The Deadpost Initiative - Week 38 - Share your most undervalued work ($15 STEEM rewards last week)

in #contest7 years ago

What is the Deadpost Intitiative?

The Deadpost Initiative is an attempt to give love to some posts that were overlooked during their short 7 day life span, a chance to bring your old posts back to life and maybe make some friends in the process. The goal is not only to share some love with SBD but also by engagement to generate discussion.

Last week

Nice week of deadposts! A variety of topics and nice engagement. Things should be looking up here in the future! The regulars all did so well that I decided to give a flat payout to all the winners this week so that the reward pool could be spread around a bit. They all deserved it!

Last Week's Winners


@fjmb86 - $3 Steem prize

How many weeks has @fjmb86 been on this list? No problem, each of these posts deserved it. This week we have an inspiring piece on how to overcome fear. This would have saved me a lot of time if I read it as a kid.



@artofwisdom - $3 Steem prize

More mushrooms! @artofwisdom seems to be our local steemit expert on mushrooms, it's quite cool to have one. This one is really funky looking and apparently edible.

World Wild Flora - Laetiporus sulphureus - A sulphur not from hell.


@whitelightxpress - $3 Steem prize

This is a topic that has done very well here at the deadpost contest. @whitelightxpress considers the importance of pulling your eyes away from the cell phone. I love it.

The Importance of "Technology Breaks" to Keep a Healthy Mind and Spirit


@jodekss - $3 Steem prize

An introduction post with $0.00 payout!? Don't you hate that? And this was a good one too. Glad it was brought to our attention so @jodekss could finally get some readers and payout on it!


@paradigm42 - $3 Steem prize

I feel it's been a while since we saw @paradigm42 make a contribution, sharing a very special place to get away from it all.

Sometimes You Just Need To Get Away

Week 38

(From pexels)

Share your best Deadpost in the comments!

The best posts will be rewarded with the fluid payout from this post (split between winners) and will be featured in a future post.


•Please only submit 1 post.
•Posts must have a payout of less than $5.
•Posts must be at least one month old.
•I recommend you don't enter the same post twice in the same month if you didn't win the first time.
•Vote for 1-3 post by others. Please share WHY you liked their posts. If you don't vote for someone else's post by commenting you will not be eligible to win.
•Winners will be chosen based on how original, creative, informative and well written their posts are, as well as how well received they are in the comments. I will use the quality of comments as the main factor in judging who wins.
•There will be a slight bias towards smaller accounts but large accounts are welcome to join and compete or join just for fun and to share their old work.
•There may also be prizes for stellar comments and engagement.
•There will be 2 or more winners depending on how big the payout for this post is and depending on how many quality posts are entered into the contest.

Please upvote generously on your favorite post in the comments below, we'd like to generate a sense much support as possible for all participants and the prize pool is still growing.
Upvote and resteem to help us raise our reward pool! And remember to comment and upvote on comments in this post please to show support for deadposts! :-)
The prize pool will be the fluid rewards from the post plus any donation to the initiative.
Thanks to @krnel for his delegation and @tribesteemup for their trail support.

This is not merely a contest, this is an opportunity to have your material read and an opportunity for us to really discuss each other's posts.


If you like what I do, check out my work at Patreon and consider becoming a Patron (or helping me find more Patrons by sharing this link on social media) so I can put more time and energy into fiction, music and community building. Some extra fiction and music will be over at Patreon and it's all pay-what-you-want. Thanks for any and all support!
If you want to chat, come join us to talk about deep shit in the Be awesome discord (no post promo!)

Ok, I have never entered this contest before, so I hope I dot all my i's and cross my t's. Here is my deadpost, it's six months old, I compiled all the chalking I had done up to that point into one post (I chalk positive messages on the sidewalk). I will now go read a bunch of other posts and vote and comment here. :)

What a fantastic initiative! I smiled reading them, so I can only imagine how much joy it must bring to stumble across these as you walk down the street. Pure synchronicity! Who knows, one of these could save a life!!

Thank you. ^_^ I started doing it because I was inspired by @lyndsaybowes and #ophumanangels (her random acts of kindness initiative). If they make people smile, then I am happy!

I commend you for your efforts. Are you still doing it? I may just throw some chalk into my bag... you never know when you might use it! :)

I do, yeah! I just did it for the first time in a while this past week. If you do it too, post with the tag #ophumanangels so everyone sees it! <3
Here's the latest:

I will! Thank you for the inspiration!!

That was an amazing post and is a wonderful initiative. You actually have given me an idea. It is simple and most needed in Venezuela. We need possitive messages so badly. I commend your dedication to giving people that kind therapy for free! :) Good investment indeed.

Aw, thank you! ^_^

I'm sure you made someone"s (or many peoples) day with you inspiring messages or at least brought smiles to their faces. I liked it and it brightened my day. Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for your comment! ^_^

Wow !!That amazing what you did.... I literally red it one-by-one and I felt good . Thanks for doing this .Such an effort but you really inspire people to be positive .

Aw, thanks! I appreciate it!

Yeah Phe 😁 i so hope you take the prize on this one! You're such a dedicated #ophumanangel i love your generous Spirit! So glad you're giving this contest a go!!

Aw, thank you! ^_^

You're welcome! 😁

I would love to see something like these where I live! It's a really nice way to bright up someone's day!

Thanks! 😃

Hey @whatamidoing! This is a fun contest! I'd like to enter with this post please Which is a garden update on our first year of #grownfoodnotlawn #urbangardening endeavour!! Growing Food is easy!

'Growing food is easy' ... if you know what you're doing :) This year first time i grow some veggies in pots on the balcony. Cherry tomato, cayenne pepper and Hopi blue corn! I've realized that (pot) size matters. Also due to the unusually strong sun in Europe this year, plants better grow in half-shade...

Good for you!! Growing is such an adventure. So much to learn each season. And, so many variables. Growing is easy. Though success is not guaranteed! LOL.....Just keep growing!! I hope you use @dustsweeper to help with your payouts on post upvotes. Some day I will have whale sized votes, though that day is not today! All the best to you!!

Thanks, i'll definitely will experiment more with growing veggies. @dustsweeper seems like a good idea, as most of my posts have less than 0.03 $ of upvotes so i'll give it a try.

I hope you do! It's super simple to do. Do you know how?

Yes thank you, i've sent some STEEM there couple of days ago but i'm yet to see the upvote(s).

How are the potatoes in your sister's yard doing now, a month later? I once had a potato plant that got huuuuuge but no potatoes. Haha. I think it didn't have enough room in its bucket.

Well that's a good question Phe! I think she's eaten some but they seemed small. The plants were all small & spindly. Hard to imagine as the plants are usually so large & lush. When i grew them they really helped build my confidence becsuse the plants were huge! The potatoes did well too. Guess will see what this crop will be like. The soil we used was really not very good. We will be harvesting soon. Fall is really setting in quickly it seems. No matter how much i ignore it!i am never ready to let summer go! Such a bummer to have no potatoes even though the plant looked successful on the outside. Mother Nature just being a tease! Have you tried again since or have you taken a break from trying your luck at potatoes?

Turns out I'm allergic to potatoes, so I gave up!

Mother Nature was looking out for you! I have read that there are potato allergies. Some ppl feel/ behave intoxicated after eating them. What reaction do you have?

Mine turned out to be what a previous doctor had years prior brushed off as, "You have IBS. That's usually caused by anxiety. You should learn to meditate." Green leafies caused the same reaction, and are also an allergen.
Yeah, no, doc, I had FOOD ALLERGIES and I might have had relief a decade earlier if you had RUN A TEST instead of patting me on the head and being condescending...
I had the kind of "IBS" where I was in so much pain it could eclipse my endometriosis pain; my stomach would distend so much I looked pregnant and my pants didn't fit; and, well, the plumbing was either clogged or on full blast. And lots of painful, trapped gas. I drank on average four ginger ales a day trying to control it because nothing else helped. I still drink a lot of ginger ale but on average about one a day now. I wonder if the remaining issues are a food I haven't eliminated yet, but it's a world of difference from how I was!

You've done very well with your gardening efforts. I can't believe the gophers got things in your containers! that's wild! I've been struggling with moles taking out my garden so I can feel for you with gophers destroying yours. As gardeners say - "Oh well there is always next year!"

No doubt! I have not had to tango with moles in the garden. I hope i don't have to. But, 'talking' with the gophers helped immensely. I told them they could dig and eat anything outside my yard. I showed them the boundary & it worked! My neighbours had all their plants in pots destroyed! Mine are still intact though the season is getting the best of them. I also offered the gophers tobacco. They are the cutest critters to watch. Their little hops, jumps, tail flipling and dandelion seed eating was so sweet to watch. Though they shit on everything! 😂 Thanks for checking out my post.

And this is how I remember how my grandmother had some tomatoes growing on a dry trunk all of a sudden XD.

Awe! I enjoy many memories of my grandmothers & my great-grandma when I garden too ❤ It's such a good feeling of connection on so many levels. I am so happy my post made you think of your grandma! That makes my heart feel very happy! Blessings @awhsarada

Congratulations to all the winners, and thank you @whatamidoing for choosing my post! I really enjoyed participating last week, and look forward to doing so again. :) Here is my entry for this week. It is a combination of landscape photography and a bit of educational information about the area.

Nice article and good photos of a cool place. I sort of like abandoned places taken over by nature.

Thank you! It is definitely a cool place to visit. I like places abandoned like that as well. I have explored other places like that in the past while camping.

awesome landscape photography and very informative, good read.

Thank you, I really appreciate it! :) It is a really cool spot off the beaten path. I try to visit there at least once a year. I'm happy you found the historical information interesting. History and geology are interests of mine and I enjoyed combining both with my photography for the post.

Touching. Thanks for sharing. It is sad tho that humans need calamities to care.

That is one angle..another angle would calamaties bring all caste ,religion, to together.....a great example of being human.

Posted using Partiko Android

I agree with @steemflow. I checked out the post and I would also vote for it. Its such a moving blog about the flood that recently happened in Kerala in India. As I was browsing the photos, I can't help but be teary-eyed, not only because of the devastation but also I witnessed the goodness in humanity. We've been in the same kind of situation during Typhoon Haiyan, and we wouldn't have been able to withstand everything without the help of kindhearted people from all over the world. We will forever be grateful.

I was planning to join, but decided to just send my entry in the next round because this post from @silenteyes, would really deserve the prize. I hope she wins. 💙

Thank you so much @meetmysuperego. With such great feeling and golden heart ...hope you ween

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks a ton @meetmysuperego and @steemflow . Disasters make all the goodness in people to pour out. Hope it reaches more people and be of help to my Kerala. God bless you. Prayers and love.

May we always see the good in others and this post brings to the forefront how disasters can bring out the best in people. I feel very fortunate that I have never had to witness such calamities . This post took me right there, witnessing the suffering of all those folks and the gallantry of those who worked selflessly to help others. Thanks for sharing this and may it inspire others to step up to the plate to help others in time of need.

Thanks @porters the post brought out the harsh reality and the good side of humanity....thanks for the kind words

Posted using Partiko Android

OOHH . My heart melt. I really felt the situation, Because in our country Philippines we have also worst
flooding that take alot of lives. Thank you @steemflow for initiating the article of @silenteyes .

Thanks @mjtravel i felt the same...thanks for the support

Posted using Partiko Android

Wow, that's wild! I would have been hearing The X Files music in my head not knowing what they were. XD

once again amazing photography, these cubes do have strange mysterious pull to them, it's like some strange abstract postmodern art installation, but really some really heavy duty bird dwellings, cool stuff!

Interesting, these would be strong wind proof birdhouses. I have seen bird nests on the ground after a storm.
The little birds that lived in this must be treasured.

Providing that such birdhouse still have its roof part i guess.

My waekness for photography called me again. They look so weir to be bird houses XD They deserve their own unsolved.

That is so strange! At first what came to mind when I first saw the first few pictures was perhaps they were collecting sap but that would be a pretty weird bucket. Then your further pictures reveled that that wasn't so that they were bird houses! What a novel idea someone had and they must have cared a lot for their little bird friends to put up cement houses for them! Nice find!

A bird house? Wow! I didn't see that functionality coming, that really is creative of them!

I really loved this.

I had this vision for myself a decade ago. I’m not sure what went wrong or how I veered off that path, but I certainly don’t regret doing so.

I’m with a new partner who also thinks like this and so those dreams have emerged again.

But the debt thing... 🤦🏽‍♂️ that’s what I’m trying to sort out. Unfortunately I don’t have technical skills like being able to fix a motor, or a builder, I’m pretty crap with my hands. But I like being in the land hands in soil.

This was a nice reminder that it’s still all possible, I just need to make that choice.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yes, it's not always easy but it's worth it in the end. I wish you the best!

Yes! You can do it ❤ You can search up anything online and get step-by-step instruction how to repaire/ install/ do like everything! It's SO cool your dream is coming alive again!!

A great post and very undervalued, particularly for the work you have put into the pictures and content.
I agree with your mentality of living debt free. I have now come to the conclusion, that being debt free is definately the way to go in life! You are then NOT beholden to anyone (especially the Government). We never know what is around the corner and the more financially independent we all are, the better.
Life is about experiences, NOT money and wealth...

Tell it!
The energy I put into worrying over my debt in the past took so much from my life.
I am debt free but not out the woods yet. Trying desperately to get moved to my land.
My heart aches for freedom.
Thank you so much for your kind words about my post.
Very much appreciated.

No problem.. It was a good post.

I really loved this.

I had this vision for myself a decade ago. I’m not sure what went wrong or how I veered off that path, but I certainly don’t regret doing so.

I’m with a new partner who also thinks like this and so those dreams have emerged again.

But the debt thing... 🤦🏽‍♂️ that’s what I’m trying to sort out. Unfortunately I don’t have technical skills like being able to fix a motor, or a builder, I’m pretty crap with my hands. But I like being in the land hands in soil.

This was a nice reminder that it’s still all possible, I just need to make that choice.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Living debt free is actually a choice and that is true. But sometimes one just can't help it. Things you never thought would happen would just occur suddenly and before you know it, you're already struggling with Debt. I got the message in your write up anyway and it was really interesting.

My husband was hospitalized a year and half ago we were insured and luckily nothing serious but caught us by surprise so yes the unexpected is always lurking out there to drag you down and hold you there. I choose to keep fighting.
In the end I may lose and die buried in debt. I can not see the future but I'm trying to prepare for it the best way I know how just like you and everyone else.
Doing our best is all we can do!
Thank you for your comment and I wish you all the best!

You're welcome. Just be hopeful regardless of the situation. God's going to see you through

I believe that!

Yes the unexpected is always lurking.

I could not agree with you more on all points! I have no desire to spend the rest of my life in debt, working for someone else in order to reach materialistic goals that society tells me are the proper ones. My boyfriend and I have similar goals on a smaller scale in the next five years. All we want is 2 or 3 ancrs with chickens, goats, and a large garden. We also want to be self sustainable and work for ourselves, me in my greenhouse and him and his brother in their woodshop. I think you and your family have made good choices for yourselves, and I wish you success in your endeavors! I look forward to reading your future posts and updates on your progress. :)

Thank you so much!
It hasn't been easy and the real work just beginning.
I want to live free.
I just recently got goats.
So my education in that department is just beginning and I'll make posts about it.
As for chickens, the last year we paid off our land we had some type of egg recipe for dinner 4 nights a week. They have fed us so many times! If you buy chicks don't get straight run, it's not worth it. Get some pullets and wait on the rooster till you find Mr Right
I appreciate your support so much. Love to interact with like minded folks.
All the best to you!

'living debt free is a choice' ...and a good choice to make :)

Aho! I completely understand this sentiment. I have always lived debt-free, and for the last 12 years I have been living on my own terms. There are definitely rough times, but the satisfaction of knowing that you are doing not only what you feel is best for you, but can also give to others because you are free from external debt-ties is so empowering. Keep up the great work!

Thank you!
One of my goals is to help others achieve food security and become more sustainable.
I have a little ways to go before I have much to offer in a physical sense. The struggle is real and I'm fighting forward.
Thank you for your comment very much appreciated!

It is a process. You will get there!!

Yes I will 😉

Hey @sugarcreek! Congratulations to you for setting yourself free of the rat race! Your little mini pony Toby is so sweet! A debt free lifestyle is so out of the norm. It's terrible if you ask me! There was one point 5 years ago i was so in debt about 5 yrs after the last financial crisis, i had to declare bankruptcy. It was par-a-digm shifting!!!! Gladly i am debt free. Except $700 credit card. It's tricky to manage without one. I like to travel and rent cars etc. But, wouldn't you know they are hounding me to up my limit 3 grand! 🙈 Like, NO THANKS! 👎 dirty buggers! Wishing you well! Peace & harmony among your family members who just don't understand freedom. Good health to your animals! And, plenty of vitality and abundance to accomplish all your homestead set-up & maintenance. Pleasure to meet you! I don't think we have crossed paths before. Have we?

Hello @yogajill great to meet you as well. It is good to communicate with people who understand my desire to live free. Thanks so much for wishing us well.
Toby is adorable as are all my other critters. They are a blessing.

It really does take courage to be able to do such thing. Always remember that you are living "your" life, and not the the other's lives. Always do of what you think is best for you and your loved ones.

Thank you. Very good advice.

My submission - Passive Survival
I have submitted this particular article as i believe it could and should affect everyone who walks out of their front door, yet will aid their Survival.

I'm always wowed by people who dress for the climate-controlled indoors and then don't know how to deal with outside. Being a pedestrian, if I'm going anywhere, I have to dress for the weather; there is no heater-warmed or a/c-cooled car to transport me in comfort. It's now to the point where people comment on my clothing as weird. Like, it's sub zero and I arrive bundled up in layers and mittens and scarves and hats and big warm coat, and people make jokes about how overdressed I am. I'm like, um, I walked here know, outside. I didn't run from a warm house to a warm car to a warm office. I doubt many people even OWN proper clothing!

Thanks on the comment.
We are designed to live in the Tropics and between a certain set of altitudes, here we would be comfortable naked. Move North or South just a little bit and clothing is required.

I love the title of the piece was very catchy and the message you're trying to pass across. Can you imagine just putting on the right clothes could keep most people healthy and alive yet some of us are still going against this simple concept. Your delivery is also very cool.

Great post on one of the important aspects of survival. Me like.

Great post on one of
The important aspect of
Survival. Me like.

                 - artofwisdom

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Good heads up! I'll be more conscious of what clothing I'm wearing or make sure i have some easily accessible - like in the car, to up my chances of survival in a disaster. thanks for sharing.

Thanks.... Clothing will keep you alive and contribute to your longevity with minimal effort... Providing the right clothing is worn.

I really enjoy it, it's a cool story.

Thank you very much for the good comments and the good vibes.

I present my new entry: CANNABIS: MYTHS AND REALITIES

Good post man.. I am not particularly bothered with cannabis. I cannot understand why Governments make such a big thing about a plant that grows in the wild, it's laughable really.
I always say, "One day, it'll ALL come back to the plants".
**Mark My Words".

It is a taboo and controversial issue worldwide and its consumption continues to increase.

Instead of 'legalization' i would rather say 'depenalization'. What haven't been created by humans, shouldn't be banned by them. Cannabis is a great plant of many uses. I'm saying that even if i quit smoking it about 10 years ago :) but it is obvious to anyone with common sense (and without corporate interest) that it should be depenalized and thriving.

Very good reasoning! Being natural and with its many uses, it should be legal.

It always blows my mind when I look at the government prohibiting the use of marijuana - prohibition on a plant that grows wild in many parts and has been used through out the world for many centuries with great benefits. Just goes to show the craziness of the governments legislations.

That is control of governments to generate income for themselves.

That is control of
Governments to generate
Income for themselves.

                 - fjmb86

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Congrats for all the winner, for you initiating the project and for the ones upvoting your post and making those prizes a reality for the 6 winners of last week.

Here is my entry for this week:

Thanks for being a great Steemian and keep up with the good work!

I loved this, because it’s true.

Last year I was in a program, part of which was all about writing ‘copy’ (the name really gives it away doesn’t it?) for sales, to boost my business.

I was writing stuff that people loved. But this coach was saying it wasn’t good enough, not enough engagement (on other social media platforms), not converting to sales....

“Do more of this,” he’d say. “Here, run your writing through this app,” he suggested (Hemingway).

And so I did.

But it no longer became my writing, it became a machine writing.

Then someone who was a fan of my work said they’d noticed a change in my work and said my work started to look like everyone else’s.

Then I found Steemit.

Thanks for the reminder to just write what wants to emerge naturally from within me, whatever that is.

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Only 'common' strives for 'originality'. 'Original' strives for 'common'. 'Being yourself' solves those dilemmas :)

This is a very good post @acesontop. You're right, it's really hard to maintain creating quality posts. especially nowadays. Other people even consider selling their accounts because they're not earning enough or that their posts are not being supported, others got frustrated.
It's just sad that this post didn't earn enough. Maybe because it's a long read. Sometimes it's one of the reasons why ones post didn't get an upvote.
But all in all, it really is a good posts! Thank you!

Greetings, @acesontop. I liked your post. You got me form the start, I being a lit professor :)
Ironically, I usually tell my students, to lower down their anxiety, that originality (especially in responding to literature) is hard but possible. It may be unavoidable to echo things that have been said before, but there are always ways to, as you put it, be yourself, imbue your writing with some personal touch that will make it unique.

I’m not normally that into photography, in that it’s not a topic I check out.

I really loved that photo. Because I’m not the kind of person that understands visual composition and stuff like that, I’m not sure I can describe what I liked about it.

Maybe the close-up shows the details? Knowing how small these critters are, and yet bringing it to light, making it larger than life?

Beautiful. I’d hang this on my wall.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I'm glad you liked it. I guess I made nice selection of the photos.

The need for expression ( aka creativity) is coming in waves... unless it is long standing wave :)

Lol @ long standing waves..

I think many people think that "creativity" and "artistic talent" are the same thing. There are many ways to be creative. Creativity is a way of being, not just a type of action. Creativity means thinking outside the box, and I love that you encourage people to do just that by breaking it down into some easy steps. We are all creative, the trick is to find you creative outlet! And sometimes, it is not where you thought it would be!!

Quite true! It isn't always where we thought it will be, that's why we need to be open and let ourselves find that creative outlet

Exactly! I have a friend that is a "Creativity Evangelist". She goes into big corporations and helps people find their personal creativity in the world place. I always thought it was a fantastic job, since I found that my creative outlet is in how I organize things. For some reason, I see the parts coming together in ways others don't, which makes it much easier to plan and manage. A strange little super power. She says she comes across these odd powers all the time, which is what she loves about helping people discover themselves!

Oh, wow! Your friend is doing a really great job out there in helping people discover themselves. We really do need more people like her

You really do have a great outlet for your creativity, being able to organize and manage things properly is something I know a whole lot of people so wish to have.

So true! For years, I used it in the corporate world, then as an artist manager. Today, I use it mainly when I facilitate workshops, but I feel like I could use it more to help others. If you have any suggestions, let me know!

You have used that so well and it's just great! There is definitely so much you can use it for. Maybe stretching out to planning events (aside from workshops) will be a great idea?

I used to produce large dance parties and educational events. To be honest, I loved it! If anyone is looking for someone to put together a rockin' party with a strong message, I am your producer!

Great post on creativity! It really opens your eyes to what is possible and you gave some wonderful steps to bring forth more creativity. Love it! I work with young children and love seeing their curiosity and imagination at work. We provide them with lots of material and invitations to get their creative juices flowing. One of the times I felt most creative - art wise, was when the artist community put on a summer camp where they introduced you to different mediums and let you play with them with some guidance for how to get the most out of each medium. It was wonderful!

Working with kids must have been really enlightening and beautiful. It really is amazing to see how far one's imagination can go especially with kids, with them, it seems like there is just no limits. Beautiful souls, they are.

expressing your artistic creativity that way must have been really wonderful..

I love working with kids! Their sense of wonderment. I love too that we have such flexibility in the "Play and Exploration" program so we can introduce them to all sorts of things.

That really is awesome!

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