Daily STEM Contest
Welcome back my new daily STEM competition. The competition is all about having fun and learning new thing about science, technology, engineering, and math. I will be presenting a new question every day. Some questions may be about general science knowledge, others may require you to write a small program or solve a math problem. I encourage you to browse the web and find the solution. In the end, it is all about learning something.

Image Credit: Olav Ahrens Røtne on Unsplash License: CC-0
What Can You Win?
At the moment I am just starting the competition with almost no funds available. For this reason, the prize will be only 0.02 STEEM.
Please upvote this post and resteem it to promote this competition. When more people participate, I will be able to increase the prize money.
To win, you need to
provide the correct answer in the comments and
upvote this post.
I will choose a winner from all the correct answers. The winner will not be chosen at random. Priority will be given to nice solutions. This means I will choose answers that provide an interesting additional fact, answers that present a nice solution to a problem, or answers that give the best explanation.
Today’s Question
Who invented the first machine for transmitting moving images wirelessly, a device we now know as television?
Good Luck,
John Logie Baird