfelix

We have planted already 4414.76 trees
out of 1,000,000

Let's save and restore Abongphen Highland Forest
in Cameroonian village Kedjom-Keku!
Plant trees with @treeplanter and get paid for it!
My Steem Power = 26514.17
Thanks a lot!
@martin.mikes coordinator of @kedjom-keku

There are so many places I don't know where to begin. Every part of the world has a different culture and usually many historic sites and other attractions. Natural and artificial beauty are all over the place. I visited England last summer, mainly London, for the 4th time, and I'm still just scratching the surface. I've never traveled outside of Paris in France. I have yet to visit most countries of central, eastern and northern Europe and that's just one continent. I hear Gweilin province in China is particularly beautiful. I haven't had the chance to hike Mt. Fuji in Japan. I can go on and on.

You just planted 0.27 tree(s)!

Thanks to @rufusfirefly

We have planted already 5167.09 trees
out of 1,000,000

Let's save and restore Abongphen Highland Forest
in Cameroonian village Kedjom-Keku!
Plant trees with @treeplanter and get paid for it!
My Steem Power = 25256.36
Thanks a lot!
@martin.mikes coordinator of @kedjom-keku

Madagascar: My Dream Travel

My heart yearns for the beautiful Island of Madagascar. If I have the wealth and resources right now, I have no business going to any other place for recreation or holiday if I have not gone to Madagascar.

My interest in this small African Island was sparked off when a cousin returned from there. I have heard so much about Madagascar, the pictures I saw and the stories my cousin told me heightened my interest in the red Island.

Nothing is more soothing when you're at peace with nature. Being an Island, one feels nature in its freshness in Madagascar. There are the enthralling beaches surrounded by forests and wildlife. I would stand by their sides, watch the waters roll and appreciate the beauty of nature.

I saw a picture of the Baobab alleys. Oh! How beautiful. When I saw the picture of those trees, I couldn't believe they're not cartoons. They looked too beautiful and animated. It will sure a great site, that I know. What about their rich culture. My cousin told me nothing could be more entertaining. Their local foods are so delicious that he was always asking for more. I was salivating just like I'm doing now as I'm typing this.

I hope I get to Madagascar sooner than I expect. I need to have a first-hand experience of that beautiful Island. I need to experience nature and its beauty.

If there is that one place i want to be, it no other than the International Space Station, I want to join the astronauts in exploring for world for mankind, the population explosion needs a new earth, if there's less people on earth then the dwindling/depleting natural resources will have time to recuperate. Space exploration is the solution.

I'd like to travel as Dennis Tito did. To the edges of our athmosphere. The view would be spectacular i imagine.

I would love to travel to a tropical isle. Fiji. Tahiti, st. Thomas. Thanks for the give away. All best.

PUERTO RICO, la isla del encanto 💖

En los años 80, cuando tenía alrededor de 12 años en latinoamérica se hizo muy famoso un grupo de cantantes adolescentes de Puerto Rico. Se llamaban "Menudo", grupo del que formó parte Ricky Martin. Ellos se convirtieron en el primer amor de muchas niñas, incluyéndome.

Soñé muchas veces con visitar la isla, moría por conocerla. Creía que en sus calle me encontraría con mi Menudo favorito.

Han pasado más de 30 años desde entonces y, aún, conservo la ilusión de hallarme un día en ella. Estoy segura que de tener las condiciones económicas a mi favor, tomaría sin pensarlo un avión a San Juan.

Actualmente, todo parece imposible desde mi gueto venezolano, pero muy en el fondo de mi alma, sé que superaremos esta tragedia y podré hacer muchos de mis sueños, ahora pausados, una realidad.

Puerto rico, pronto voy por ti!

My dream travel is definitely to Mexico. I love their music so much

Oooh, thank you for prize @zpedro! That's very exciting — more proof of what a great community Steemit is. Thanks you for having these great contests!

My dream is to travel the world... on horseback. I can imagine going all the way to the south of South America, take a ship over to South Africa, riding all the way up to the far reaches of Scotland... In Iceland, I'd have to borrow a horse as foreign animals are not permitted there...

(_image from Wikipedia article about this breed of horse.)
Sail to Norway and ride up and down Scandinavia until I was done with Finland and continue across Russia... I can't imagine a more awesome journey. It would take years to accomplish, but could only be done with time and money... which I do not have, so it remains a dream.

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