A very warm Tuesday to all you beautiful Steemians. Yes! Today makes it exactly seven days I conducted a contest on the theme "Love and Obsession". I wrote a little prelude telling us what love and obsession is all about and when love stops being love and becomes obsession.
The rule of the contest was
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Make a post on your blog writing a short story of not less then 300 words or a poem of not less than 20lines on the theme "love and obesession"
Use the tag #loveandobsession as one of your tags so I can easily find your post.
Your article must be in English Language
Drop a link to your post on the comment section of this post.
The Judges are
This contest had a lot of enteries. In all honesty, I never expected this much enteries and it made me happy that I was honoured this much by wonderful Steemians. Thank you so much guys!!!
Enteries sent in for the contest in no particular order includes:
The judges took their time to go through all the enteries. It wasn't an easy job but they delivered excellently. All enteries were judged on the following basis
Does the prose/poetry tell a story of love that became an obsession?
How well was the obsessed character portrayed?
Literary excellence
Abiding to rules.
Each of the bases had 10 points making it a total of 50 points.
The judges looked out for literary excellence, structure and composition. During the judging process, they discovered that:-
There were lots of beautiful enteries that told the story perfectly.
There were also lots of enteries with literary excellence but did not address the subject deeply.
So many articles had punctuation errors and paragraphing errors.
One of the enteries was not original and hence was disqualified.
One of the enteries copied another person's entry and both were disqualified.
After all protocols have been duly observed, the following enteries are judged to be the best enteries
1st Position (5SBD): @imathegray.
2nd Position (4SBD): @Prayzz
3rd Position (3SBD): @akasapphires
4th Position (1SBD): @bob-elr
5th Position (1SBD): @magatha
6th position (1SBD): @camilus
Congrats guys.
I loved two particular works and although not chosen by the judges, I have decided to gift them 0.5SBD each for a wonderful job.
These wonderful Steemians are: @kweenzykruzy and @cheekah! Congrats guys!!!
All rewards have been sent as at the time of making this post.
Let me use this opportunity to say a big thank you to my Judges for their dedication and uprightness all through the judging process. You all did wonderfully well and also every one that participated, you made it so much fun.
Until next time when I'm blessed enough to host another contest,
I remain yours truly
I cant believe i missed this contest. Congrats to all the winners and happy steemiting. I hope to join the next one.
Hello! I find your post valuable for the wafrica community! Thanks for the great post! @wafrica is now following you! ALWAYs follow @wafrica and use the wafrica tag!
Oh My God....this is amazo
Congratulations to me and my fellow winners...and most especially many thanks to @zizymena for this wonderful contest.
It was worth every effort....Mucho Graciãs
Awwwwn congratulations to all the winners keep winning wasn't an easy task. Congrats to all the lucky winners and to the impartial judges of the contest, una welli done....
Aww, congrats to all the winners
Congrats to all winners
Great job @zizymena and the judges.
I received the prize
Thanks a lot
The prompt was awesome.
Very prompt😁
Thank you @zizymena for the prize. Kudos for making the community a better place. Also thanks to all the judges. More strength to y'all.
Congrats to the winner!!!
I'm coming, i'm still writing my own. Hahaha
That was a nice contest mama😘
You na real G