in #contest8 years ago

Alright guys the long awaited contest is finally here. Please remember the reason for this contest is to aid the upcoming African Steemit Seminars which will hold next month in Three different African Countries (Nigeria, Cameroon and SouthAfrica)
For more details on the Seminar please look here
This Contest is a win win scenario 50% of the Author rewards generated from this blog will be used to pay the winners, while the remaining 50% will be used to to aid the upcoming African Steemit Seminar. So for this to work we need team work!
Steemit contest1.jpg
Alright guys here are the rules...
*You are to predict the price STEEM will be one week from now (currently Steem is $2.14 as of when this blog was posted)
Steem price.jpg
*You can have two slots to predict. Example: comment your prediction (STEEM $2.00/$3.00) Any predictions above two slots per user is considered invalid.
*You must Upvote this blog and Resteem it to help generate revenue if you are to participate.
*To win you must get the correct price Steem will worth on the 30th/June/2017 time: 3:00PM GMT. If any of your predictions matches you win!
*Contest ends on 30th/June/2017 Time:3:00PM GMT.
*Comment your predictions below.
Good luck to all participants... LET'S make this BIG!
steemit to africa1.jpg

Follow me for updates on The seminar.
You can chat me up on Telegram download the app and click here to chat, call or help me out. Thank you.
Get predicting guys!..
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Now lets invite others....
@aaagent @aadyashakti @aarauz @aarkay @abcdoctor @abid2017 @ace3do @achim86
@acwood @adamflegg @adamt
@ades @adilmehraj @adrian808 @adrianmada321 @adrianobalan @adsun
@afrog @ah85 @aileyan
@akkadia @alexross @alfredegrate
@alfredotime @alol @always1success
@amri @anadeleonartista @ancapwarren
@andrianna @annhoyblog @annlucca83
@anothervoice @anubhav @aqeelmalik
@argekunst @arjunmartavela @artmoney
@artpoet @artwatch @askari
@avvah @babyboybob @bakat @balajis
@barcodekiller @beng05 @besold @biggi
@bigram13 @birrulibmc @bitcoinandcoffee @bitcoinsig @blackvapor @bosmed
@brandi @brijesh.mota @brokentoyland
@bryguy @budimir @bymma @carface
@carland @carlobelgado @catchinglife
@ceyhun @chelseaside @chinadaily
@chrissymchavez @chrystaldawn
@clayford08 @condra
@coreyp @crackdown @creativeusername @crepa @crististurgill @cryptonewsblog
@cryptoriddler @cryptowallet
@dadotheshark @deepti
@deliverance @difuel @digital-entrep
@dimidrolshina @dimitrya123 @dirtdiver
@djsonic @dlina-v-metrah @doitvoluntarily @dr-boo @dreamiely @dyandayang @eazyh
@ecuadorianin @edgarsart
@edtorrez @emaa @engraqin @ericgordon @errymil @eternoinfinito
@experimental @exploretraveler
@eyeofthestorm @fannyamor
@floyd25 @followseveryone
@gabriel4589 @gabrielvlad
@gbenga @gerdadutoit @globalfoodbook @god-is-love @granit @grildrig @grottbags
@harleymechanix @healthiswealth
@hebro @hentikage @hiroyamagishi
@homesteader @iamjammartinez
@iheartyou @ilonalt @imagediet @indepthstory @ingam
@inkedandsexy @instructor2121 @ira.russia @jailbot @jakfast
@jduarte @jeanelleybee
@joanaltres @jocelin-falcon
@jonathanxvi @jonny-clearwater @jraysteem @jrhughes @julia-alexis22 @julietavives
@junglist @justtryme90
@kamus @kanedizzle85 @karenmckersie @kikiyai @kveryhappy @larutanton
@lautenglye @leanvix @leehongmun
@leopotato @lepton @lexikon082
@lightsplasher @lk666 @longnshort
@louiscpt @lukekelley @lukinsawyer
@lykencrypto @lykencypto @lykendream
@mackrc @mariandavp @marieta88
@marillaanne @markcampbell
@markwayy @martinramallo
@martyalan @marvindean @mathworksheets @matthogan @maxphill @mckenzie259 @mericanhomestead @mikey94
@mk40 @mobbs @moonpunk
@muspaytren @nakamura
@natevegas @nathanhollis
@nayzer @nezaigor @nicnas
@nitinchugh @numpypython
@oblong @omrusman @orionschariot
@orrslaw @otitrader @outerground @peak-au @pes7md @peterveton @philmesnier @pluginbinnie @pocketechange
@positivesteem @pqlenator
@prabhatchugh @predator-geoff
@quantumspirit @reconnectnature
@retired20usaf @ricardohd
@richard.pir @riostarr
@rogeer @rokasltu
@roxanad18 @roy2016
@sacred-agent @saifulbahri
@sandram @sarahber @sarahjay
@satoshikiddo @scrooger @secter @selfmadeboss @senthilm03 @sgtdestruction
@sgtechservices @sighmanjestah
@simpatoloop @sirknight
@skinnythames @smartdickhead
@snubbermike @solarguy
@south-paw @southernliving
@southerntygers @spacehoppa
@sportsncoffee @ssekulji
@starsteem @steem-mag
@steemisbeautiful @steemmaster @steemriser21
@steven.spearman @stevenmaiso
@stevethenaive @stfsteemship
@styloics @sumdumphok
@tamaralovelace @tamsguitar
@tamy @teotwawkiman @tgjamieerin @the01crow @theblindsquirl @thecrazygm
@thedailyroto @thefactfactory
@theleonfeed @thelivingpoet
@thelordsfinest @tiamaria
@timmo3663 @timsaid @tinoe @tonypat
@toru @turk @twogirls1planet
@ullsgpir @vaibhavshah
@velimir @vichetuc @vincenttedaldi @voidmu @wakeupsheeps @walcot @wallstscalper @walterz
@whoib @winkle @wizarc
@wolfpack @yakuhi @ylgv @yoganarchista
@yourmateoli @zeroshiki @zexna @zijiplasma


check out my profile for trade analysis

Thank you for assistance i will check it out please resteem blog. thank you.

STEEM $2.21/$2.09

This is going to be awesome Thank you@jaydee cant wait for the South Africa leg of your tour . my prediction is (STEEM $2.60/$3.20)

Noted thank you. @louiscpt
I too can't wait to see you and maybe you can give me a round tour. *winks

Very good initiative. You are generous. I will follow you because we need more people like you. Good job

Thank you @izbing
I love your support.

Love this.
STEEM $2.21/$2.80

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