Cave Fan Coral (Melithaea sp.)
Also known as Gorgonian Sea Fans, Octocorals, Gorgonian Fan Coral, Fan Coral
2.Anna's Magnificent Slug (Chromodoris annae)
3.Antler Coral (Pocillopora eydouxi)
Also known as Branching Corals, Cauliflower Coral, Brush Coral, Elkhorn Coral
4.Arthritic Spider Shell (Lambis chiragra arthritica)
Also known as Arthritic Spider Conch and Spider Shell
5.Asparagus Algae (Asparagopsis taxiformis)
Also known as Red Algae, Seaweed, Asparagus Seaweed, Marine Seaweed, Iodine Weed, Macro Algae.
6.Aurora Shrimpgoby (Amblyeleotris aurora)
Also known as Shrimp Gobies, Aurora Prawn-goby, Pink-bar Shrimp-goby, Pink-bar Goby, Pink-bar Partner Goby, Beautiful Prawn-goby.
7.Aureopurpurea Nudibranch (Chromodoris aureopurpurea)
Also known as Nudibranchs and Gold-spotted Chromodoris
8.Cauliflower Soft Coral (Scleronephthya sp.)
Also known as Soft Tree Corals, Tree Coral, Dendronephthya sp., Nephtheid Soft Coral, Broccoli Coral, Flower Tree Coral, Strawberry Coral.
Found on coral and rocky reefs in areas of slow currents, also very turbid areas often branching out from vertical walls and hanging from cave ceilings.
The bigger fan corals often have a corkscrew effect on the main stems.
They feed on plankton.
Length - 1m
Depth - 20-40m
Widespread Indo-Pacific
Most soft corals have no true skeleton and so their bodies are flexible
See this picture learn and remember this...It's beautiful
wow i don know even one :D
Found on coral and rocky reefs in areas of slow currents, also very turbid areas often branching out from vertical walls and hanging from cave ceilings.
The bigger fan corals often have a corkscrew effect on the main stems.
They feed on plankton.
Length - 1m
Depth - 20-40m
Widespread Indo-Pacific
Most soft corals have no true skeleton and so their bodies are flexible
See this picture learn and remember this...It's beautiful
yes so beautiful thnk you for detail :D
I think we have a winner. Next! :D
Don't know time will say ...And it's really difficult to identify from a picture.I just try and write this name from my book...
Thank you @leeart