The Questions Contest #22 | Is it ethically wrong or right to raise and kill animals so that human beings can eat them? | Reply and win SBD & Smartcash!

in #contest7 years ago

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For example you could say that if you kill a cow you are depriving it of it's existence, which could have being a good existence, so why deprive it of that because you want to eat some meat when there are other options.

The counter-argument is that this cow would not have existed if we had not made any plan in advance that at some point we would kill it and would also sell the meat for consumption, because obviously it costs a lot to rear a cow, and we can only meet that cost if the cow is killed. In conclusion i do not see anything bad in rearing and killing animals for the purpose of consumption.

I believe that maybe feeding them freely and killing them in a manner they do not suffer from pain could be more or less ethical, the problem I see it's when animals are suffering, so you are giving life to an animal just to suffer. Thanks for joining the contest!

Lol i understand you, thanks for your contribution

@dayjee, your first paragraph mention why kill a cow in the name of eating meat when there are option

Please is there any option that doesn't involve killing animals.

That was an instance.

It is quit ethical and right to raise animals for humans consumptions i will list and explain some of the points below but first of all i will like you to know am a graduate of agriculture from a reputable University in Nigeria FUTMINNA.

Hunting can no longer meets the protein demand of man.

From the beginning man has being feeding on animal but majorly by hunting this animals gradually the animals are going into extinction and also improving in techniques to escape man thus the introduction of what is called livestock farming.
Man no longer need to hunt before he can put meat on his table all he needs do is to buy from a seller. Even the animals in the wilds now have more freedom from the constant attack by man. Now man can rear goat, cattle,birds ,pigs, fish and many other terrestrial and aquatic animals without disturbing the peace of the animals in the wilds.

High-protein, low-carbohydrate diets are the hottest thing since sliced flank steak, and every food marketer in the known universe appears to want a piece of the protein pie.
Body builders are snatching, grabbing, and gulping down protein shakes. Dieters are gobbling down protein bars (and shunning pasta) in hopes of quick weight loss.

The above comment shows the unquestionable high demand of protein which can only be met by rearing of animals for mans consumption.

Is it ethical ?

In the beginning when God created man he said

And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. Gen 1:28

I quit agree that it is ethical and lawful to rear animal for human consumption.

its all good.

Thanks brother

Thanks brother

Nice one bro.

Thanks dear

I support this

Thanks love

@thepassenger thats two very political questions in a row... what happen to the fun questions?

haha there will be time for all kind of questions in this game ;) sometimes more political, sometimes more fun!

Oh I know just poking fun. I enjoy the questions each moring.

I used to believe it was wrong, then I realized we would make a bigger damage for the earth if we only feed with plants as monocoltures destroy whole ecosystems. So for a pig that you're not killing you're probably going to wipe out colonies of ants, spiders, nets of mushrooms and so on.
At the moment I don't think there is a way for us to feed without killing something (but, as always, I may be wrong. And hopefully I am )
I also believe there is no universal right or wrong, that's up to anyone of us, so, you know, you asked a very complicated question :D

I can't upvote right now as I'm powering up and it makes no sense to give you a 0 worth upvote. I'll try to remember it and do it later.
Aside from the contest it's a nice topic, thank you

I think the more we walk towards sustainability the better we will do. Right now the planet can't handle so much meat production due to lack of water and deforestation. I do eat meat from time to time as well, but I try only to eat certified meat which has been produced thinking in a sustainable manner. Thanks for joining the daily question!

Would it be horrible from me to suggest the idea that we are maybe too many? :D
Usually people don't like me saying this because everyone loves kids.
But I do think it's an issue

I think she already won the prize ... just adding one thing, only unethical beings on this earth trying to destroy this wonderful planet are human.
We are hypocrites ... if something living could not speak or say something for itself, then we think killing it is alright and if you see some senses, emotions in an animal than its bad.
You not what is ethically right, eating the minimal and not wasting lots of food!

I agree with you.
It's also stupid because we're creating an horrible environment for us too

It is right eat animal meat

great! Thanks for sharing your opinion again :)

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Its Right! By nature,Animals are made to be eaten. They are a source of protein,for example,Cow produces milk which is meant to be drunk. They also constitute human daily nutrition requirements.

By nature we always hunted, but by nature we did not have animal farms. The problem I see is how I mentioned before, it's the way we do it, which is not sustainable and in the end it will probably kill us all due to climatic changes and deforestation. thanks for joining!

The fact is that, humans consider anything not human as fair game. Technically, eating meet is not necessary for survival, as we can get most of the nutrients in it from plants. In addition, due to the nature of food chain, plants contain more energy than animals as their energy source is from the sun. Aflnimals then eat these plants, and in any conversion of energy there is always a decrease in the amount of useful energy converted. This energy might have gone through different conversions as canivores feed in herbivores and other canivores feed in carnivores over time, that when it eventually gets to man, the energy present in the meat will be drastically lower than the one originally in plant.

If this is the case, this means that man is killing animals for meat solely because he can, we it has been explained plants contain far more benefits than animals, nutrition wise.

So if it is the case that man rears animals just because he likes the taste, at the detriment to that animal's life and the ecosystem at large, I believe it is unethical.

Thanks for your opinion and for joining the contest :) I agree in many terms with u!

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