The Game Is To Win

in #contest7 years ago

Hello Steemians! I'm happy to submit my entry for the @steemit-virus contest. 🙌🙌


Taking a look at the picture you will agree with me that a challenge is set before us.

There is a goal to achieve and that goal is to win.
Just like in our life we all have goals, dreams and ambitions. And achieving that goal takes courage.

In each day of our life we are faced with different challenges and this challenges are not there to kill us but to strengthen us for the future ahead.
The truth of the matter is that at some point in life, we all go through rough and tough times. No matter who you are, you can't escape challenges, they are part of life. Look at challenges as opportunities to take bold action towards your goals.

My experience as a young girl trying to be a graduate of business administration was a tough challenge because during that period you have to make sure you pass your entrance examination. Once you are able to meet the required marks then you are given admission into the university. I wrote this examination for seven times before i was finally admitted. I was able to reach my goal because i refuse to give up. I was courageous, i never allowed distraction, setbacks and roadblocks to stop me from achieving my goals.

Don't give up too soon make sure you win the game because life is a game you have to play it and win.

To be a champion, I think you have to see the big picture here, as an undergraduate i was seeing myself working in my own firm and employing graduates. Today am heading towards that goal. If i had given up then, i would have ended up on the street.

Every successfully person today, has experienced some form of what could be described as failure.

Don't give up too quickly don't be too fast in concluding when the game is not over.
Where others are seeing defeat, see victory. Be like Caleb.
I love using the bible as a reference point because the bible is a complete book. The men that Moses sent as spy came back with a report, they saw defeat but Caleb saw victory.
In all the challenges in life we must stand tall, sometimes one of the challenges may be trying to be too perfect. If you remove that challenge from the table, you will be able to cope with the other challenges.

How do we over come this challenges

Stay focused on your vision: You must be at the top of the game, don't allow distractions. Your vision is not what you close your eyes to see but that thing that keeps your eyes open when others are sleeping. Focus more on achieving your dreams even when the going seems tough. Remember the game is to win.

Be Optimistic: Think positive, act positive, talk positive. Create a positive image in your mind to boost positively and avoid bad feelings and always believe that you can succeed. Build a relationship with people that share the same goal with you. Be optimistic about winning the game and stay on your toes, you will find that you are soaring through with flying colors. Remember the game is to win.

Be patience: When we are too fast, we often lose the game. Be patient take your time to understand what is set on the table and choose how to respond to it. Don't be too quick to conclude when the game is still on, give yourself ample time to reach your goal. One step at a time. It takes time to accomplish a goal. Don't always be in a hurry. Slow and steady wins the race.

Consider another approach: Same game different approach. You can't get a different result when you continue to do a particular thing in the same way. See what you can do differently some times challenges will show you a new path or option for your future.

In conclusion: See your challenges from the right perspective and gain the confidence to know that you can handle it with God's help. Focus more on the winning and achieving your dreams. Winners never quit because quitters never win.

Remember the game is to win and never to accept defeat.

image source pixbay

Thank You for Reading
