RE: Are You a Good Writer? Then I Want to Help You! Daily Bread Contest Backed by Whaleshares and Isle of Write Communities
Hi @vitkolesnik, thank you for running this generous competition.
I have been writing on steemit for 9 months now and am a creative writing graduate from 2007. After having some of my poetry published in 2006/7, I spent a long period of creative block after university and steemit has been the inspiration for a reassurance in my writing. The creativity and support I have received on this platform has been amazing and without the help of the people over @isleofwrite I certainly would have struggled in the beginning with the editing process. I continue to write creative works of poetry, fiction and travel writing exclusively on steemit and hope to be here for a long time as the community is amazing here.
Here is my entry. It is chapter 4 in a 5 part short crime/suspense novella called 'dirty old town'. All previous chapters are linked in the post at the beginning. I am working on the final part as we speak, thanks :-)
P.s. my bitshares (open ledger) account name is the same as my steemit name: raj808