The Deadpost Initiative - Week 12 - Share your most undervalued work + week 11 winners ($20 STEEM prize pool)

in #contest7 years ago

What is the Deadpost Intitiative?

The Deadpost Initiative is an attempt to give love to some posts that were overlookeed during their short 7 day life span, a chance to bring your old posts back to life and maybe make some friends in the process. The goal is not only to share some love with SBD but also by engagement to generate discussion.

Last week

What a crazy week it's been. Deadpost is doing as well as ever. We had a bunch of new faces this week, many of whom will be taking home some STEEM. I need to learn to read these posts as they come in so I'm not left with a ton of stuff to read on the last day before making the next post. Great posts though!

We had something very nice this week. Someone nominated a post other than they're own. This is totally allowed as long as that post fits all the requirements, and make sure it's an active account so that I don't send the prize to no one.

Last Week's Winners

@maintain4real-eu - $ 5 STEEM prize

@maintain4real-eu provides us with a lot of insight on how to find motivation yourself, rather than simply relying on other people. I found the advice really helpful. His line of thinking is very similar to my own and I often remind myself of similar thoughts to stay positive and strong. Great post!


@binkyprod - $ 5 STEEM prize

@binkyprod takes us through her deep dark gloom and shares how she found her way out in an unlikely way. I'm glad you are out of your depression. Always remember "the dawn will come" :-D

Gaming & Depression (How Video Games Helped)

@meliorish - $ 5 STEEM prize

This is the first time we've had a recipe as a deadpost winner. The honor goes to @meliorish! She gives a step by step on making some really nice snacky snacks. Perfect time for the holidays.

Recipe with images: Classic Dinner Rolls

@vanessavi - $ 2.5 STEEM prize

@metzli - $ 2.5 STEEM prize

@metzli gets the honor of being the first person to win a prize for curation. She found this incredible post by @vanessavi on what true love really is. It's not what you may be thinking, this post is hardly cheesy and incredibly insightful so go check it out and go tell vanessavi to post more! And check out @metzli as well!

What's the Difference Between Love and Neediness?

Week 12

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Share your best Deadpost in the comments!

The best posts will be rewarded with half of the payout from this post (or a minimum of $10 SBD or STEEM, split between winners) and will be featured in a future post.


•Please only submit 1 post.
•Posts must have a payout of less than $5.
•Posts must be at least one month old.
•I recommend you don't enter the same post twice in the same month if you didn't win the first time.
•Vote for 1-3 post by others. Please share WHY you liked their posts. If you don't vote for someone else's post by commenting you will not be eligible to win.
•Winners will be chosen based on how original, creative, informative and well written their posts are, as well as how well received they are in the comments. I will use the quality of comments as the main factor in judging who wins.
•There will be a slight bias towards smaller accounts but large accounts are welcome to join and compete or join just for fun and to share their old work.
•There may also be prizes for stellar comments and engagement.
•There will be 2 or more winners depending on how big the payout for this post is and depending on how many quality posts are entered into the contest.

  • Please upvote generously on your favorite post in the comments below, we'd like to generate a sense much support as possible for all participants and the prize pool is still growing.

Upvote and resteem to help us raise our reward pool! And remember to comment and upvote on comments in this post please to show support for deadposts! :-)

The prize pool will be half of the post payout or at least $10
I'm still looking for SP delegation to offer some payout on all submissions. If you can help, please let me know :-)

This is not merely a contest, this is an opportunity to have your material read and an opportunity for us to really discuss each other's posts.


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The Be Awesome discord chat, was created with the intention of making deeper connections with fellow steemians. Come talk about "deep shit", practice languages or make friends.

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Confessions of the Damaged - a collection of short stories


Thank you for creating this opportunity to breath new life into old efforts. Here's my entry:

This story got me right where it counts.

Your narrative and story-telling is to my untrained eye exceptional and I really empathized with that little kid plying his budding business in the snow.

Plus there are certainly lessons to be learnt from the experience shared. You may have taken a long time to take on Bill's teachings - but they hit home eventually - and that is what matters. :c)

This has my vote.

Thank you for your kind comments and support. Life certainly is a continuous education.

Great writing and great story. Really well done. I can’t believe it didn’t get more attention, but I guess that’s what it’s like when you don’t have any whale followers.

I mean sorry you had to deal with such a psychopath as a neighbor! His logic sounds very similar to anyone who wants power bad enough.

Thanks very much for your comments and support. I'm very glad to have an opportunity like this deadpost initiative, for a chance to reintroduce some of my earlier works.
Here is an interesting post by @ura-soul, that relates to your statement about power. While I might not agree with everything he says, I do think he is bang on about the difference between power and control.

Thank you for this long story! You got me reading it entirely until the end! And thank you for sharing with us your lessons learned! I appreciate the courage you had during the whole situation!

All the best for you! You get my vote :)

I'm glad that you enjoyed my work, and thank you for your support.

This is probably the longest post I've read on Steemit up till this day but you're writing is excellent - very visual with good dialogue - and the story really takes me in. One thing I can't understand though, is how you can remember this so well, as it happened a long time ago. I guess you either have a photographic memory or a great imagination.

By the way, this actually felt like more than just a story to me. Like a (bunch of) metaphor(s) for a lot of things that I can't really put my fingers on.

Thanks for sharing this with us!

Thanks for your comments. This experience is a very vibrant memory for me, and a story that I've told and retold many times in person. This was my first experience dealing directly with philosophical and idealogical differences, which makes the memory clear, because so much about belief systems and character was being sharply defined on that afternoon. Every event mattered, and still matters to me and so I remember it clearly. The one detail that I'm not as certain on is the names of the people involved - that's not as important to me now - except for my direct neighbours the Bruce's.
I know the stand that I took on that day, because it contrasts with times when I haven't been as strong. Do you remember times when you were stronger than you usually are? Those memories tend to stand out.

This is awesome! I have tons of dead posts, but I’m only about a month in. Shrug 🤷🏽‍♀️. I appreciate any help and getting to know others so thank you so much. As much as I love politics and currency I’ve been writing quite a bit about culture, art, photography. I’ll change things up t see what sticks. This is my original writing about a Native American drum. Happy Holidays! PS. I’m not yet on Steemit for 30 days.

This is one of the most interesting posts I've encountered on here - so far - mainly because it's - and I don't mean to be offensive - the kind of stuff that I've only seen and heard of in movies, comics and books so far. It's so distant from my Western European life.

One of the reasons why I enjoy Steemit so much, is that I get to hear of and actually interact with people from countries and cultures all over the world. Besides the aforementioned, you are a good writer and storyteller and I love how you share not only the process but even give us a little sample of actually playing your drum. I'm looking forward to your future posts :)

What a lovely comment and post. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your feelings and insights. Interesting that you mention "comics and books." I had no idea any of this was mentioned in comics. Cool. I agree that sharing information from other cultures is going to be great on Steemit. I feel because we get to write blogs on info instead of just Meme's or short comments like on Facebook. i feel like I get to share so much more of who I am and get to write too. I love to write, and I am very honored to read that you like my writing. As you know, it is not an easy process. Thank you for your support and kindness. Happy Holidays. xx

PS. I'm going to go take a peak at your blog now. (:

You're very welcome :)

Comics, books, movies, tv series, that's how we learn(t) about other cultures in the years before the Internet entered our homes.

I remember, that when I was a little kid (in the mid to late 80s), I had a wigwam, a toy tomahawk and a head band with feathers. Whenever we played cowboys and indians (I didn't know the word Native American back then), I preferred to be an indian.

Things change when you get older and get to learn history and all. Then again, I love how kids are still so pure, innocent and able to easily identify with anyone. If all humans stayed like that when they grew up, the world would be way better off ;)

Thanks for checking out my blog. Lately, I've mainly been focusing on writing on movies but I'm definitely more versatile than that.

Happy Holidays to you too! x

Kids still played cowboys and indians in the 80s and in other countries. Now that is interesting. NdN is a good side to choose! LOL
Kids are innocent and pure and it definitely is beautiful to see their innocence. Movies is good, what is your favorite movie?

We should definitely take kids as our examples some times. Interestingly enough, they take us as their examples - as we are the adults - and later loose their innocence.

I blogged about some of my favorite movies (per genre) but I probably got a couple of hundred favorites, which makes it (nearly) impossible for me to answer this question :)

Okay I’m
Going now ...

I would love to hear you play it. I try not to regret anything, but I truly hope that if I ever return for a long enough time period, I get a chance to connect with some Native Americans who have a passion for the spiritual aspects of their culture. I would really love to learn more about it, not in an academic way, through experience. Do you know many who are really engaged in these traditions?

@whatamidoing. Yes, I am. LOL! That's why I put I am First Nation. It's taken me awhile to get more involved and I was not born on a Rez, but yes I am very well connected. I'm trying to get my 5k following from FB over here, but they haven't yet grasped the concept. I'm going slow. Hey, that was me tapping the drum in my video. LOL You heard me play.

PS. My slider just showed up and I'd like to upvote your comment. What percentage is reasonable to upvote on a comment? I'm just getting the hang of this. I need 30 hours for a reboot. I've been upvoting like crazy so I'm on cooldown. LOL

I usually upvote 15-30 for comments unless im trying to get back to a decent level of vp like right now

Sorry I didn't notice the video cause videos are not loading on steemit for me right now. I'm looking forward to reading more of your posts :-D

and congratulations on the slider!

No worries, what's the slider mean? I'll post more on First Nation soon. I have to post some of the Colorado mountains for a very nice person today. I did a post on Mesa Verde at the beginning of the week you might enjoy. :)

I'll check it out!

Now, I'll admit that I am not the most musically inclined person that I know - and this is one reason why it took me so long to comment.

However this drum sut is beautiful and I could readily appreciate the craftsmanship that went into it (especially the drumsticks). All this along with your instructional and educational explanation of every aspect of the drum (I never knew that they needed greasing!) made for an excellent post.

This has my vote. :c)

How was I not following you before? Hey, don’t wait so long next time ... thank you for your vote and a help to n my confidence on this platform. Blessings thank you 🙏🏽

Well... it also doesn't help that I am only able to see pictures in posts around quarter of the time thanks to local network restrictions (and your post is a lot easier to appreciate with the photos included. ;c)

As for why you haven't been following me. Every follow is a personal choice and I know that not everybody will appreciate each of the three main flavours that my posts tend to take on. :cP

It'll be great to be on your feed from now on. Its a little daunting starting out on this platform but I can tell you that you are going to be more than just fine. ^_^ Blessings to you also.

Thank you so much for your encouragement and I love what you write so I just have to get my account more regulated because I delegated, then I joined a trail for one day and it messed my entire thing up. Then Steem went down major so I'm trying to figure out how do I get my VP back up? LOL
I was going crazy upvoting people everyday nonstop. Yes, it is daunting and thank you again. Hugs.


Oh! A lot of users don't realize that their voting power only recovers by 20% per 24 hours. :c) So its normal that 'going crazy upvoting people everyday nonstop' will cause voting power issues. :cP

Having only recently accumulated sufficient Steem to get a vote slider (and voting at less than 100% on comments does a lot to help manage voting power better) I have not yet explored delegation. I understand that its not worked out for you thusfar - but that you have hope for it. :c)

Oh - and Happy New Year. ^_^

I do realize that my power goes down and depending on many factors how much I have to use. I was talking about something different. Guess it’s hard to explain unless an entire blog is written about it, which many have been recently. Happy New Year!

Here is one that I thought was pretty interesting, but I was brand new and almost no one even saw it. Thanks for giving it a second chance to fly, little post, fly!!! lol!

Interesting the correlation between raw milk and legal weed. I wonder of there's marijuana based milk - "milkweed" - and does the weed pasteurize the milk? I'm not even high and you got me thinking like this.

LOL! It is supposed to unlock creativity, apparently even thinking about it works!

Milkweed....interesting ....Lol

Isn't it amazing that they sell soda and sugary chemicals in schools and yet....raw milk.

And then people use scientific studies to justify some of these decisions but who pays for the research? Is it really getting a full picture?

Now lead in the water and no one is really doing anything about it......good old home of the free..

At least more people seem to be waking up to this nonsense.

Thank you yet again, @whatamidoing, for continuing to organize this symbol of Steemit goodwill in action. ^_^

This shall be a more serious post - and I would suggest all to read it. Its worth it. Better still. Spread it around among those who do need it if you are not among their number.

Considering Suicide? Let Me Try To Ease and Immunize You.

I'll let the post speak for itself. See you in the comments. :c)

Good post, difficult topic, but one that I think we need to have continued conversations about in the open so that it isn't so 'taboo'. I've lost two brothers to suicide and it is so so hard to understand.

Thank you, @byn! Your opening up takes a special kind of courage.

Oh - and taboo topics tend to be the ones that most desperately need serious discussion.

Thank you again. ^_^

As a survivor of the suicidal thoughts that SSRIs can cause, I appreciate your efforts to help people out of that very dark place!

Thank you @fishyculture. :c)

Thank you also for reminding me that 'side effects' are a thing.

Its harder to sty afloat when one is taking on water.

I am glad that you made it through. :c)

My hope is to see more people equipped with the perspective, will and knowledge to avoid the deadly pitfall whih is suicide.

Thank you.

I’d first like to say what a lovely job! I’ve had long relationships with those surviving depression. First was a suicidal ideation and currently one who is surviving SAD. It’s not easy. In addition, this country has a very high rate of suicidal ideation and an even higher rate in my community of the First Nation. This post is very timely.

What I loved most about your blog was that it touched on pertinent facts and encouragement. I loved that you wrote it’s not about me, it’s about you right now. That it’s okay to be sad. It’s okay to feel. It’s okay to reach out for support. Don’t give up. It’s normal to feel sad. The graph of fatal and non fatal was amazing! That the person will be missed. I adored bringing up Faith/beliefs. Loved loved loved to let it go! Forgive yourself. Enjoyed the suggestions to try something new and treat yourself. What i always suggest no matter what Soul is to find ones Purpose or Path and you mentioned that. Thank you for sharing and I hope to see you around. Blessings.🙏🏽 A’oo

Crying rocks! I would cry every day if I could. There is nothing weak about it

Hey, who said it was weak? Cry as much as you want ... I would be funny here ... but we don't know each other that well ... yet! Hugs.

This is a super serious subject so I will be sensitive ... my sassy side wants to come out.

@eaglespirit, your glowing praise of my article blew me away. I am deeply grateful! :c)

I had no idea that suicide in the First Nation was so prolific. In truth I had not heard of the First Nation before meeting you - and now I put two and two together and draw the connection of hardships of agriculture workers in the region (and in many places).

SAD is something that a fair number of people live with even if they don't realize it. Now that I think about it - I sometimes share that I "die" in June and am revived in October. I am enjoying the Winter - doing my best not to think about the approaching Summer 6 months away. ^_^

Eh... not saying that I'm SAD per se. Lots of reasons that people can end up feeling down - and one of the lesser known reasons is a deficiency in testosterone.

Many among us are among the 'walking wounded' of the depressed - but I like to think that many among us needn't be so - and that breaking the taboo surrounding it is the first step.

It is hoped that as I gradually grow to understand depression and suicidal tendencies better, my next version will greater touch the needs of groups who might not have been sufficiently served by my post. :c)

Thank you again (and I'm glad that you found my post helpful). I look forward to crossing paths with you in future. :cP

Thank you for your heartfelt response and time you took to write me a beautiful comment in return. The First Nation is not only agricultural in nature, it stems from years of abuse from other cultures. There is quite a bit of suicide, drug abuse, alcoholism, rape and kidnapping. It is a very sad state within a state type of situation, that no one outside of the reservations (other than fellow NdNs admit). If you ever get a chance to watch a very good movie about a little bit of this, I would suggest watching Wind River. I wish you the best on surviving and wonder if you have tried samE and/or liquid vitamin D drops?
I also had worked for SSA and assisted in the processing of these cases. Blessings to you. Hugs.

Um. Oops! For some reason my mind drifted to the Middle-to-Far-East. I guess that sleep was overtaking me. :c)

I had little idea that your area of the North suffered so badly from such afflictions. One reason that I delayed in responding is that I have yet to get back into the right mindset to process all that in the way that it should (seriously-but-productively) - my attention is scattered - perhaps due to the season.

Will definitely put that movie on my to-watch list... and thank you for the suggestions. :c)

No worries, and I truly appreciate your mood and mindframe. I"m wishing you a happy holidays and that this season brings you peace.

Thank you. ^_^

May your day and festive season also be peaceful and full of joy. Happy Holidays and a Merry Christmas. :c)

Same to you always and forever! xx

A very heavy topic, but one that affects many of us. I think people should try every single thing they can try before they even think about taking such extreme measures. That's what helped me when I was growing up. "Have I tried everything I can try?" The answer was always obviously no. Also, Wouldn't it be a bitch if reincarnation is a thing and suicide put some you right back in a similar or even worse situation?

Not to make light of it of course, just something to think about.

OMG, I want to laugh so hard because you are 100 percent right. Those that do not complete their life path will just come back to finish it ... it's really not funny because so many are surviving and struggling ...

Actually I really like your way of talking yourself out of doing something more drastic. :c)

And much like movies, the next question one could ask is whether there is anything one might like to try or experience again. Think of such as 're-runs'.

Thank you very much for the thoughtful comment. Yes the topic 'is' heavy - but a little knowledge can make a big difference. :c)

Incidentally - that is precisely what I currently suspect.

@pathforger, who is talking out of what? I am one of the lucky ones, I do not have suicidal ideation. Personally I have felt that can be the "easy" way out, but I am what is called a high sensitive and hear Spirit. Doing myself in would be of no use as yes I would just come right back to finish the assigned job. This goes deep into heavy spirituality, so if you are not into this type of discussion, forgive me. Also, as i stated earlier I am very knowledgeable in this area since I dated two men who have survived. In addition, it was my job to assist those gaining federal funding for suicidal ideation. Currently, I work to assist those who are being taken advantage of by others and prosecute those that harm those suffering from mental and physical conditions. My "humor" was in response to the comment right above mine. Please do not take me for not taking this subject matter seriously. If you read my prior posts I am a very serious advocate for those in need. xx

Ahem. Reading through my comment again I realize that I 'did' make it sound like you were referring to yourself. Clumsiness on my part. This 'really' was not my intention - having wanted to say that I liked your proposed technique of talking 'the self' (not yourself) out of such.

Furthermore I had not gotten the impression that you were making light of the situation. 'I' have a habit of making light of serious matters (you could say that its a coping thing ^_~).

As for spirituality - I like to simply keep an open mind (I do subtly link to my personal faith/view at one point in-post).

Your defense of those who are at their most vulnerable is commendable. Some persons 'do' need protectors to stand on their behalf and we 'all' need somebody to have our back once in a while.

To conclude on the point started - sorry for errantly indicating that you were in any way suicidal at any point present or past. Such was again, a misstep unintended on my part. :c)

Dear Sir @pathforger,

I humbly accept your post and love the way you write. The "Ahem" is most appealing and I'm most grateful for your words. I find most encouragement in your sentiment and Wish you a Very Happy Holiday with many Blessings. Stay sweet and charming as you are. xx

Wow...nice wrote up brother....
There is this i heard the act of suicide doesnt begain in a day and thats difficult i understand even the act of suicide reqretable by the suicider if i got the word correctly also as one who has shake off thoughts of it at several occassions. I remenber my uncle sitting with me, pointing out the beauty and the promising future of life and he would say "don't die yet.

Thank you kindly @kingjrn.

Yes, it is most likely to happen when we feel most alone - and the night does add a sense of isolation - just as it always had throughout our evolution.

It sounds like your uncle had some really good advice. Good on you and thanks for sharing. :c)

Wow thanks......thanks so much i wrote this post for about a month ago is about the very importance of steemit/steem blockain to the masses expecially the poor masses and why we need to have a mass awareness.....

One of the things that I love the most is something that you've highlighted in this post. This is the single most culturally diverse platform with which I engage. I love the fact that there are people here from all places, from all walks of life. Steemit means something different to all of them, and it has utility across the board.

I think that there aren't many Steemians who wouldn't appreciate individuals who edify Steemit.

The notion that addiction of Steemit can be a good thing - is one that I found interesting - and in this I presume that you equate such with an addiction in learning and teaching - in which case it is hard to make a case against such.

While writing can always improve - such can come by through reading and through practice. Thank you for sharing.

Yeah thank you for your comment is an honour. When i came across steemit i felt excited i thought it was the brake through everyone needs. I put on me to tell everyone and help them register too. But now is difficult to see it this way, as it is is not funny....i agree with u on the point one gets better ... Although i have come to realise the platform is not properly design for everyone just as life has it way of separating people into and poor......

Purpose and education and the adding of value... What's not to like? I also appreciate your frame of a "beneficial addiction"; this is an effective way to draw attention to what you're saying, and lead to the idea of developing good habits in general.

I completely agree that blockchain has the potential for eradicate poverty... what an exciting thing to be part of!


Thanks for giving these posts a new chance at life! The sad fact is that there is so much content being produced on steemit now that a lot of the newcomers (like me) have a difficult time having their voice get heard.

This is one of my very first posts, and while it did receive a little attention I think it deserves another shot at the limelight :)

I think this explains why anyone who is currently in the cryptospace, whether it's as an investor, a steemit author, an ICO manager, a crypto YouTuber, etc etc etc... We're all going to have a truly amazing 2018.

Omg did u just have 0.00payout on that post...crazy...hell no steemit aint getting better with this....this absolutely amazing...

Thanks for the words of support, @kingjrn! To be fair, it was one of my very first posts ever on steemit. For that matter, I have very few overall as yet.

In the theme of the season, a Christmas short real-life-story that I wrote last month when I first started this awesome steemit journey!

The Christmas That Almost Wasn't

:) We had "homemade" Christmas every year for a long time. It was lovely, the kids did not know anything different! I think it was good for them, in retrospect, don't you?

Absolutely! We had many, MANY years of being too broke for much of any kind of gifts, but my kids were always happy and very thankful for anything they did receive and loved making gifts for others. We would spend Christmas morning delivering cookies to people who were working at hospitals and fire stations and police stations and that was their favorite part, even though they had to wait until afternoon to open gifts.

And yet they had friends who were wealthy and would literally get thousands of dollars in gifts and be ungrateful and awful about it. It was an eye opening lesson for all of us!

I still always wish that I could get more for them, but I know that when I can't, they are still thankful and wonderful about just getting to spend time together (they're mostly all grown and out of the house now)

We have given silver ounces for the last several years. The grandkids call it "big money" lol! Hoping to make a little nest age for them when they are older. I think my kids might get cryptokitties... lol! We try not to participate in the commercialized version of the holiday. :)

Amazingly beautiful pictures, love them all. Thanks a lot for putting them down here. You made my day. :)

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