Artstorm Contest # 84 Day 7 - 'How Do You Feel?' Week - Theme Today - Feeling Sad. My Venezuela

in #contest5 years ago

Greetings friends!
When I saw that @deemarshall published a contest about feelings, which today is about: feeling sad, my country, Venezuela, immediately came to mind. It is incredible the drastic change that I have lived due to the critical situation of the country. When before with my work I could buy any product, now it is impossible for me. When I entered the university I projected so many things that today disappear as the wind due to the demotivation that this causes, today I do not practice the profession I studied, education. I work as a graphic designer in a textile company that for my misfortune is on the verge of bankruptcy ...
I always think about why we came to this? Venezuela deserves this? I do not understand the passivity of the people of this country before so much misery. Well they say the Venezuelan. Unfortunately, he settled for this ...
See every day more and more children begging and stealing gives me so much sadness, grandmothers I remember a lot when one approached me to ask me something to eat, and I had that little money just to bring food to the house that day, I gave a bread and I had to ask the dispatcher to sting a piece of cheese that I had bought to give to my grandmother ... the lady with tears in her eyes gave me her blessing and thanks ... That is definitely the face of a country in crisis. I cried and cried that day ...
There would be so many things to add that it would take me a whole day to write ...

Saludos amigos!
Cuando vi que @deemarshall publico un concurso sobre los sentimientos, el cual el dia de hoy trata sobre: sentirse triste, inmediatamente se me vino a la mente mi pais, Venezuela. Es increible el cambio drástico que he vivido debido a la situación tan critica del pais. Cuando antes con mi trabajo podía adquirir cualquier producto, ahora me es imposible. Cuando ingresé a la universidad me proyecté tantas cosas que hoy en día se esfuman como el viento debido a la desmotivacion que esto causa, hoy dia no ejerzo la profesion que estudié, educación. Trabajo como diseñador grafico en una empresa textil que para mi infortunio esta a punto de quiebra...
Siempre pienso en por qué llegamos a esto? Venezuela merece esto? No entiendo la pasividad de la gente de este pais ante tanta miseria. Bien dicen que el venezolano. lamentablemente, se conformó con esto...
Ver cada dia mas y mas niños mendigando y robando me da tanta tristeza, abuelitas que recuerdo mucho cuando una se me acerco a pedirme algo para comer, y yo ese dia contaba con el poco dinero justo para llevar de comer a la casa, le di un pan y tuve que pedirle al despachador que picara un trozo de queso que habia comprado para darselo a la abuela... la señora con lagrimas en los ojos me dio su bendicion y las gracias... Ese sin duda es el rostro de un pais en crisis. Lloré y lloré ese dia...

Faltarían tantas cosas por agregar que me llevaria todo un dia escribir...



I am so sorry this has happened to you in your country. It is horrific.

Your art shows this well.

Thank you!
I hope this changes for the better.

Congratulations on the win my dear friend, your artwork tells it all. Such sadness in your wonderful country, I’m so sorry! I have many friends on Steemit, that live in Venezuela, they to, talk about their pain. I pray for your country, and every country on earth, that we all may have more peace, prosperity, and more love for each other. May God bless you, your beloved family, and all who suffer @juarnzcorpion. Here’s a big hug from me to you, hang in there my friend ❣️

Nice words @lildebbiecakes =)
Every day is a fight in my country ...
And that's the way, many Venezuelans use Steemit as an economic aid ...
Thank you! A hug ;)

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