in #contest6 years ago


Setelah sukses dengan kontes selfie bersama logo steemit, kini sebuah ide creatif kembali muncul dengan bantuan @paulag dan sahabat ku @legendchew yang aktif didalam komunitas @steemitbc, kini kembali mengadakan sebuah kontes yang berbasis humor untuk dapat menghibur para steemian yang sedang galau. Berawal dari sebuah tebak tebakan didalam channel #general pada discord @steemitBC, melahirkan sebuah ide baru untuk melaksanakan sebuah kontes tebak tebakan lucu yang bisa membuat kita tertawa.
Saya senang sekali dengan project yang satu ini, karena sambil kita mempromosikan platform steemit, kita juga bisa bersenang senang sambil tertawa.



Sahabat steemit ...

Ini penjelasan tehnik yang harus kalian ketahui untuk mengikuti kontes ini :

  • Saya akan memberikan satu tebak tebakan lucu setiap hari selama satu minggu dan kalian hanya perlu menjawabnya di komentar postingan ini.kemudian kalian juga wajib memberikan satu tebakan lucu dikomentar yang sama.nantinya akan dijawab oleh komentator yang lainnya juga.
  • Setiap komentar yang menjawab dengan benar dan lucu akan mendapatkan UPVOTE 100% dari @paulag dan @legendchew dan semoga @abh12345 juga mau melakukannya.ini adalah hadiah harian selama satu minggu.dan untuk hadiah utama pada hari ke tujuh adalah pemenang kontes tebak tebakan lucu ini akan mendapatkan 5 SBD, hadiah ini di sponsori oleh @paulag.



Peraturan mengikuti kontes ini :

1. Upvote dan resteem post ini

Inilah riddle hari # 1 :

Apakah yang ukurannya lebih besar dari gajah dan masih berhubungan dengan gajah?//???

selamat berimajinasi dan silahkan jawab..

In English


After success the contest selfie with steemit logo, now there are creative ideas that emerged with help by mrs.@paulag and my best friend @legendchew. Both of these steemains are in the community @steemitbc. Right now we would like to use our site with humor to entertain the steemian being troubled or just want a bit of fun. This all started from a from a funny riddle in discord @steemitBC #general channel, and has turned into an idea to run a riddle contest on Steemit that can make us laugh.
I am very happy with this project because it is a fun way we can all participate and promote Steemit.



All steemians.....

This is a technical explanation of how this contest will work:

  • I will give you a funny riddle every day for a week. You must answer the riddle in this post. Included with the answer will should also be a funny riddle of your own.This will be answered by other commentator also.
  • Any comments that right answer with funny will get UPVOTE 100% from mrs @paulag and @legendchew and hopefully @abh12345 will also join in. This is a daily gift for one week. And for the grand prize on the seventh day a funny riddles contest will get 5 SBD, this prize is sponsored by mrs@paulag.



The following rules:

1. Upvote and resteem this post

Here's the # Riddle DAY 1 :

Is it bigger than elephant and still related to elephant?, What is that?



the answer could be whale or mammoth . both are in the same subclass called ungulates .

It’s a fun thing to do and you devote a significant amount of energy to thinking about it, but you hate knowing that your parents are doing it. What is it?

ah why did you have to bring the parents into it lol

Don' t overthink it. It has been in the news lately.

Looolllll, you make my aunty think hard about this @doomsdaychassis

nope........................FACEBOOK .

The elephant intestine is larger than the elephant. Elephant intestine is 115 feet.

My riddle : what is the thing that is more useful when it is broken??

the more useful is the elephant's gut.

an egg?

Lol..... correct @paulag

Congrat momy, you got second cacth, hi hi hi hi

Negative @alzamna, he he he he


What starts with e, ends with e, and contains only one letter?

hahah I know this one, an envelope

Ha ha ha , you catch one mom

Negative @izaid,😂

Jawaban: Kandang gajah. 😂😁
Tebak dari saya.
Gajah kalo terbang nampak apa??

Nampak kali bohongnya

Heheh betul bang..

💯 @brexscoot, nampak boooooooooongya hi hi hihi

Heheh jelas sekali bang. Ditunggu tantangan selanjutnya.

Jawabannya Kebun Binatang 😂, kalo Kandang gajah mah terlalu mainstream !! Masih kalah besar sama kebun binatang.

Coba tebak, Gajah apa yang bisa nyanyi???

I am surender @debay...loll

@mrday Jawaban nya : Gajah muda gajah nya para remaja, yang selalu merasa gagah dan tak mau mengalaaaaahhh 😂 Mau buat pakek english tp kalo di translate hancur2an artinya tuh lagu hahaha
I hope it's not crispy (garing)

Ha ha ha ha, its going to crazyyyyyy @debay, l swear that l want to kick my self now

LOL, don't do it Mr. @mrday, trust me hard to do that hahaha, you can't do it yourself, you need someone else to do it. Same like me as a newcomer at this platform, I need you, aku tanpa mu butiran debu. Anjir malah baper aku 😅

I know that, she is the mother of the elephant, she is bigger than the other elephants at the time she is pregnant .. hahahahhaha .. LOL

Ha ha ha ha @abunagaya, more than word, unvelieveble you answered that one lolll

Kandang gajah 😂😂😂😂😂

Dan coba tebak gajah apa yang bisa terbang...

I am surrender @dedyrendra lol..

Gajah DHL jumbo cargo

Ha ha ha, l dont believe that

It's gajah bersayap😁

Hmmm... I not good at riddle. I guess is a zoo.

Negative @legendchew, come on guy, you got additional 1 second from me lolll...

Asia? I would relate an elephant to Asia?

Here is my riddle

what can go up a chimney down and cant go down a chimney up?

what size is greater than elephant and related to elephant is: (👂 ear elephant) the reason is big elephant body, but ear is bigger, because ear, hence elephant can not see body. wkwkwk 😂😂😂
Thank you @paulag & @mrday

my question, what elephant can sit .... ???? ha ha ha

I know...I know.... its sarong "gajah duduk" lol

I dont know, what cant a elephant sit


hahahahahah.. this elephant sitting, maybe he was ordering coffee.. LOL

Come to warkop coffee MK coffee, where gathering mubahasah learn to teach Steemit nsc hahahah😂



Ha ha ha ha, negative @syakiran.balya, you are funny guy, l know when elephant just sit down,

elephants who lost their front legs


why don't blind people like to skydive?

ah because it scares their dogs to much

very good, you got mine

I dont know why dont bling people like to skydive

Because it scares the hell out of the dog.


Negative mom, lol...
Thanks @doomsdaychassis to partycipated in this riddle

Incorrect mom.Loll

Hello @paulag, I think the answe is


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