RE: 150 SBD giveaway challenge UPDATE
Hi GM! Please see my entry in your contest post.
I have signed up 31 people AND bought a Brushed Verona Cuff for my sweetheart! I am thrilled!
Also, i have a contest running through the Month of March — anyone who signs up via thedamus gets an entry to win a 5g Pamp Suisse Lady Fortuna ingot still in its assay card! And, if any of my peeps buy something, they’re getting another two entries...
Further, it is literally my fucking B-day today!!! Hoot!
I’m working on the teevee show “Van Helsing” (stunts) and man o man i have bust my ballz for this one!!!
Also, see my post, i got a silver guitar pick today as a present from an asskicking Steemian who informed me that “gold” ones have a warmer and more luxuious sound — go figure! — so you know what’s still on the list!!!
Anyway, it has all been fun, and i offer congratulations to the winner(s) whomever that turns out to be.
Cheers GM — you’ve been a miner for a heart of gold and there’s music in your near future 🤘😍
You are a stunt man??? I had no idea! Wear your Goldmoney shirt!
Ha! There’s NO WAY that’d get past wardrobe! Lol.
...stunts, actor, crypto consultant, stacker, Menē ambassador — i got a few tricks up my sleeve 😜
I love this!! Stuntman by day Steemit by night! (The drunk part is Classic!)
They got the right guy for the job! 😜😁😂🤣🤣
Who could deny such talent?!
You know my name GM — google that shit! 😜
Google that shit 🤣🤣🤣