@SteemCreations Caption CONTEST 10SBD Prize Pool |Fractal Art#14|
After taking in consideration all submissions a winner was chosen and will recive a boost for their desired post.
Last week's wining captions!

Congratulations @litokarlegend ! Comment below the post you want boosted and a entry for the next contest if you like (:
This week make a caption of this two images

How to enter the contest
- make a caption (title) for this week's images and post your entry in the comments below (this is a simple contest, no need to make a separate post to enter)
- resteem this post
Note: a caption can be anything. What you see in the images, what they represent to you or how they make you feel. Be creative. Anything goes.
- caption can't be longer than 3 words
- only 1 entry per account
For those of you who may not know this contest is all about promoting @steemcreations -> a project that will ensure free digital artwork/photography and services For steemians By steemians. Being a part of @steemcreations all artwork from this post is free to use for whatever purpose you want. Also I can provide the original images without frames if needed. Just say so in the comments
Put your thinking hats on and make a cool title for my artwork. Best of luck and may the best caption win!

Line breaks and footer animation were made by a awesome member of @steemcreations community @podanrj If you want to use them check his post out here and upvote/resteem and/or mention the author to show him some support.

You are so cool, @runicar! Why is it only now that I found this contest? :)
Anyway, here is my caption for this contes:
thanks for the kind words @xhunxhiss :)))
digging your entry, very creative!
Pic#1 Absobloodylutely wicked.
Pic2# The knackered universe.
my entry:
Nice art by the way! 😊
Thank you!
you're welcome! :)
1)Emerald dance
2)Amethyst magic
Here is my entry :
This is harder than I thought
Love it! Emerald Dream reminds me of WoW :) cool entry.
Here is my entry,
1. Crazy departure!
2. Spirit speed!
I hope I tried?
Pic #1 - "A new matrix"
Pic #2 - "Time jester"
My entry is: