
@heelsandmuffins I like this one! Can we keep him? I promise I’ll take good care of him and take him for walks!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Where the fuck is my boss tag! What am I now..your assistant?! ....

Posted using Partiko Android

Look at me! I am your captain now

Posted using Partiko iOS

!gif captain my captain

Well that is not the inspiring gif I was looking for.

Clearly not working out for you just gif it a rest already! 🥓 bacon strip anyone?

Posted using Partiko iOS

Lol well if you handing out muffins in heels!! Sounds like an assistant think!! I'll take banana date thanks!!!🤣🤣

Posted using Partiko Android

Off all the flavours you could choose... You chose to be salty .. damn shame

Posted using Partiko Android

Silly me, thought i just chose a fruitcake 😜

Posted using Partiko Android

Hahahaha!!!! I love them!! You never fail to disappoint!! Except now you got my boss in trouble with his MRS!!! Shots fired!!!

Posted using Partiko Android

You also never fail at 100% of the opportunities you never take! Replying to all these comments is tiring! Can I put a bounty on someone to comment for me?

Posted using Partiko iOS

Why do you need a bounty when you have an assistant??? quickly runs and hides before @heelsandmuffins attacks

Posted using Partiko Android

Baie dank memes for the referral! See what I did there? It screams I drink alone on a Thursday

Posted using Partiko iOS

Lol do you regret thanking me now??? He can be a handful!!! But his your problem now!! Feed him once a day at least, noodles and milk will do!!

Posted using Partiko Android

... I see you. I see everything.There is no hiding. And yeah, I still haven't installed Gina - too lazy. Hmm, let's see.

I would live life, but it takes too much effort. I'd not, but it takes more. When you understand that, tell me so I can do nothing about it.

Or and this is a wild idea just use partiko or steempeak so you know you get mentioned instead of stalking comments, I am not sure about others but I do appreciate the stalks since no one ever cared to drug me when we went out but all the others always got to get drugged. wtf up with that, I made sure to go commando and everything. Oh wait we aren't on one of your or my posts anymore. Loving the blasphemy post, now I am off to "say the first thing that pops into my head"

I feel you 😔

Posted using Partiko Android

If noone ever stalked you or drugged you maybe its coz you the stalker!! Just saying dude!!

Posted using Partiko Android

I've just found where @penderis spends all his time now. he's cheating on me with 6 other people.


LOL they don’t call him Teddy @Penderis for nothing! His got a lot of love to give

Posted using Partiko iOS

what???? he's giving LOVE to people too????

Like a hippy at Woodstock, his all love! Sure you have to peel back the layers of sarcasm and read between the lines but it’s still there! If you really want him back I think you should stand outside his house with a boombox and just go full John Cusack! It’s never worked for me in any past relationships but give it a try, film it and put it on dTube(if they let you upload of course)

Posted using Partiko iOS

I get so lost

But wait this didn't work in the movie either. She just turned her back and got deeper under the covers

Hey did you know that she's on Steemit?
For real!

@ioneskye yup!

Hahhahaha!! This nigga as been houing in too many different area codes!!!

Posted using Partiko Android

Was not but it is just too good ....

and this

Lol waaaaaayyyyyy toooooo muuuucccchhhhhh!!!!

Posted using Partiko Android

But got you to laugh. See I just cured your flu

I'm still unsure if this is an entry or a cry for help and we need to stage an intervention.

Interventions are a lot of fun! They're when everyone tries to convince you that your addiction isn't worth it, and you have to show them how much it is. At the end of the day Everyone gains something, be it an addiction to crack, or another customer.

Wow. Maybe that should be my entry. Eh, I think the first one might still be better.

And on the topic of interventions:

Listen to pen, gina is too old for you anyway! Plus last i heard she is having a mental breakdown!! Parkito is great!! Plus you get points whuch you can trade for votes!! And esteem for desktop!!

Posted using Partiko Android

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