Art/Graphic Design Contest - Steem: The Gateway to Cryptocurrency
The last Steem Meme Contest was a huge success. Let's do it again!
This contest will be based around the theme Steem: The Gateway to Cryptocurrency.
Entries can be in the form of professional looking graphics or memes.
Here are a few examples of graphics that have been created in the past:
(They do not have to be animated in order to qualify, although motion does obviously help to grab attention.)
^ from @rannarvasa1
^ from @kyriacos
^ from @overkillcoin
The rules of the contest are:
- Entries should be images/gifs/memes that are related to the theme Steem: The Gateway to Cryptocurrency.
- You must permit the community to use the image(s) (royalty free) for promotional purposes.
- Submissions must be made as a reply to this post with a link to the image file, so that the image shows up in the comments below. (You can also create a post on your own personal blog, but just be sure to include the image as a reply here too.)
- Users are able to make as many submissions as they would like.
- The winners will be chosen by me (based on my subjective opinion). I will take upvotes and comments from other users into account, but they will not necessarily be the deciding factor.
- Submissions will be accepted until the payout period of this post is closed.
- Winners will be declared and paid within 24 hours of the contest ending.
One thing to keep in mind:
Be sure to promote Steem (not Steemit).
The prizes are:
- First Place: 50 STEEM
- Second Place: 30 STEEM
- Third Place: 20 STEEM
I'm very excited to see what everyone comes up with!
Hey @timcliff , I tried something different :p (please open it on new tab for better resolution)
date on the graphic is when steem first joined the exchange market
Here is my entry , about which I also made a post:

Update : Here is the new one, with the fix resizing all images. Also added a couple of dapps.
There is a little black line that shows up on the bottom of a few of the images, can that be easily fixed?
I am not seeing any black line, however, I have the original images, which is used for animation. I can share them, and you can have a look and then we animate again ? May be we can discuss on discord ?
Also I missed adding utopian, so I can add couple in the first image to make it look better.
Looks great!!
A second entry
Hey @timcliff, I made a Drake no/yes meme. In the first part, the police shows a "cigarette" which is considered as a GATEWAY DRUGS or GATEWAY TO DRUGS along with alcohols and drake says no. In the second part, the police shows Steem which is a GATEWAY TO CRYPTOCURRENCY and Drake likes it:)
lololol ... how cool is this! I was laughing so much right now ... yeahh, I am addicted to steem, I have to admit that :)
Thanks for that man:) HAHAHAHAHAHA
Still laughing ... Yeahhhhh, you're more than welcome!
Here is mine.

I uses a search kinda animation.
This is awesome!! Can you slow down the last two slides though (where there is a lot of text)? It disappears before I think most people can read it.
Okay what i did was to freeze the parts you pointed out for few seconds respectively. If you want me to freeze it for longer, I can still do that.

Hi @timcliff, I created my own idea of Steem as The Gateway to Cryptocurrency. I made a gif in which "Steem" is the vault and inside the vault is the cryptocurrencies. Basically, It means that Steem is the gateway to cryptocurrency.
Please open it on a new tab for a better resolution:)
Nice :)
Thank you man:)
Okay. I actually designed a 2 different gifs for Steem as the gateway to cryptocurrency.

Hope it does the job.
Here is my entry
Second Entry for the Contest:
Hi @timcliff, here's my entry. Thanks

Can you do an alternate version that uses the word “stuff”? :)
LOL, here you are sir! ;)
And with a slight colour variation - bringing in the steemit greeny-blue...
Hi again @timcliff, I've made an animated version of this as well.