Daily Brain Games is Changing The Game Plan – New Instructions

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

BrainGames cover New.002.jpeg

It has been a while since I am running the Daily Brain Games series, and I think that time has come for a change in the game plan.

„Use it or lose it" applies to our brain, so my primary intention with these puzzles is to provide some mental stimulation to as many people as possible. And this is exactly where changes are necessary. In the previous setting, only the first one had a chance to solve the puzzle from zero. All the others were usually discouraged by the fact that the answer had already been posted. With this new construction, I hope more people will try to give good solutions.

This is not a contest (yet – but we are always hoping) with a whale sponsor behind it, so do not expect high rewards. The main goal here is to have a few minutes of fun every day, the reward may only come as the topping on the cake.

So let's see the details...

The new game plan:

I will publish one puzzle of varying type and difficulty from Monday to Friday but instead of mentioning the date in the title, upcoming puzzles will be numbered for identification purposes.
I have my very busy daily schedule at home and at my workplace, so I cannot tell you in advance when I am posting. This is part of the game that I will post at random times (same as before).

To encourage participation, not only the first one sending a good answer will be rewarded, but there will be other rewards as detailed below. BUT this requires that the answers are not visible, so I will ask you NOT TO POST YOUR ANSWERS UNDER THE PUZZLES! To see how you can send your answers, just read a little bit further...

To participate in the contest, please do the following:

  1. Upvote the post.

  2. Send your answer to me either as a private message on Discord (@ksolymosi#5065) or in an e-mail message ([email protected]). If you use Discord, please make sure that your Discord name is the same as your Steemit name, otherwise, it will be difficult for me to find you...

  3. Comment on the post containing the puzzle mentioning where I should look for your answer (for example „Answer sent via Discord").


Don't post your solution under the post containing the puzzle because then you ruin the game of others!

The answer should contain the identification number of the puzzle, too (for example DBG 1).

Answers should arrive until I post the results on the next day (usually between 12.00 am and 8.00 pm UTC+1, but exceptions might occur...). This leaves approximately a 12-24 hour time window to send me your answers. (Answers arriving later will not be considered.)

It is possible to correct your answer by sending another solution, but only the last message will be considered for the reward. (So if you send the good answer first and then send another message with a wrong one, then, unfortunately, the wrong one will „participate" in the game.)

Please do not ask clarifying questions. I do my best to phrase instructions as clearly as possible. So everyone should work from the amount of information given in the post.

Announcing the correct solution and the winners

Please do not expect any replies from me to your message containing the solution. I will not send answers to individual messages but announce the correct solution and the winners in the next DBG post.

At weekends, I will also post weekly and monthly leaderboards showing the summarized scores of all participants.

Rewards and scoring

Daily rewards and scoring:

There will be two daily winners:

  • The person sending the first correct answer will receive 1 SBD plus 6 XP
  • There will be a small, random reward given to someone who had sent a correct answer. It is 0.25 SBD + 3 XP.

Everyone else sending a correct answer will get 1 XP.

If there is a draw, rewards will be split. (If two persons have sent the correct answer at the very same time and they were the first, then both persons will receive 0.5 SBD plus 3 XP.)

Weekly rewards and scoring:

The three persons collecting the most XP within a week will receive an extra reward:

  • First: 3 SBD plus 20 XP
  • Second: 2 SBD plus 15 XP
  • Third: 1 SBD plus 10 XP

If there is a draw, rewards will be split accordingly.

Monthly rewards and scoring:

The three persons collecting the most XP within a month will receive another extra reward:

  • First: 6 SBD plus 40 XP
  • Second: 4 SBD plus 30 XP
  • Third: 2 SBD plus 20 XP

If there is a draw, rewards will be split accordingly.

Support and donations

There will be an additional weekly reward to those who donate or fundraise the most SBD to support the DBG posts during the given week.
You can raise funds in these ways:

  • by upvoting DBG posts
  • by buying upvotes from upvote bots (most bots post a reply mentioning the name of the donator, but if that was missing, just post the steemd or steemit screenshot under the post as a proof).
  • by donating an amount to the contest (to do this send the amount directly to my @ksolymosi account and write „Donation to DBG" in the memo)

Top fundraisers will receive the following weekly rewards:

  • The „golden supporter" of the week (fundraising the highest amount) will get back 40% of his/her donation plus 20 XP
  • The „silver supporter" of the week will get back 20% of his/her donation plus 15 XP
  • The „bronze supporter" of the week will get back 10% of his/her donation plus 10 XP

Supporters will be announced in the weekly leaderboards.

Well, I hope you will like this new framework and the system will be able to produce the funds for all of your rewards. (Obviously, I am willing to finance it for a couple of weeks, but not unlimitedly. Therefore please note that I am still testing the setting during the upcoming weeks and reserve the right to change any of the above-mentioned conditions or even to return to the previous system if I consider it necessary.)

Cover image source
Author: Julia Freeman-Woolpert (a member of freeimages.com)


No anonymous method to send in an answer? :-(

Well, both Discord and the e-mail are anonymous... Unfortunately, ​ I have not find any way here on Steemit, but tell me if you know any.

That will fail the moment the first person accidentally sends a message unencrypted with the correct answer. I guarantee that there will be vultures looking for a chance to cash in with a copypasta off of that.

As far as I understand it, it is encrypted unless the first symbol is not #. Seems to me way more likely that someone answers in a reply. Especially since a PM costs Steem Dollar. Up to @ksolymosi if this method is accepted. One upside is that the Steemit name cannot be mistaken.

Yes you cannot send a memo without sending anything (sbd or steem). We can create a simple bot, what send the money back with a memo: "you are right / wrong".

Also they can encrypt the solution and just post here. But it is a way easier to just login to steem.chat or discord and send the solution.

Btw talking about mistakes, I'm sure a bunch of people won't read the rules and just simply post the solution here.

Yes, that is my concern that people don't read the rules, but let's test it... :-) This is part of the evolution of the game...
I am thinking about the encrypted messages. Now it seems easier to send it via Discord or in e-mail but let's see how it will work out... :-)

I understand. But I looked at Discord and signing up there requires an e-mail address. As I want to stay fully anonymous, that is a no-go for me. Also it turns out that the solution provided by @spiz0r provides no accurate time stamp, which you need.

Would it be possible to use PGP? This can be achieved by exchanging public keys (once) and then posting encrypted answers using your public key signed with mine. Public keys can be freely posted without anyone else being able to decrypt (for that you need the receiver's private key).

A clear advantage this way would be that the answer is in one central place (as a reply on your Steamit post) but a disadvantage is that it takes some doing in order to read it (copy/paste into PGP software).

here is the timestamp:

But yes it is more complicated.

Ok, several things...

  • I'll be turning in answers as @doughtaker#8347. I also left you a DM on Discord, no need to respond back.

  • How will XP carryover work? Am I correct to assume that weekly bonuses are good for the month in which it is earned, and the monthly bonuses apply to the next month (e.g. monthly bonuses from the end of April's leaderboard count towards May)?

  • Are there separate leaderboards for players and donations, or is there just one leaderboard for everyone?

Thanks for the reply. :-)
I hope you can see many of your ideas incorporated into the system... :-)
About the leaderboards:
Yes, I plan to incorporate the weekly bonuses into the monthly leaderboard. Both should give information about the bonuses gained WITHIN THE GIVEN WEEK/MONTH.
For this reason monthly bonuses will not be carried over to the next month, however I plan to post an "all time" accumulated leaderboard posted at the end of monthly reports. Or maybe introduce an annual bonus to those on top of that list. But this is thinking far too ahead... First I need to see if this system is viable.

Concerning the last question: my intention is to have only one leaderboard, because I assume that donations will mostly come from upvotes of players. So yes, one leaderboard for everyone.

Thanks for the clarifying questions! Have a nice day!

Awesome. Yep, I see that the new system has been influenced my ideas, and judging from the turnout for the first DBG in the new format, I think we should all be encouraged by that. =)

Next on my to-do list: eat, then go solve the new DBG, and then figure out how to be awake more often when those puzzles go up (I'm sure you noticed that over the last month I've been slacking sleeping off...)

You have a nice day as well! =)

Great to see these changes coming. I have also added you as a contact in Discord. My user ID is sonofsatoshi#9897. Thank you! :-)

All right, thanks a lot!

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