#177 Come Join【Cross-culture Challenge】🤗🎎 | 来参加【跨文化活动】steemCreated with Sketch.

in #contest6 years ago (edited)


👆 photo by me in La Paz, Bolivia

Greetings everyone! Time flies - I've joined Steemit for over a year, and I am grateful for many communities and friends that have been constantly supporting and inspiring me.

To celebrate this anniversary and to give back to the Steem community, I am hosting a cross-culture challenge. (Thanks @Partiko for sponsoring part of the rewards!) Let's join some fun in this bear market! :)

So why a cross-culture challenge?

Like I said in my intro post:

I'm most enthusiastic about traveling, photography, cooking, art... I believe any traveler understands this wanderlust - you just can't have enough. By traveling far and wide, you discover new ways of living and understand other cultures to appreciate them, you constantly get inspired and would ultimately better yourself. Especially when you travel solo, you set yourself free and interact more with locals. You start to judge less and accept more.
I do, like many of you foodies there, take great pleasure in eating and cooking. And I try to learn cooking from different cultures during my travels, to spice up my own experiments on food fusion...

There is a great variety of cultures on this planet, and each culture has its own charm. Lived across 5 continets and traveled to over 60 countries, I have been mesmerised by all the different cultures. Steemians here come from all over the world with rich cultural backgrounds. It would be fun to exchange some ideas/photos/videos... Exchange makes change. Live and let live. So my challenge will focus on "cross-culture".

To join this challenge, you just need to compare 2 or more cultures that you have experienced. Any form of content is welcome, you can write a short essay, post a photo story, create a drawing/painting/animation/design, share a quick video, record your voice of talking or singing... all fine! It would be great to hear your personal stories soaking up in different cultures. Share your inspiration with us!

Then what is culture? 🧐

Back in my uni course of Cultural Studies, there's been heated discussion about what exactly culture is. To some extent, it seems almost everything can be seen as culture. To give you a bit inspiration, here's one of the definitions:

Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, encompassing language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts, etc..

👆 photo by me in Kampong Glam, Singapore

So that's it, just go pick a cultural topic (language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts, etc..) from 2 or more particular groups of people that you are familiar with, and show the differences to us in a certain form. Inspire me and other Steemians! Tell us any culture shock you experienced or any changes it brought to you!

Here are the rules and rewards 👇

You can choose between leaving a short comment or making a longer post.
Dealine:Feb 10, 2019



  • Leave a comment to my post, comparing 2 cultures you experieced in a certain aspect in any form (e.g. you can post photos that present different cultures like my 2 photos in this post, or write up a few lines, or whatever you feel like...). No requirement of the word count / number of images or length of the audio/video.

  • Tag one or more friends to join.

  • Rewards: After the deadline, I will select some commenters who will share a prize of 10 Steem.



  • Post with @Partiko app. If you haven't used this cool mobile app, download here to give it a try! They don't take any cut from your post payout, so you have nothing to lose but a chance to get more rewards. If you have a lot of content, you can also edit it on your laptop and paste it into Partiko afterwards.

~ At least 200 words in English + 1 original image by you (can be your photo, drawing, design, etc....);
~ Or if you choose to post video or audio, it should be at least 1 minute long.

  • Include "Cross-culture Challenge by @itchyfeetdonica" in your post title and use "cross-culture" as 1 of the tags, so I can find your post.

  • Drop your post link at the comment section of my post.

  • Resteem this post, so more people can join the challenge (I appreciate your follow or upvote, but it's not a must).

  • Rewards:

1st Prize * 1 winner ⬅ 10 Steem + 1000 Partiko points (7 Steem from me + 3 Steem from Partiko)
2nd Prize * 2 winners ⬅ 6 Steem + 800 Partiko points for each (8 Steem from me + 4 Steem from Partiko)
3rd Prize * 5 winners ⬅ 3 Steem + 500 Partiko points for each(10 Steem from me + 5 Steem from Partiko)

⭐ ⭐ ⭐

Anyone is welcome to join! Feel free to enter the challenge, or mention anybody that you thought could be interested. Look forward to your entries! =)


1). 留言送分题;

2). 发帖作文题。


⭐ 活动规则 ⭐

1). 送分题

  • 在此贴留言,举例比较文化差异,字数不限,发图片或音/视频也行。

  • 比较完后请@你觉得可能感兴趣的朋友来参加。

  • 奖励 - 截止后我会选出符合条件的留言者平分10Steem。

2). 烧脑题

  • 以“比较文化差异”为主题,用Partiko发贴 (华人团队开发的酷炫app你不会还不知道吧?If not, 点此下载),形式不限,可以是图文、音频、视频等。内容可以参考关键词:差异、比较、启发、改变。

如果发图文:至少300汉字 + 一张原创图(自己拍的照片或画/设计作品等都可以)
如果发音频或视频:时长至少1分钟 (不要求图文)

  • 标题请包括【跨文化活动】,使用cn-crossculture标签,请在文中包括活动链接。

  • 把你文章链接丢在我当周活动帖的留言处。

  • 请转发此文,让更多小伙伴看到。

  • 奖励 - 截止后我会选出8篇,分别送出:

金奖1名 - 10Steem + 1000 Partiko points (我出7Steem + Partiko赞助3Steem)
银奖2名 - 各 6Steem + 800 Partiko points (我出8Steem + Partiko赞助4Steem)
铜奖5名 - 各 3Steem + 500 Partiko points(我出10Steem + Partiko赞助5Steem)

欢迎你关注我和@Partiko、点赞此帖,或者赞助奖金(给大佬倒橙汁. gif),来鼓励更多人参与,让我们一起为现在这低落的平台活跃一下气氛吧~!💪

All content by @itchyfeetdonica
Photos shot with iPhone7
图文 by Donica多

Thank you for visiting! Please tell me what you think. Exchange makes change!
If you like my content, please support me by commenting / following / upvoting / resteeming.

感谢来访!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!

Here are some of my travel shots. Check out my posts on Steemit World Map, and follow me for more adventures around the globe!



所以帖就不写了。留个言吧。。。😭😭😭写不出。。。本想写些吃的,还是过年,又或者是华文。。。结果什么点都想不出。。。满脑子想着“辣死尼玛”(Nasi Lemak,椰浆饭),烧卖点心,叉烧饭,寿司。。。😱😱😱怎么办?谁来救我?😂😂😂

没事没事 不用有压力哈~ 你慢慢想 不参加也可以哦 或者你比较下椰浆饭 和印度香饭 还有华人的鸡饭? 反正我都喜欢吃 哈哈哈 每次去大马都吃不过来 你们大马多元文化很酷啊 @auleo就比较了马来人和华人的婚礼 还有不同族人讲的英语 😃

Thanks for your entry! Interesting comparison of Venezuela and Brazil. I was impressed by the Brazilian culture, and I'd love to visit your home country one day too. :)

谢谢牛肉Pho 我很喜欢吃 鸡肉的也不错

Great entry. Personally I don’t think it’s a dry subject. It’s fun to read your post. Thanks for entering!

Not entering, just stopping in to say that your headline photo is layered with social commentary. Excellent work!

Posted using Partiko Android

Great to hear you noticed that! Thank you for dropping by. =)

Absolutely a great idea !!! I recently was absent on steemit because I had to relocate to Canada. For the moment I will resteem it and then work out to write a post. And obvioulsy post about my stay in Canada

Hey Phil, was thinking of you, but haven't seen you for a while, so didn't mention you. I have never been super active here either, so must missed out a lot. Cool to hear about your new destination! Look forward to your post. I'm flying to Sardinia in a week. Have you been there before?

Wow !!! Yes I have been to Sardinia more than 10 years ago. If you have chance try Culurgionis they similar to dumpling made of potatoes and inside typical ricotta cheese. I do not remember if you drink alcool red wine Canonau and liquor fil e ferru . I also look forward to reading about your stay in Sardinia :) By the way I was and I am sometimes on discord chat with other members :) And obviously I resteemed your post... Unfortunately Partiko does not work with my laptop is it only for mobile phone? I have to solve it

Ok, Culurgionis... I'll remember this! Thanks for your tips Phil. Yes @Partiko is a mobile app - pretty neat, try it out! If you have a lot to say, just copy your content from your laptop and paste it to Partiko. :)

You're welcome In which part of Sardinia are you going ? I will do the best to set up this Partiko

No idea yet, might be driving around in a tiny Fiat 500 like some locals, haha...

Awesome you should visit "caves of Golfo of Orosei" one of the most beautiful location I have ever visited around all Italy :) Be careful around the north around I think Porto Cervo is very expensive but probably in this part of the year it is low season probably won't be. In the countryside you may find roads full of sheeps :) :)

haha 最近搬家忙成🐶 一直没空推广英文版 你的视频好了吗 来分享下新疆那边的经历?


Posted using Partiko Android

Interesting challenge and something new on the chain. I would definitely try to share something regarding it. Thank you for the mention.

Posted using Partiko Android

That's awesome! Look forward to your entry. :)

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