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RE: The 1111 Writing Contest - What magic can you create with only 1111 characters?! - Week 2 - 'Heaven' [TOP PRIZE 3 SBD + Runner up Prizes!! Winners from Week 1 Announced!]
define manly LOL I love all types of people gender typical or not. that being said I think it was more the art you chose for your post here. I stand corrected LOL ! real men wear pink anyway because they are confident in who they are ;)
aaahahaha I love that - real mean wear pink - I totally agree... and i've been seen sporting some pink and even more colorful garments for sure haha...
Yeah a few of my friends said this to me when I first found the name - but I know it's the right name for me... plus we are all masculine and feminine within... It's good to find the harmony of both!
Thanks again for being here! You are much appreciated :) <3
With Love
Hart Floe Poet
Yes real men wear pink. :p From readings ive read pink is actually a male color and blue is female. Great convo andtoaly fits into 11:11 and 333 :)
haha that's funny... blue is my favourite colour... maybe I am a woman (on the inside)?!
well if reincarnation exists we were all one or the other at some point ...
I feel you are 100 in that those who have balance have both. 👫