The Strange Contest of Disaster Carboys Held In The World
Reading the title above may be many of you feel surprised or even shudder to imagine what kind of contest to bring disaster. Before reviewing it more deeply, it should be reminded that the contest event or usually also familiar called the race is often held in order to commemorate or welcome important days. A simple example in Indonesia is the commemoration of Independence Day.
Talking about the contest is a tradition that not only in Indonesia alone, there are many types of contests that are often held in other countries in the world. With the lure of a fantastic prize, many people desperately follow a variety of contests even with dangerous risks. As will be discussed below, strange contests that bring disaster to participants who have been held in the world.
Suicide When The Contest Seizes The Car Takes On
A few years ago, a famous Nissan brand vehicle held a general contest called Hands on a Hardbody. In the contest Nissan gave the lure of a Nissan truck for participants who were able to conquer the challenge and made it out to be the winner. The contest is quite a lot of attention this originally went smoothly before finally happened a tragedy that heartbreaking. A contestant Hands on a Harbody named Richard Vega of Tyler from Texas who was 24 years old made a scene after committing suicide by shooting himself in front of the police station located not far from the contest event took place. Long story short, at rest at 6 o'clock Vega seemed to leave the contest area then walk around Kmart. Soon he throws the trash can towards the door Kmart and immediately grabs the gun and as quick as lightning fired himself. Eyewitnesses said that before the suicide, Vega seemed to spend a lot of drinks and complained of headache dizzy. Although the police tried to prevent Vega's suicide, Vega still committed suicide when the Hands on a Hardbody contest was still going on.
Killed Choking Food In Charity Contest
What a misfortune the fate of a 20-year-old teenager named Caitlin Nelson. His intention to participate in a charity contest actually resulted in a disaster for himself. The incident occurred in March, the campus where Caitlin Nelson studied the Sacred Heart University held a charity contest called Greek Life. The contest involves people to consume a certain amount of food. Caitlin is one of the contest participants. But unfortunately, after he spends a lot of Caitlin pancake cake just choked up to be rushed to the hospital for serious action. His condition was immediately decreased and increasingly critical despite being transferred to the Presbyterian hospital in Manhattan. Shortly thereafter, the medical team declared that Caitlin Nelson died from asphyxia where his respiratory tract was blocked by food.
Alcohol Poisoning Causes Death
Alcohol is one of the substances in the drink that gives the effect of a hangover if consumed in excess. In addition to drinking, consuming alcohol can adversely affect the health, especially the stomach and other internal organs. Can imagine if there is a drink with low alcohol content alone can have adverse health effects, then what if alcoholic beverages consumed with large quantities at one time. It seems that the contest held by Henan Alcohol Association of China is part of a bad example of a drink contest that culminated in disaster. Contest held in 2014 requires participants to compete who drink the most alcohol. Fortunately can not be achieved, unfortunate even can not be denied one participant named Wang Qiang precisely killed after the contest of the disaster. Wang Qiang did not win the title, but he counted the participants who pretty much spent alcohol on the contest. Shortly after the contest ended, Wang Qiang was rushed to the hospital and died of alcohol poisoning!
Killed After Eat Five Onigiri
Onigiri is one of the staple foods originating from Japan. Onigiri itself in the Indonesian language is called rice kepal, specific again warm rice clenched then coated with seaweed. A well-known Japanese rice brand company called Oumimai with several sponsors right in November 2016 ago held a contest feeding onigiri in order to promote its local rice product. In a contest held in the Hikone area, Shiga prefectural area was contestants were required to spend five pieces onigiri within five minutes. The event was initially quite exciting and smooth, until then one of the participants whose identity is suppressed fainted after devouring the last onigiri in his mouth. The 28-year-old male contestant was immediately rushed to the hospital but unfortunately his life could not be saved. Suspected death forcing to eat large amounts of food and in a very short time to trigger choking and blocked respiratory tract.
Killed Near Burn In Sauna Place
Perhaps this one contest is one of the most extreme and slightly inconsequential contests in the world. A contest involving the sauna as an object must be conquered. Yup, the contest held since 1999 in Finland this requires contestants to survive in the sauna room with a certain temperature. As is known, the sauna is a place with a hot temperature ideally used for therapy or relaxation. But in this contest, sauna transformed into a betting arena who the longest survive in the hot room. Quite a few contestants participated, and quite a lot of participants who surrendered. But even more tragic, there is one person who fell and met his death. He is Vladimir Ladyzhensky, a man who can only survive no more than 6 minutes. He came out with a severe burn condition because his body was in excessive heat. Although had received intensive care from the medical team, but Ladyzhenskiy's life could not be saved because his burn has reached the third level. Since his death in 2010, the challenge contest survived in the sauna in extreme heat temperatures have never been held again.
Those are some of the contests that once took the lives of the participants, hopefully with this incident we can take the experience that in doing anything we must be careful.