IFC - S1 : R30 entry - Most Important Issue - iexplore's gift to the world

in #contest7 years ago

Greetings from Cryptopia

This is my entry to the Information Finding Championship Round 30 - Most Important Issue.
If you would like to enter this round click here to see the official rules. Follow along @ifc and Good luck to all!



I took this picture a few years ago at The Farm Sanctuary in Watkins Glenn, New York. The Farm Sanctuary is one of the most popular farm animal rescues in the US, if not the world. It has such a great story from it's founder Gene Bauer. But this post is less about the sanctuary and more about this quote I captured on my way out.

Until we extend our circle of compassion to all living things, humanity will not find peace.

Such a power and thought provoking quote. But I feel the most important part of the quote is missing and that is the beginning of what Albert Schweitzer was mentioning.

We must fight against the spirit of unconscious cruelty with which we treat the animals. Animals suffer as much as we do. True humanity does not allow us to impose such sufferings on them. It is our duty to make the whole world recognize it.

My original thinking towards this post was the lack of compassion in this world, which I still believe is a big issue, but the phrase "spirit of unconscious" really stood out to me.

Could this be the biggest issue we all face as humanity? Are we that inept from reality? Unconscious decision making is one of the biggest issues we face today on this planet.

Can you answers these questions today?

  • When you throw something away in the trash...Do you know where it's going?
  • When you eat that hamburger...Do you know the harm you've caused?
  • Drinking that cup of coffee...Do you know the impact that affects you brain capacity?
  • Conscious consumerism...Do you know where, who, what, how that product was made and the impact that has made?
  • The money in your 401k...Do you know the "big businesses" you are supporting?
  • Your bank account...Again do you know the companies and agendas they are supporting?
  • Your own workplace...Who and what do they support?

All of these are decisions made unconsciously. "We must fight against the spirit of unconsciousness!" Because in the end you are the one making these decisions.

We get caught up in our daily lives in developed countries and we have all these material "things" to just keep buying and throwing away. What if we all can expand our relative thinking a little more and just be more conscious on the decisions we make? Well you might say, "I didn't know", but in the end who's fault is that? Your own for not asking?

To better ourselves, better our communities, and better our world, lets be more conscious of our every day activities and their impacts on the world.

I leave you with a trailer of the documentary Prosperity. Here you will find the solution to this issue! It even features a local organic farm near me! Enjoy and keep Exploring!

Keep Exploring!.jpg

Fresh Fields.png

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Great entry! I vibe with this a lot, and I think even I'm guilty of not knowing where some of the stuff I get comes from.. But I do try to become aware of things and not contribute to injustice when I can, which is one reason I went vegan. I think once you realize injustice, most people don't wanna be a part of it anymore.. But a lot of people are unconsciously contributing to massive injustice.. And I agree with your sentiments and the sentiments of that quote.. I think that is one of the most important issues out there.. Not just apathy, but ignorance as well. For how can you even be apathetic about something if you don't even know about it? Knowing is key. Thanks for the great entry!

Yes! Lets not be ignorant to our actions! I think we are all guilty. If we can make more people recognize this we might be able to put an end to corrupt corporate capitalism and have hope to transition to a conscious un-corrupt system.

I think the better you can target the source of things, or one of the sources and put it into words the better. One of my main missions in life is to try to help explain what I see in better and more effective ways and I think the "unconscious" aspect is a big part, so thanks for helping me with that. Though.. It's still pretty hard to get through to a lot of people who don't want to see the information, who sort of choose to remain ignorant of the greater world and deeper morality and things of such nature.. So.. A major struggle is still how to try to encourage people to care enough to learn about all of these things instead of playing video games or watching TV or just whatever the various kinds of ways people escape into pleasure modes. And I'm not saying any of that is bad, it's just out of proportion to the amount people try to help. They spend too much time hedonistically and not enough time altruistically and selflessly trying to help others in my opinion, to the point it essentially threatens the existence of our species and most life on the planet..

I think my "bread and circus" applies more this comment. :) I like your mission. It adds such great value to society. And it's a way to at least get the conversation started. If we keep "seeding" the truth we will open up more eyes then you think. People are stubborn, it's up to them to decided, but I think the conversation can't be ignored much longer.

It is like a big bread and circus.. The mental asylum of the Milky Way.
And yeah.. I think it's good to have far off dreams, but also realistic goals too. And I can realistically be happy with just trying to help share important or useful information. That makes me happy. But who knows, maybe in time a lot more will happen. :) Time will tell and I can still dream! :D
Also.. I tend to agree, with the internet more and more things are being discussed more and more and it's hard to avoid some of the issues for too much longer, the people in power can downplay and minimize and censor and hide a lot, but I mean.. In time.. Eventually we gotta make some crossroads. Well.. Hopefully anyways!!

Thanks for sharing valuable post.

we cant fight unconscious actions because if we are suppose to put much attention on unconscious actions like trying to know where the trash is going to be dumped and so on will take most of the time for conscious action needed to be think through.

Once you become aware of the affects of the actions you take, there are no more excuses for your unconscious action. It's the knowledge that is gained and how you act that makes the difference.

I myself am definitely a hypocrite. I could definitely try and be less wasteful. I think it's just human nature that we sorta just let that stuff go because it doesn't affect us directly in that moment of time. As human's for the most part are so narrow minded we don't look at the big picture just what's in front of us at the moment (usually a smart phone) now a days.

I myself am trying to get better as well because I'm definitely in the masses when it comes to this topic and there definitely has to be a change.

I think it starts with taking fault and gaining the knowledge. Once you have that knowledge it is then up to you take action. Our minds are believed to be the most evolved minds on this planet (I may beg to differ, (disclosure..but that's another topic, hah)). So, if we can expand our conscious minds with our unconscious actions we could see a potential social behavior switch.

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