RE: The End of the Road - and - Behind the Mystery Door Contest
Hello, @onceuponatime, intriguing prompt--here's my entry:
Behind the mysterious door sat a familiar figure — cross-legged and reading in the semi-dark, with just the milky moonlight for company.
I do not know how I knew, but I did. I intuited the presence, at once, with a mixture of dread and affection.
“I’m sorry,” were the only words to leave my lips. “I’m sorry, too,” replied my longed-for-self, with a sigh of infinite kindness and pity.
He did not rise to greet me and, somehow, spoke without words, transmitting what was needed.
Through the wooden door, I heard his muffled cry: “You’ve taken every detour to avoid me,” he gently reproached. “For every step I’ve taken towards you, you’ve taken back two”.
I did not know what to say in my defense (how could I protest against myself?) “I missed you,” he said, and feared you’d forgotten me.”
His admonishment was tender as a kiss. “I visit from time to time, and hope you’ll ask me to stay.” I knew what he said was true, and felt that way, too.
“I worried,” he continued, “if you postponed this visit, we might never meet, in this life… and so I came to sharpen your appetite.”
The figure opened approached the door and moved towards me. “There’s no need to speak, return to your travels. But try to remember me.”
Beautiful!!! Thank you for your contribution!
Unfortunately, your entry did not meet with Rule number 3, so it is not eligible for one of the prizes. But it is indeed a VERY good contribution!
3. Entries over 100 words must be in your own post with the hashtag behindmysterydoor
Really glad you enjoyed it, and sorry I did not follow the rules more closely. I will consider your very warm appreciation as my prize! PS, inspired by your fine poem above, 'House of Many Doors', here's a small word gift, for you, under a 100 words :)
Every jammed door has its trick
how much pressure to apply
where to push, just so, how deep
at what angle to jiggle, pull out
So, too, with the apparently
difficult doors of opportunity
that stubbornly balk at all rattling
yet suddenly yield at the key moment.

Have a wonderful weekend, @onceuponatime