International Women's Day Contest: PICK A PARTNER (Pap)

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

When you say the word, "Woman",
You don't just speak of one word,
You speak of faces upon faces twirled into a parable.

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Women's Day Theme

His Friends,

If you did read the poem I posted barely hours ago, you would know that this is an excerpt from that poem. Well, these lines barely qualify on describing and evaluating the role of women in the affairs of the world. Women are the second half of the cosmos, and without them, the world will hang in imbalance. In fact, without women, there would be no world at all.

And now, in just a few hours time, the world will be dedicating the entire Day, March 8, in celebrating the awesomeness of women.

And although, everyday is meant to appreciate these special ones, March 8 signifies the day when we all get to go all out to advocate for Women's right, anti sexism and civil awareness.

Anyway, enough story. We, on the steem block chain are known to stand tall for what is pure and beautiful. So, in light of that, quite a lot of hands have come together to cook up quite an interesting, mind blowing contest in honor of the International Women's Day.

PICK A PARTNER (PaP), This is the name of the contest and these are its modalities.


The celebration of women's day is not inclusive in its own right. In fact, the reason why they is a day to celebrate women is because there are men in the picture. But most times, the masculine gender is taken out of the picture. So, this contest will be constructed in a way to bridge this oppositeness and make Women's Day a way to bring together both sexes and make our Steemit men celebrate our Steemit ladies. 😊

How it Works

Step One
Two contestants get to participate as a single pair in this contest - a male and a female. The male can pick the female, the female can pick the male. Anyhow, it works, the female should make sure to have a male partner. We are celebrating her and there is no way that will happen without a male partner. Your partner can be anyone on the Steemit block chain.

Step Two
You and your partner will converse on any social media platform and give answers to the three questions each we see give here. The female participants ask their male partners three questions as dictated here and the male also ask the female partners three questions as will be given here.

Step Three
Apart from the three questions that will be given to you to ask each other, every pair/partners are to ask themselves at least two random questions. It can be about anything at all. The lady can ask the guy, who is your favorite female celebrity? The male can ask the lady, how many boyfriends have you had?😎

Just joking, but the point is ask each other any questions at all.

Step Four
Make a Steemit post about the conversation you have made on Whatsapp or via any social media platform. You can simply copy and paste the entire conversation as it is. Even if you made error while chatting, still post it like that. That's the beauty of the competition.

Now, you are wondering who should make the post. Well, it is the female partner, of course. Remember, we are celebrating her. The guys MUST resteem the post, but the female will own the post. Both of you will promote the post but the payout on the post belongs to the females.

Step Five
Drop the link to your PaP post here or your conversation is not too long, you can simply drop it off in the comment box. Just make sure you and your partner's conversation is dropped here. Make sure to use the tag pap so that others can easily find your post.

Chikena, that is all. So here's a summary

  • Pick a Partner
  • Ask and answer our three questions each on Whatsapp or Telegram.
  • Ask yourselves at least two random questions each and answer.
  • The female partner should make a post about it by copying and pasting her conversation with her partner.
    -The male partner SHOULD RESTEEM his partner's post
  • Drop the link to the post as a comment here. Use the tag pap so that others can easily find your post.
These are the three questions you both (male and female) are to ask each other.


For the Females. This is what you get to ask.

  1. As ladies, no doubt, we have been made to go through the worst experiences in the hands of men - Battery, single mothering, rape, sexual molestation by uncles and cousins and househelps. No matter what we say about how men also get these treatments, the truth is females are mostly affected. Being a guy, can you explain why you think these things happen? Simply put, why do men abuse women? And then, knowing the problems what do you think can be done?

  2. You know how women are parading themselves around, talking about how they should have equal rights with men. How they should be able to work, eat, talk and behave like men. Now, most of these women abandon marriage and family hood for their careers. What do you really think about this? Is this the way forward?

  3. What turns you on and what turns you off in a woman? By extension, what is your own idea of feminine beauty? Fatness, tallness, business, shortness. Talk am.


The questions the males should ask are these:

  1. Everybody knows the stomach is the way to a man's heart ♥. But we rarely know what the way is to a woman's heart. So, can you tell me what the way to a woman's heart is? How can I make a woman love me more?
  1. You ladies keep talking about feminism and women rights and all that kind of thing. But I am confused here. What exactly is feminism and do men have a role to play in it?

  2. What one thing would you really want to change about a man if you had your way? Just one thing.

Technically, we are going to have three winners. And they will be selected based on how great their answers to the questions are. But more importantly, winners will be selected based on how interesting, naughty and friendly their conversations are. We want to see that pair who will blow our minds away with the beautiful way they talk to each other. We just see cooperation really and bonding.


Ok, I have been running my mouth since about the contest without saying what everyone stands to gain.

Well, there is an 18 sbds and 2 steems pool prize. And here is how it's going to go.

1st prize is 7 Sbds
Second prize is 5 Sbds
Third prize is 3 Sbds

2 steems for those with the highest votes on their post

The prizes are sent to the females' account. They decide the cut for the guys . But the guy can be so nice and leave it all for her. Since she is the one being celebrated 😋

The remaining 3 sbd will go to 3 different people (1 each) for outstanding individual performances.

And yes, the Onequality community will vote all the posts with great contents.

So basically, everyone is a winner in this contest.

Honestly, this contest wouldn't be happening were it not for the support of the community and our Ogas at the top-

@illuminatus, @Mimy, @Ttopswag, @learnandteach01, @tezzmax, @pangoli, @africaunchained, @onequality and all the other communities...

I can't thank you all enough for facilitating this contest.

I have been doing a lot of talking, I think it's time I put in for my own contest or rather, OUR contest. You are wondering who my partner is? Well, he's no other than Human History Sage himself, @edumurphy. So yes, @edumurphy is taken, ladies, go and look for your own partner.


Edumurphy, do you know that this Alek Wek Well is Lupita Nyongo's role model?

Anyway, here is our conversation:

Funmi: Hi Edumurphy

Edumurphy: Yo

Edumurphy: How we wan do am na

Funmi: So should I run the questions by you?

Edumurphy: Yes oooo

This is what I get to ask you.

I will start with the serious question

  1. As ladies, no doubt, we have been made to go through the worst experiences in the hands of men - Battery, single mothering, rape, sexual molestation by uncles and cousins and househelps.

No matter what we say about how men also get these treatments, the truth is females are mostly affected. Being a guy, can you explain why you think these things happen? Simply put, why do men abuse women? And then, knowing the problems what do you think can be done?

  1. You know how women are parading themselves around, talking about how they should have equal rights with men. How they should be able to work, eat, talk and behave like men. Now, most of these women abandon marriage and family hood for their careers. What do you really think about this? Is this the way forward?
  1. What turns you on and what turns you off in a woman? By extension, what is your own idea of feminine beauty? Fatness, tallness, business, shortness. Talk am.

Edumurphy: Chai


  1. As a man who has never done those things, my answer might not be as perfect as you would like. That said, it comes down to a few factors.

a) Men who are not winning in their daily life: a lot of time take out their frustration on their wife or girlfriend.

b) Men being physically stronger: most men are stronger than most women. That is a biological fact. Being bigger and more powerful means that the ability to bully exists. If that ability exists, then sooner or later, it will be used.

If tomorrow women woke up and found they were all bigger and stronger than men, you can sure they would be beating their spouses. Not all but a solid percentage.

We see it between men when one is bigger. We see it between women when one is bigger. We see it among teenagers.

Bullying is a human thing and as one of its result, we get men beating their wives -- because they can.

Edumurphy: Rape comes from the same sources. Flexing power over women that they can't flex elsewhere, sadism of forcing someone's "no" to be a "yes" whether they like it or not, as punishment for daring to be bold as a woman instead of meek or simply because he thinks nobody will find out.

Edumurphy: Solutions? More awareness, more education for women and girls so that they won't be economically powerless. That way, no woman will stay with a man that js beating or raping her because she is afraid of poverty. Encouraging the victims to come out openly and reveal what was done to them.


  1. I support those women 100%. Full stop. If there is any problem there, it will solve itself. Women that want kids will have them. Women that don't want kids, will not have them. No be by force.


  1. For men in general, there is no type of woman that some man or men will not like. Speaking for myself, I like slimness, fitness, small bust and very dark skin. That doesn't mean I will not happily accept somebody bigger or lighter skinned or taller.

What would make me refuse a woman? Smoking is a no-no. Being a bully is a no-no. Being selfish or greedy is a no-no.

Someone who doesn't like sex, that is also a no-no. Sex is something we do together not something I need to force her to or beg her to or that she reluctantly does just to make me happy.

Funmi: Thanks a lot Edumurphy. Really grateful. What questions would you like to ask me.

Edumurphy: Chai

  1. Everybody knows the stomach is the way to our heart ♥. But we rarely know what the way is to a man's heart. So, can you tell me what the way to a woman's heart is? How can I make my woman love me more?
  1. You ladies keep talking about feminism and women rights and all that kind of thing. But I am confused here. What exactly is feminism and do men have a role to play in it?

  2. What one thing would you really want to change about a man if you had your way? Just one thing.


OK, for number one. I think women like attention just as much as a man likes food. They like it when a man spoils them and pays attention to even the little details about her. It is one thing for a man to buy you gifts, take you out; but it is an entirely whole new level when he notices the change in your voice or skin tone or even when you are hiding something. This attention to very little things makes a woman's head swell. At least, if a man does this for me, I can sell my heart to him and I will not even bother to collect change. 🙈

Funmi: For number two, about what feminism really means to us ladies. I can keep on talking and talking non stop. But let me just say that feminism is all about giving to females what actually belongs to them. It is not necessarily having equal rights with men, but it is knowing what belongs to the females and giving it to them. Respect, love, financial freedom, these things belong to us. And all we are saying as feminists is give these things to us.

Funmi: What's the last question again? OK, the one thing I would love to change about a man? Well, for me, that's EGO. Men rarely know how to apologize or admit to a fault. And I wish this could change.

Funmi: There is now one last part where I get to ask you two random questions and you also ask me two random questions. There is now one last part where I get to ask you two random questions and you also ask me two random questions.

  1. What do you do professionally apart from writing on steemit?

  2. Are you single, in a relationship, or are you married? 😏


  1. Steemit is currently my job. Also, part-time student.

  2. Single 😇

Ok, this should do it. Edumurphy is yet ask me his two random questions. But I reckon that this about explains the whole contest. Yours can actually be better. That's the whole point of the contest. So why not go ahead, pick a partner, have a nice chat and get some extra Sbds dangling in your wallet.


This is very nice. I can also try this o. Please o, I am looking for a male partner!!!

Chima, you fall my hand ooo. Aha, you are the celebrated one here ooo. Pick anyone you want and enter for it. You are in charge here.

hmmmm.. Male partner... hmmm

This is nice.I'm always proud of womanhood anytime,anyday. If partner doesn't pick you,pick partner. This nomination goes to my first steemit crush @ilyastarar.

Mama Africa @funmiakinpelu, you've really done something great here. But i don't think can participate o.

Just a pity I missed this

This is super fun, very educative, interactive and social.
Good job @chidimma.
Many thanks to @funmiakinpelu for making the ladies feel so special.

Okay, so this was really difficult but fun all through....
Here is our entry...

Guess who my partner was??

This is cool and interesting

Yes dear. So, I will be expecting your entry. Thanks

Lol, i will try

Such a wonderful post oo, this wanna be great pls who will go for me?

Bae, don't wait for someone to pick you oo. Go and talk to anyone you want. Strike a conversation and just post it. Thats all

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