Get Paid To Rant #4! 10 SBD Inside Plus Upvotes!

in #contest7 years ago

Get Paid to Rant #4

10SBD reward to the best rant!

Sponsored by @cnts 

Who's ready to rant!!!!!

The rants continue to get more epic! Week #1 saw @plushzilla walk away with the prize. The award for rant#2 went to @binkyprod for this rant. Congratulations to all of them!

We understand what it's like when someone just pisses you off. When a pleb who is not a millionaire questions your cred. We care that someone's raining on your special day or you just got dumped on by that shit coin.

Have moss in your grass, or a bad hair day? Did your boss demand too much? Or did your kids wind you up? We all have those days. We all need to rant. So here is a place you can come and you can rant. A place where you will be rewarded by just getting it off your chest. Yes we will pay you to rant. And it’s really easy to join in. All you have to do is get it off your chest and rant in the comments below.  We care.   We give a fuck STEEM Dollars!


  • You must really get it off your chest. Have a rant. Tell us what caused it and how you are feeling. Let it out…..GRRRRRRRR  
  • It can be about anything you feel the need to rant about
  • You can only rant once in each weekly rant post
  • You must up vote and resteem this post  
  • NO rants about post performance on Steemit will be rewarded

Every quality rant will receive an upvote from @steemitbc. Everybody that takes part in this rant will also receive a share in the post rewards  This rant post is open until the payout time is up. Check in again next week for Get Paid to Rant #5 

Rant on!

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fuck, its 7 days since this post and i never got a chance to rant

Sounds like you have something to let out @paulag go for it.

thats a funny contest one..i smile now..and i wait for your new content best of luck...

Do not make my bunghole angry!... You have any holio?

no my dear..but have you?

Many bad things have happened lately. Will start off not-TL;DR for my first post. Here's what happened to me the other day.

Since it's winter here now, my toes get kinda chilly when sitting around at the computer. To somewhat counteract my toes turning into fishsticks, I like to put a hot water bottle on my feet.
After the water had cooled down I went downstairs to refill the hot water bottle. This time I decided to not be wasteful and wash my face with the water that was still in the old bottle.
So I screw open the hot water bottle and start washing my face. After a couple of seconds I notice the water tastes kind of funny. I wasnt sure what the case was.
-Is it salty?
-Did I use too hot water and end up melting the rubber?
Turns out someone had put vinegar into the water cooker in the morning to clean off the calcification.
At the time I kept calm, since it wasnt their fault, but I still ended up smelling like vinegar for several hours. The smell just wouldnt go away.
My uvula has had a sore sensation after this took place. Several times a day, one of my nostrils feels like it's on fire when I breath in. To somewhat cope, ive been slightly opening my mouth to reroute the airflow.

Oh! Ayayayay Huyhuyhuy @steemitbc. Glad to know 'now' about this great Get Paid To Rant contest mate. :)

¡Holy Cow! If I had just known it before... I would be on my way to become kinda a filthy dolphin right now. Hahahaha

¿Rants? Pffft! ¿What are those for a Humorous Cranky Gandalf? Shessh! Rants are my daily breakfast.

But wait. Although I think my usual worthy rants can't be less than TL|DR stuff for a simple comment. I will let you decide if my latest rant on my blog about current bitcoin fees, qualify to enter and compete on this contest. }:)

And Yeah! according the rules.. I've already Upvoted & Resteemed this post. :p


Sure that counts. Yep, fees are high, but guess what? It's because of the shitty exchanges and too many vendors not implementing segwit yet. You could almost think they are doing it on purpose because they didn't get their 2mb block increase....

Oh! Hahahaha, Don't pull my tongue so fast trying to get me started about that 'thang' yet mate. Because I'm afraid that I'm kind of an inexhaustible frightful flooding tsunami source of 'knowledge' about that very same subject. ;)

Hehehe, I guess, it will be better if I save that 'privileged info' for a newer rant of mine to enter and compete again in your next great Get Paid To Rant #5 contest. }:)


One of the reasons I migrated to Apple was that shit just worked. I was tired of tinkering with things, blue screens of death, and malware. I grew up and just wanted my devices to do basic tasks flawlessly. Apple use to accomplish that. Nowadays iTunes and iPhoto are complete pieces of shit.

Have you tried to search for electronic music by genre, year, etc.? It's not easy, if even possible, making it a pain in ass to buy music on iTunes unless I know the artist's name and the name of the song or record. Electronic music is lumped together while there are many legit, large sub genres.

Then there's Photo on your mac. They recently screwed up the bluetooth transfer and now it's hit and miss if you send more than 3 photos. You get a "preparing" screen that loads.... and sometimes just fucks off like a drunken asshole. Then you have to try again, and again and sometimes it's not available, please try again later. FUCK YOU! It's right there on my phone you fucks! But actually it isn't because it's there on their "iCloud" that you pay for, but don't have immediate access to. I now I can turn it off and I probably have to know, but I pay for the service!

So now my post that should have taken about an hour has stretched into a full day.

Fuck you Apple, your shit is starting to function like M$FT. Jobs would have fired all you morons and done it right.

Old habits die hard.

When I grew up, teachers at schools of all levels (elementary, middle, and high) were extolling the virtues of the Mac. The harsh reality was that the Macintrash and its operating systems (all the way through and including OS 9) were utter shit. If I had to do work on a Mac in school, 80%-90% of the time I'd run into problems with programs or even the whole system freezing and crashing. Way too much time was wasted on rebooting those fucked-up Macintrashes and recovering lost work. In computer science classes, I got some poor grades on assignments and tests solely because of the unreliability of Apple's products shit back then. I never had these problems when I worked on PCs running MS-DOS 6.0 and Windows 3.1. Now Windows 95 and 98, yeah, those blue screens of death were really annoying but they were only occasional.

Apple finally got their shit together with OS X, which I had to work with a bit in college. That was the first time I ever experienced true reliability with an Apple product. But by this point, the damage had been long done and I made a promise to myself that I would never directly purchase anything from Apple and if I did purchase an Apple product, I sure as hell was going to do it on the cheap.

Fast forward to late 2016 -- Apple somehow had managed to hold on to its good reputation for reliability that OS X had finally established. My family wouldn't stop egging me to get into the "next generation" of tech products, which I had long resisted because I didn't see how I would really need them. I finally bit the bullet when an arcade offering iPad Pros as redemption prizes opened up locally. I ended up spending many hours playing games there to acquire 4 iPad Pros (to cover the entire family) for about $900. Perhaps not the most efficient way, but cheap enough considering it would've cost me $2600 to buy them from the nearby Apple Store. These tablets were running iOS 9.3 when I got them. Then iOS 10 came out with the infamous porn fail, and when they finally fixed that I was able to download iOS 10.2.1 but not install that update. Now they're on to iOS 11 (which apparently seems to be a piece of epic fail from what I've heard) and I still can't update my iPad.

The old Apple I once knew way too well seems to be back and in full force.

(BTW, just to be clear, this is not my rant for the week. My first-level comment on social casino apps is -- unless the judges somehow deem this reply to be so much better.)

How about that smug ass prick Ajit Pai, and the embarrassing trolly-as-fuck videos that he's put out to support repealing Net Neutrality. This jackclown is a fucking puppet for ISPs, and was appointed chairman of the FCC by our narcissistic clown of a president. Are you kidding me? He ignores and mocks the overwhelming support for Net Neutrality and just spouts the same unfounded shit about Net Neutrality being bad for network infrastructure investment, and that consumer complaints against ISPs throttling traffic will cause them to "do the right thing". Complete bullshit. And then there's this Michael Powell shithead telling supporters of Net Neutrality to "calm down". Here's a really good piece destroying all of Powell's arguments for repealing Net Neutrality:

Ahh, that felt pretty good. Too bad the feeling will only last until the vote happens tomorrow. Who else is super excited for ISPs to turn the internet into the same shit as cable TV?

Not me, that's for sure. If and when this bullshit gets finalized and carried out, two things need to follow immediately afterwards:

  1. The ISPs need to throttle all of Ajit Pai's data so he can feel what the bullshit is like.
  2. Ajit Pai should be given a one-way trip to fucking North Korea, and hopefully Kim Jong Un's henchmen can treat him worse any other foreigner (to their country) before him. Also, no returns or refunds!

I have to rant about my frustrations with withdrawing my steem from poloniex. Jesus Christ, not to mention how horrible their customer service is. I have been waiting for 2 days now to find out what happened to my steem. It is not in my poloniex account and neither is it in my steemit, so where the hell is it? Guys my 2700 steem has been unaccounted for for almost 2 weeks. I initially thought it was normal for it to take that long to transfer till i researched how long it takes . i was livid when i couldn;t reach anyone, i still want to know where my steem is. was it hacked? will i recover it? smh... so frustrating
here's my error code has this ever happened to anyone else?Screen Shot 2017-12-13 at 12.09.28 AM.png

Sorry to hear that Laggy. That is a lot to have stuck in Limbo. Have you checked the blockchain to see if it went to Polo? Hope they process it soon.

Whats Polo? i appreciate your input.

Poloniex = Polo. Bittrex = Trex.

Ok nice to know. not sure how to check a block chain yet, i will look it up now.. i hope it's still in Polo.

Anyone who rents accommodation will have plenty of stories like this, but I've got to get it out there because its just so ridiculous.

When my wife was a university student, she rented a small house along with a few of her friends and I used to stay with her fairly regularly. As I said, everyone who rents has horror stories of terrible landlords or neighbors, but I think this one really takes the piss.

The landlord was generally completely useless- he had a 'handyman' called Alan who would appear to do a shit job of half-fixing whatever problem we had reported. Alan pulled all the wallpaper off of s wall that had damp, chipped away a load of the damp plaster, and then just left it. Alan replaced a door with a piece of wood that you jammed in the hole. Alan was totally shit.

But there was one problem that even Alan couldn't fix. One day, we started to notice there were quite a few flies around the house. Over the next few hours, dozens and dozens of flies started appearing. The downstairs rooms of the house were thick with them. We phoned the landlord, who literally told us that it 'wasn't his problem' as it was a Saturday, and to phone him again on Monday. Ok dude, not like your tenants are practically fighting off a plague or anything!

We bought fly strips, those dangling lines with sticky stuff on. They were pretty successful. We had a good laugh when one of my wife's housemates accidentally became entangled in one. After a while, the flies died down.

The next week, after doing the square root of fuck all to help, the landlord announced we'd have a visit from some prospective new tenants, the unlucky bastards. No one was in for the visit, so it happened without us.

But then, we got an email from the landlord. The basic gist of the message was, 'can you please remove the fly strips for future visits, as they are putting off potential tenants'.

Can you


the fly strips?

I don't know....

Can you

go fuck yourself?

We put up even more fly strips. We placed the worst ones in the most prominent places. We lived another week with dead flies everywhere just to piss this guy off.

Mehn. This is a rant. Wow. Sorry about your problems though. Hope you win cos u definitely need happy stuff.

Well, at least we can all laugh about it now. 🤣 Great rant.

So around 1 week ago I was in such a good mood. I was constantly refreshing the price to make sure it wasn't just my hangover that made me se unclear, but indeed the SBD was shooting up like a rocket ! 🚀

It felt like I was walking on cloud nine and I was so psyked. I carefully horded as many SBD as I could and then finally I sent it to an exchange. I was refreshing the site again and again and again. Hi arent SBD transactions supposed to be lightning fast ?

Well not if you send your hard earned money to the sons of Poloniex ! I checked it the next day as well as I thought there might be some delay but still nothing.... Hm the high sbd value was slowly going lower...

Then I read a post on Steemit that Poloniex are probably withholding the money and doing some trading themselves while the price is high.

So here I am one week later. My knuckles are bruised. My laptop screen is broken. The vase I got as a wedding present is half glued together but basically I will never be able to restore it ...

So what can you do? You take this perfect opportunity to rant a bit and hopefully more people will know better than to send to Poloniex ! What is good with Steemit is you can always earn some more SBD which I certainly am planning to do while the SBD is still high. But I won't send a fraction of it to the piece of shit Poloniex .

You and i both. i need to find better trading platform. They are so shameless, i tried calling them out on twitter and it doesn't seem to faze them. they froze my steem for more than 2 weeks now...

Real assholes ! I have tried bittrex and it works like a charm. But I'm actually thinking of starting to use openledger more and get away from the centralized exchanges all together.

This is insane I mean 2700 Steem ? You should sue those fuckers !

There are actually many other people with complains about their customer service. I don't understand how they operate like that.

Bittrex locked me out of my account 3 days ago, for no reason...check reddit, it's been happening to alot of people.

Ouch, two posts about Polo. I've never had any problems with Bittrex. Also, I wouldn't ever send large transactions precisely because of something like this. I'd rather pay the minimal fees or loose a little rather than a lot. Hope you get it back.

Thank bro ! I guess many people are burnt from those fuckers ! Bittrex is much better :)

rant entry im spun. usually as a strange attractor catalyst type i am the one that causes the spin. Not this time. Heartbroken and overdrawn way beyond my ability to repay the bank. Whats worse is she still contacts me assuring me that she will repay me. My universe better get with it. The multiverse beckons us all to 125 the super symmetry of hyperdimensional interplay. @#$&. I should of added a whole bunch of them. As all good rants are best spoken. Enjoy the signal to noise ratio of it transcribed by the iOs browser. Im sure most of you can
Dicypher it. You wouldnt be here if you couldnt.

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