Haiku Saturday, Round 8, Contest and Community Building
Haiku Saturday Round 8
It's Saturday, my intrepid poets, and we are half-way through #poetryweekend. Yesterday was #fridaypoets and if you wrote a poem on Friday, it is not too late to join in.
Today is Saturday and time to indulge in some Japanese-style verse. It is time to 'ku. Who is with me.
First the rules.
- UPVOTE and REESTEEM this post.
- Put @prydefoltz in your title and one of your tags should be #haikusaturday
- Write a haiku post and drop the link in the comments below.
- Visit at least three other haiku and comment and upvote their COMMENT here. You can also upvote their post if you got the upvote power but it is not necessary. Your votes will decide the winners.
- Wrote a haiku for another contest or challenge; feel free to post it here too. I'm not possessive.
- The liquid payout from this post (SBD) will be split up among the winners (those who received the most upvotes) and the most supportive participants, those who upvoted and commented the most.
Please read the rules and follow them. I hate when I have to exclude someone from the prize share because they just dropped a link and then scadaddled. We got a lot of upvotes last week and considering the price of steem, the payout wasn't too bad. The liquidity of this post was roughly 1.129 SBD. I say roughly because I added in the steem payout and the price of steem is fluctuating quite a bit. We had 6 wonderful participants who also read and followed the rules and they each will receive 0.188 SBD.
Some of these people also participated in #fridaypoets and so things are adding up for them. Don't forget, tomorrow is #deadpoems. Get involve, reesteem, write, read, and upvote. There will be prizes ... prizes ... prizes:):):)
Photo and words are my own.
Greetings, Pryde and other poets! Here my entry: The sand burns in my land

Beautiful images of my land. Splendid haiku
Grains of sand on a beach are like trillions of tiny gemstones whose vibrations doth speaketh to those of us who love to hear their stories. Do you have gemstone stores in Venezuela? We have them in Canada. They sell tumbled gemstones from around the world, for a few dollars each. Sometimes, they have off-world pieces, too, that are the fragments of a meteorite.
How wonderful, @lanniebrockstein. Years ago, I used to visit these types of stores. I love quartz and stones with brightness and had variety. But, now I do not know how that type of trade is, I have not really seen them for a long time, but they fascinate me just the same.
Here is my write ...https://steemit.com/photography/@prydefoltz/nestled-together-haiku-and-photography-series-for-haikusaturday-and-poetryweekend
Hi, Pryde! Your haiku is delicate, suggestive and sensual. The images or the words form a picture of harmonious beauty, really beautiful. Well done, pryde! I love!
The photos are spectacular The poem enhances its beauty.
Pryde, reading your "Nestled Together" haiku did remind me of th'one whom I was born being best friends with, because her parents and my parents were best friends from the time before either of us was born. Thank you.
Question to those of ye who be reading this thread: Doth each soul haveth more than one soul mate?
Hello @lanniebrockstein, welcome again to this space that is yours too. I think the soul decides that. There is no law that determines a pair, the pair is determined alone. There are so many things that fall in love with the soul and so many that adorn it that it can be easily attractive and attracted to more than one in a definitive way in a life . They say that the soul mate is one and that they will search through time and space and will always find a way to do it. But the synchrony, the amazement, the acceptance of who he is, happens from inside and not from outside. You do not see it; You feel it, you dream it, you live it.
i like poem more than pictures, even if they are nice and possibly they were an inspiration for the poem, i had to google 'in situ' tho lol.

The haiku and the photographic shot are magisterial. Congratulations, @artofwisdom.
thanks :)
Good poem, nature is wise. The synchrony is perfect. Ah, the photography is spectacular.
Hi, YOU haiku lovers.
Thanks, @prydefoltz for hosting this meeting of insights.
Here, my entry for #haikusaturday #8:
"Carnival Snapshot"
kind of painter's haiku :) sort of cool
Thanks, @artofwisdom :-) Nice!
The haiku and the image are synchronized. The description of the image is clear, so much that the words become image. Excellent work, @marlyncabrera.
Much appreciated, dear @zeleiracordero :-)
Beautiful images friend. Plants bloom at night and open their petals to the sun.
The idea is a beautiful oxymoron, @corderosiete. Thanks :D
Isn't the greenery of plants produced by light through a process called photosynthesis? ☻
I admire the spiritual teaching of something coming from nothing, though!
This be mine entry for round 8 of Haiku Saturday: https://steemit.com/haiku/@lanniebrockstein/i-hath-read-each-chapter-original-haiku-by-lannie-brockstein-prydefoltz

Public Domain Image: "Constellation" by NASA
Contemplate the sky full of stars is beautiful. It contains many enigmas.
How mysterious that their patterns appear on th'Earth, too.
Spiral galaxies haveth the same Golden Ratio pattern as doth snail shells and ram horns.
Flowers, such as those of the morning glory plant (and from which LSD is made) haveth the same pentagram pattern which th'orbit of Venus draws in the sky. To slice an apple horizontally in half doth reveal a pentagram, and thus that it is Venusian, too.
At times, the planets align to form a hexagram. Snowflakes are each shaped as a hexagram, as is the Jewish Star of David and Solomon's Seal, which are each symbolic of male and female unity, along with the adage "As above, so below". All letters of th'Hebrew alphabet are shaped like th'hexagram.
The Christian cross has the same pattern as the constellation Crux.
Astrology is based on th'awareness that along with Freedom of Will, each person has within their very being the same patterns as doth the planets and stars—and uniquely so in relation to when and where they were born.
Metrical poetry (which is to say objective poetry), including th'Italian and English Sonnet, the Japanese Haiku, and the Spanish Romance, is also based on sacred geometry, as are poetic devices. Every language has its own models of (geo)metrical poetry. That's why th'ancient forms of Poetry doth standeth the test of Time.
The Haiku has lines of 5,7, and 5 syllables. That is because th'Earth's solar system has five planets, and seven celestial objects in total, which are visible to the naked eye.
Excellent haiku, @ lanniebrockstein. I congratulate your creative art!
Hi Pryde here is this week's entry...
second haiku the best!
Sometimes we have the greatest gift of God before our eyes and we do not see it. Simple things like the color of flowers, their smell. It has no price in our hearts.
I wish I could write

but the words come too slowly
I'll just say hello :)
Hi, @keithboone! That image is beautiful and strange at the same time. Go ahead and write three lines about it. What I suggest you contemplate, little by little you will be doing better, if you dare.
Thanks, I'm glad you like my image. The three lines above are my "non-entry" in the form of a haiku :)
Well, I like this "non-entry;" I can listen to the gorgeus tree in the pic speaking those three lines in the loveliest voice.
Smart and nice, @keithboone. Loved it!♥
Thank you very much - you're the only one who noticed my attempt (or non-attempt) at a haiku!
Thank YOU. 100% Zen. Loved it, indeed ♥
I hope my publication will be liked by the community and even if I post a little late, it will be taken into account as well. since I have not had internet on the weekend: https://steemit.com/haikusaturday/@renegadecesar/the-terminals-of-time-original-poema-haikusaturday-round-8-prydefoltz
This last one seems like a good haiku! Welcome to our community of poets who try to meet every week with @prydefoltz to share works: Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Read and you will discover what it is.
Hello everyone, here is my publication ... https://steemit.com/poetry/@corderosiete/sharp-eyes-prydefoltz-haikusaturday
Good haiku! The images accompany the writing very well.
Thank you sister
Nice descriptive sharp haiku.
Thank you, grateful for your words.