Creative Monday Musings [@musing contest 4]
What is Musing? is a question and answer platform built on top of Steem. Musing rewards curious participants with tokens for posting quality questions and answers.
Creative Monday Musings - As an artist, designer, musician, creative person - what's on your mind as you begin the week? Share your creative contemplations. Are you struggling with a creative problem, or looking for inspiration on a specific topic? Pose a question (or answer) using the Musing forum.
Upvote Rewards
Today, our curation team will browse the comment section of this post looking for inspiring and thoughtful favorites. This contest will last 24 hours. What's your Monday Musing? Share your Musing link in the comment section, below.
Please also include a short 1-2 sentence description of your submission. Not just links ;)
- First Place = 75% @sndbox upvote
- Second Place = 50%
- Third Place = 25%
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Hey, folks at @sndbox.
I decided to answer @funtraveller's question about creative block. It's been interesting at times trying to get around it, and then finding out that too often, there's no getting around it. Full answer can be found here.
Congratulations @glenalbrethsen! You've received the 1st place upvote this week :)
Thanks for participating in the Musing contest! If you haven't already. Swing by our Discord and say hello
Woah. Well, cool, @jassennassaj. I'm glad that @sndbox has been offering these contests. Something else to look forward to on a regular basis. Thanks!
Another interesting challenge, thanks @sndbox😊
"Creative block" happens to me when I put too much effort on my work when done in a short period of time. I believe it also happens to all of us. In your case, how do you divert you thoughts and recover yourself from it? Do you push even further? Or do you basically get away from it?
Happy New Year!
Congratulations @funtraveller! You've received the 3rd place upvote this week :)
Thanks for participating in the Musing contest! If you haven't already. Swing by our Discord and say hello
I answered to @milaan's question to how one can support musing in and he was asking for the setp my step guide. So I have given my answer in details & step wise so that anyone can understand how one can support musing in Here is the link:-
Thank you and Have a great day.
Congratulations @shivohum2015! You've received the 2nd place upvote this week :)
Thanks for participating in the Musing contest! If you haven't already. Swing by our Discord and say hello
Thank you so much. This is really a pleasant thing to start the day.
Have a great day.
Start with the right questions to answer them through your actions, clear your consciousness, reflect deeply on the person you are today, in order to project an improved version of yourself into the future.
I am a determined person, this type of questions I asked myself during this year 2018, and I assure you that I am not half the person I was 12 months ago.
Let's give it all 2019, whether bad or good 2018 served as learning, do not give you blows of chest and live with me a new adventure. \o/ 🙌😎🎉🎁
Interesting, this looks like a steem-adapted version of
I was contemplating on the theme "Success" as I tried to evaluate my 2018 in preparation for a talk. It is pertinent that we weigh ourselves to know how successful we were in achieving our goals for the year. I decided to post this question on with link below:
Already, the question has gained 6 replies so far and am hopeful that it will surge a great interaction. AM glad to say that the answers are awesome and I'll gladly cite them during a talk with young people tomorrow being first on "How to Rate your Past and Prospect the Future"
I'm glad that I knew @musing and it was through @sndbox Monday Musing Contest.
I am a mother and a writer. Writing on musing is a very interesting thing for me and ever since I started writing, I make it a habit to ask and answer questions there.
The link I give below is an answer to a question on what to ask the doctor during pregnancy. Based on my knowledge, I have prepared a list of questions and also tips if you read between the lines.
I hope the readers will find it useful.
So much was said would happen this year, most of whihc did not. I was entertaining the following question:
For creative writer who engage in science fiction, it may be a good excercise. For social scientist who study national and international politics, it can also be a good excercise. It would be fascinating to compare our prediction of today within 365 days to what actually happened or did not happen in that period.
You guys have a Happy New Year.
Here is my creative question on and it's about Creative writing and it's challenges here is the link.
A little note on my question
Sometimes writing a fictional piece of work can be very difficult because you'll struggle to make your characterization and characters come to life because it's a fictional story, and because you didn't experience it, it may be difficult to create an imagery in the minds of your readers, so which of tragedy, comedy and tragi-comedy will be easier to bring out the emotions of a writer in other to create a more realistic fictitious work of art?
Hello,here is my question for the contest.I really need to know your answers to my question:
Happy New Year Everyone.
So here is my question,just so that people may know from the comment section about my question and who knows somebody may feel interested in answering it.
How to start working again as a creative person after coming back from a long break or not working for a long time?