Get Paid to Rant #10! All Rants Win! Plus 5 SBD Grand Prize

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

Get Paid to Rant #9!

5SBD reward to the best rant! It's still $30 ya cheap bastards!

Thank you to @cnts for sponsoring the first 5 Rants. He helped launch this project.


The rants continue to get more epic! Congratulations to @artgirl winning last week's Rant! 

We understand what it's like when someone just pisses you off. When a pleb who is not a millionaire questions your Kred. We care that someone's raining on your special day or you just got dumped on by that shit coin.Have moss in your grass, or a bad hair day? Did your boss demand too much? Or did your kids wind you up? We all have those days. We all need to rant. So here is a place you can come and you can rant. A place where you will be rewarded by just getting it off your chest. Yes we will pay you to rant. And it’s really easy to join in. All you have to do is get it off your chest and rant in the comments below. We care. We give a fuck STEEM Dollars!


  • You must really get it off your chest. Have a rant. Tell us what caused it and how you are feeling. Let it out…..GRRRRRRR
  • It can be about anything you feel the need to rant about
  • You can only rant once in each weekly rant post
  • You must up vote and resteem this post!
  • NO rants about post performance on Steemit will be rewarded

Every quality rant will receive an upvote from @steemitbc. Everybody that takes part in this rant will also receive a share of 50% the SBD rewards  This rant post is open until the payout time is up. Check in again next week for Get Paid to Rant #10.

Rant starto!


Wow. Well a lot people here complaining about how life has been hard.
Everyone is out here like there is an oppression Olympics
“Oh my life is hard because (Blank)”
“Well my life is harder because I’m (Blank) and (Blank)”
“Well statistically speaking I am the most oppressed according to an article I read here on steemit"
What the freak do you win by convincing people to pity you in casual conversation?
I am tired of dealing with fragile people who look for every opportunity to remind you that society is messing them up
Look… society is messing up everyone.
Sure some people are getting more messed up than others but no matter how you cut the cake people are getting messed up by the machine
Look I’m a Black indian guy in America, sure life is more inconvenient sometimes, but I’m also in America, those mild inconveniences don’t come close to canceling out the colossal amount of opportunity for progress I am surrounded by every day.
Sorry, that’s not how the game works. I wish that people wouldn’t hold prejudice against people for the color of their skin or for being ugly but they do.
You can’t yell at someone enough to change that. What you can do is say **** them and find people who enjoy kicking it with YOU.
On another note, Look, and this one is going specifically out the black community in America
I am black, and the whole Oscars so white thing from last year was the catalyst for the biggest eye roll of my life.
If you don’t feel recognized start your own awards but make available to everyone, not a black only a event. Invite Beyonce and Jay-Z, and other people who are cool to come. Make it a dope party, and a great awards, pick who you want.
People of Color, if you don’t feel that casting directors will ever cast you for anything besides some 1 dimensional extra, then write your own script and shoot it yourself with friends. Grow with social media and develop social capital to where they will be the one’s calling you to be in their movies to get access to your fanbase.
Stop waiting for other people to bend to you and choose yourself.
I wish the world was more fair, I really do, but it’s not.
There is one equalizer and that’s making a lot of money and then funding your own efforts.
Bill Gates has saved literally millions of lives from making lots of money.
Elon Musk might save all of humanity.
You can’t choose the rules of the game, but if you get good enough, one day you can pay to change them.

Dave Rubin is that you? 🤣 Great rant! Don't forget to upvote and resteem!

Hahahaha. In due time.
Sure i just upvoted and resteemed.

Respect, my dude. Hollywood celebs are a bunch of hypocrites so let them get a taste of their own medicines.

It's not like there's no great black actor before 2000s. Fucking Samuel L. Jackson, Will Smith, Eddie Murphy, Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman, etc and they were matches made in heaven with their roles. Now? we got John Boyega for the sake of diversity. I'm not saying I can do what he does but damn, can we stop with these entitlement programs and actually get someone who can act?

Wow how long has this ranting been going on. I feel like ranting all the rants since this ranting started. I technically have everyday as a day i rant.
I will advice you @eveokonma but i will also rant too. I can relate to an extent, though our situations are entirely different. I do understand what you mean when you say that you feel like you will never be happy, every day for me is a living hell. The last two years have taught me that life is a horrible thing and I have come to feel like we are all born just to suffer.
For starters I have been unemployed for five years since I graduated high school (I'm 23) the only two jobs I did have I got because I knew the right people and I lost them after just a month because I have learning disabilities that got in the way. I lost almost all the people I considered my friends from high school because they found out early on I was unemployed and felt that I was a bum. They all turned on me and started talking crap on me...I still have a few friends but I am constantly paranoid that they are talking behind my back and planning to betray me because they think I am worthless. My best friend moved off to North Carolina and later his god mother convinced him everyone from back home including me was bad news, he turned against me and everyone that loved him and said horrible things. He allowed his god mother to say horrible things regarding my family and did not believe me when I told him about it. This kid was like my brother, I would have died for him and we went through hell together.

I stopped him from ending his life multiple times and he paid me back with a knife in the back. March 2011 my father was arrested (I'm not going to get into why) and a month later my mother went into kidney failure. After that our family was slammed hard with all the financial issues that my father kept secret from us. He dug himself into a hole of major debt not related to why he was arrested but because he was arrested my sick mother was left to clean up the mess. I have seen nothing but bad things and it's had a bad effect on me...why do I keep on going? I honestly don't know. I feel so horrible about myself and I'd really rather just give up but for some reason I don't.

I don't want to say hang in there because personally it annoys the hell out of me when people say that to me. Same thing goes for when people tell me things will get better. But I will say this...we're both obviously in really bad situations and we seem to have similar outlooks on life. If you want to inbox me to talk, feel free to do so. I don't mind lending a listening ear...when it comes down to it, sometimes we have to let go of the past and try to move forward. This is a lesson I am trying to embrace myself, the longer you hang onto the past the more painful life becomes. If your parents are willing to look past what has been done, then at least try to understand that it's okay and try to turn the page and burn the book. In the long run, holding on to all of that guilt is just going to make you sick and make things worst.

I'm not the best at giving advice, so I hope this helped at least a little. Like I said feel free to message me if you want to talk.

when friends of 10 years meant nothing as I grew older. Every time we meet up i only run out of topic to talk about because it's all about Kelly , Kelly and kelly(not real name). come on, i just came from a thousand miles away and the first thing we talk is about your work? Is it so hard to ask your dear friend, "how are you? How's it going?" and Don't think I don't know you gave me that fake lotion on my birthday. How could you do that when you know I used to sell skincare products? Cheapskate...

URGH - i get so pissed off when there's a perfectly good opportunity to rant , and i don't have anything to rant about. Well actually i have a lot - but it's late, i'm tired - ive been fighting 4 fucking machines trying to learn linux and my fucking head hurts.
And there's not enough hours in a day either - I mean if i didn't have to waste 8 hours sleeping i might get something done - but then i'd also be a raving fucking lunatic (well more than i am already)
Have you ever tried a career change at 30 - yeah I fucking failed at that shit, everybody wanted a fucking 20 year old with a BA and 20 years experience - how did those little bastards land those jobs anyway. I don't think I'll have much more luck at 50.
Well fuck this - imma go smoke a joint and waste 8 more fucking hours sleeping. peace ;)

You are so screwed when you hit 40. Buy, earn, acquire as much crypto as you can!!!

I know right - I got so much fucking ripple - in another year I will never have to fucking work again ;)

I want to rant about my investment in ethconnect- I know everyone warned me, I decided to take a chance so I could rant if it didn't go well. I transferred .05btc to the site and I invested about half in ethconnect tokens. It's been maybe 4-5 month now and I can't do anything with the tokens that I bought. Also I have .02 btc sitting in my wallet that I can't withdraw because the site is bring "maintained" whatever that means. I have tried multiple times and I'm tired already. Hoping that I can withdraw at some point if not that's the price I have to pay.

@leggy23 we feel so bad. It seems you have a lot of bad investment stories!

It's ok. I also have some very good ones.

😠😠😠😠 I want to rant about life . I just came from my work right now and those students almost killed me with noise. I'm having a headache and I just need to lie down. I kept on shouting "sit down and keep quiet" every five minutes.... It's so annoying.. I'm tired, I don't know where to start from. There is also this guy in my compound that is so bossy and it pisses me off. I wish one steemit user can slap him on my behalf . Then my last rant is about the church I attended on Sunday, can someone tell the pastor to preach in English next time.... This new environment sucks... I hope I get used to it soon 😒😒😒

Good day people

Wow. I am glad i found you @steemitbc.
The cute looking me on my profile was me few months before what happened that led to this rant. You wont want to see me now. I just feel like letting life out. Everything is just going wrong. And it seems like I don't really know where to start. Even though I'm only 25, I have no hope for the future and feel like my life is over. Nothing seems to be going right, and each day is so painful. Life is too much for me to handle, and I feel like "living" is just not for me. I want all of this unhappiness to end. I don't think that I will be able to reach any of my goals, and I have no potential to succeed, steemit has been a source of encouragement.
I've done so many bad things and have had so many aspects of my life go completely wrong. When I was younger, I at least had a few positive traits (nice person, good student, etc.). I am now a total disgrace, and I don't even recognize the person that I've become.
I don't know whether or not this is relevant, but I have ADHD and possibly some Asperger related issues (I don't really agree, but that's my PDoc's opinion).

Everything started a few years ago when I got myself into a pretty serious predicament. Instead of going to my parents (I was afraid), I tried to take care of it on my own. This was a huge mistake and one that I regret each day. I ended up deceiving my parents, breaking their trust, and getting caught up in a huge web of lies. I never wanted this to happen, and I feel horrible about it. The pain is so bad to me, and my head pounds all day long with the terrible guilt that I feel. Because of me, my parents have had their lives adversely affected. They've lost a substantial amount of their money, been embarrassed multiple times, and have had their credit ruined.
My parents should despise me, but they don't. My dad has basically said to me that "It's only money. I want my son. I don't care about the money." Unfortunately, I can't overlook what I've done, and I'll never be able to go through life with all of this guilt. I'm sure there are a lot of parents who wouldn't have been so forgiving. I'm horrified. I can't believe everything that I've done, and I never wanted to inflict so much damage. I could just
cry. All because I've always been too afraid to get my parents' help, I've created a huge disaster.
When my parents finally found out about everything in October which was few days after i joined steemit, I got involuntarily committed for almost 2 weeks. I then spent another 8 days in November when I was readmitted. It's been a long past few months, and my dad always tells me that "we'll get through everything."

The truth is, I don't think I can do it. I have too many other issues that make it near impossible to ever rectify everything. I wish I could go back in time, but I can't. I'm not productive at all and probably should be back on ADHD medication. I wish that I could see my PDoc, but I still owe him money. My parents even told me that they would pay for me to see him. They aren't aware that I still have a balance for past sessions. I'm supposed to be honest at this point, but I still have trouble being upfront. It's so hard for me to talk with them about certain issues.
I realize that I am in a pretty bad place. I can't concentrate or focus, no matter what I do. I've tried everything, and as I mentioned, I think my only option is to start taking ADHD medication again. It's the only way I'd be a help to anyone. However, that's not a possibility until I resolve the issues with my PDoc, which I'll probably never be able to do. Then if I do start taking medication, I'll be worried about all of the possible long-term side effects.

No matter which way I turn, I'll just never be happy. My life is ruined as it is, and I can't stop dwelling on negativity. I obsess about my health, I worry about getting older, I'm afraid of being alone, I'm afraid of dying, etc. etc. Where does it end? I'm stuck in these horribly bleak thought patterns, and it's an endless loop. Even if I were to "fix" what I've done, I'll still obsess about it years later. To make it worse, I have no friends, no social interaction, and really nothing positive happening in my life.

I'm sorry for being so pessimistic and am. happy to rant about this. I'm just sad that my life has turned out so differently than I ever expected. What purpose could possibly be left for me? I don't see any hope for positive change and am very doubtful that I could ever move past all of this.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to rant my reality. I feel a lot better.
Trust me i feel a lot better that i could share this rant. If anyone wants to encourage me i will appreciate.

Wow you do have alot going on and it seems your guilt over what you did and not being up front and honest and open with your parents is eating you up. The thing is your parents love you plain and simple and they just want what is best for their son. And like your dad is trying to tell you we will get through this together no matter how hard it gets, he is gonna be there to support you and that is great that your family loves you that much.
Now you have to start trying to love yourself and not be so critical of yourself. I know this is hard but it is something to work on. Also forgive your self. They have forgive you so move on and just be honest with them. Tell them you can't go to the psy. doctor because you owe money. I realize you maybe thinking your saving them by not saying anything but this is not what they would want. They would want to know and help you to get the help you need. And if it means being on ADHD medicine for awhile that is alright too. With any medicine there can be side effects but there also can be good results with it..And it does not mean you will be on it forever you may just have to take it awhile to you can get things straightened out and feel better.

Are you OCD by any chance? I ask this because I am I am actually pure O and obcessing is one of my worse enemies. As I have gotten older I am much better about it and do not fear the things I used to like what if I die, what if I get sick ,the what if's used to drive me crazy. One day a very wish doctor said to me when I was about 30 well dear we are all gonna die someday but what if you live to be 100, what if you keep stressing over the what if's and never live your life. Get out and take it day by day or moment by moment and live in that moment not in the what if's. He was so right and that helped me more than anything.

So work on forgiving yourself and getting some of the negativaity out of your life. Your worth alot more than money. So keep trying life is a gift that we have to learn to make the best of and I wish you nothing but the best. Many Blessings!

I understand what you are going through @eveokonma.
@steemitbc, great work. Giving people the opportunity to talk about matters close to their heart here is commendable. Wow it feels good to know that people ranting here sre being offered advice, encouragement and support.
@eveokonma, Trust me, I have been there. I have gotten involved with toxic people, and betrayed my family's trust, and I know I don't deserve their support, but let me tell you something..I have tourettes, adhd, ocd, depression, among other things. Life will always be difficult for us with co-morbid conditions! but family is FAMILY, if they truly are family they will be there for you! You can earn back their trust, and put it in the past. live for tomorrow, not for yesterday. getting hospitalized is not a new thing for me, I have been there too, and trying lots of new medications is scary and who would want that? however, when your doctor prescribes something, you are old enough to research it and say "yes i want this" or "no, this is not right for me, my research says this, can we try this instead?" dont take any drug they prescribe, although you should trust your doctor, trust your research and intuition as well. i used to be on luvox for depression, since third grade, it made me happy, but i stopped cold turkey when i found out i could not orgasm on it, i forget what that condition is called. i ended up taking effexor, which is mood stabilizer and anxiety and depression medicine. it helps. you should go to therapy every month, a psychiatrist or neurophyciatrist, and most of all, get out of the house! volunteer at perhaps the humane society, im sure it will make you happy to see old dogs see the sunlight! you can meet people the more you are out...and if you have an episode or a break down with them, just admit ahead of time you strruggle with disorders, and if you do anything or say anything akward, to please forgive you. i am here if you need to talk, i know how you feel! i am 25, turning 26. ☺☺☺

It sounds like the overwhelming guilt is crushing you. If your parents are willing to forgive you maybe you should try to forgive yourself. You are not perfect and no one is. we all have bad things that we have done, people that we have hurt. You are worth forgiving. And part of that is committing to being upfront with your parents. They love you and only want the best for you. That is all that we as parents want for our kids, no matter what they have done. And yes it is just money. You are more important than money. I am not just saying that to make you feel better. This is the way that I feel about my two kids. You can make this better. And being honest with your parents is a great place to start. Maybe then you can forgive yourself for all that you have done.

Mistakes does not recognise race, colour, creed, religion, age or your status/station in life. In short it does not care about your plus points or minus points as an individual. We all have made mistakes, some small, some larger and some very huge and no one can afford the claim that his/her mistake is the most terrible, mind blowing and massive in enormity or takes the place at the top of the heap. You have been worrying and circling around & around your mistake, of which the central theme is "My mistake/or mistakes are the worst of the worst, nobody can equal it". The thing is no one is exempted from making mistakes, certainly not you or I or all of humanity since history began 2012 years ago. The truth of the matter is we all have made mistakes and will continue to make mistakes regardless of whatever the situation/or circumstance be, the important thing is whether you want to stay down or pick yourself up, learn from it, let go and move on and this my friend, can only be done by you and you alone. As my respected associate has said, "Forgive yourself first".
Ps.Sorry In the light of what you have written I have only this to say (the words are not mine, it is from someone else) but the essence is just this "There is nobody so bad that He can't forgive and there is nobody so good that he does not need forgiveness".

Wow @eveokonma, i am touched, the past is the past and letting go of that is hard but it's best to try to forgive yourself and leave it in the past. You are not that person now and your a future does lie ahead of you if you give it a chance but you have to leave the past behind you in order to look forward and move forward. Taking medication for life is not something I'm happy with in fact I hope I don't have to take it for life. Right now, however I need my medication to live as normally as I can to be a mom, work and funcion to as close to a decent quality of life as possible. If you have to take the meds again to have a better quality of life, do it. We don't know if the side effects will hit us or some other disease. We don't know what tomorrow will bring but we do have the power to live for today. It's hard to do but we should try to live in the present, for today. I hope you find some comfort and peace and knowing your life can be better and hope does exist if you hold onto it. Cant wait for your goodnews.

I know this is hard advice, because I am actively trying to accomplish it myself, but forgive yourself. I've decided to "turn over a new leaf" as I like to put. I've changed the way I talk to people, and not really who I am, but my behavior. You can put the past behind you, it seems as if your parents already have. You can do this.
The big thing you have to do is see your psychiatrist or find a new one to continue treatment. Remember, you can't change the past. So, try to stop dwelling on it. Do constructive things to keep your mind busy like volunteering at an animal shelter or a public library. Do chores at the house. Try to get out and meet people. Remember, a lot of what your problem is that you're spending too much time in your own head. Everybody makes mistakes. You sound like you've owned up to them. So, move forward. To have a future, you have to start focusing on making the "now" better.

I hate it when I find a perfectly good house that my family and I could rent, but then right next to the place - or right up the block - or right around the block - there's a CEMETERY.

Some people love to hang out in cemeteries. They walk through it it, squat among the dead, or even pick up small piles of grave yard dirt to use in conspicuous ways.

That's not my kind of party though.

I've been visited by more ghosts than Ebenezer Scrooge and I'd rather NOT make it easier for them to stop by whenever they'd like.

Thanks for the space to voice my vent. Hopefully one day, my family and I will find a house to live in that isn't damn near parked right in front of a funeral home.

Today I realized that I lost my earphones, but I'm very sure I left it at the office. I don't want to accuse, but I'm 99% sure that I left it on my desk. I'm frustrated because I know I am to blame. Had I not forgetten to bring it home, I csn still listen to the cool music. It also has a sentimental value since it was given by a friend.

Now, I'm at the point where I want to pass the blame to others. If no one took it, the earphones should still be there, but I know it's unfair to accuse, so now it gets more frustating for me.

I'm in a temporary state of depression. It sounds petty for some, but I'm really frustrated at myself.

It's difficult to let go. The sadness is consuming me right now.

I think I might be stupid, or just stupid, not even maybe.
Today, there's a kid who I was teaching math for and he asks me why is it that 1+1 = 2. I meant, I know that 1+1 = 2 but I don't know why it's like that. I keep thinking about it and it makes me realize I can't explain it. Something simple as 1+1 is beyond me, the fuck? All of these schooling and shit and now a 5 years old just basically toss me out on the yard landing face down.
I can't understand why and it pisses me off. All the advance in science is based on the assumption that 1+1 = 2. And I don't even know why.
I'm a fucking dumb ass.

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