It's time: Steemit Fantasy Football

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

The league is created, and now we just need to fill it with contestants.

The draft will be:

Thursday 23rd of August, at 6pm EST (3pm PDT, 10pm UTC)

If you can't make the draft and want to play...

You have options!!!

  • sign up, and find a friend to draft for you
  • sign up, and pre-rank your players and let the computer draft for you
  • keep reading for the possibility of a 2nd league

To sign up...

Just comment that you want to play, and leave an email where I can send you the link to the league. We'll need the 5 SBD buy-in, which you can send now or any time before the draft.

Prize Pool

The prize pool will be everybody's 5 SBD (so 60 SBD) plus any rewards that we make for league content. I'll post at least once a week with a league update, and all of the liquid portion of the rewards for that post (whether in STEEM or SBD, however it gets distributed) will add on to the prize pool.

Everyone else is welcome to make posts about the league that go towards prize pool too, if you want to.

The payouts will be:

  • playoff champion: 50%
  • playoff runner-up: 20%
  • playoff 3rd place: 10%
  • regular season points leader: 10%
  • participation ribbons: 10%

The participation 10% will be divided among everyone commensurate to how many wins you get in the regular season. So even if you're low in the standings there will always be a reason to want to win each game.

I'll keep the prize pool in the "savings" portion of my account so that it's easy to track how it's doing.


League is set for 12-teams max, with 3 divisions. Four teams make the playoffs (each division winner and a wild card). Playoffs are weeks 15 and 16.

(Sorry if you hate divisions. But it works out pretty well with 12 teams; you play your division twice and everyone else once.)

It's Head-to-Head weekly matchups. There was some talk of doing Roto instead, but it turns out that isn't an option in Yahoo!


Positions are: QB, WR, WR, RB, RB, TE, W/R/T, K, DEF, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, IR

Scoring is standard-ish but with a few tweaks:

  • Kickers are nerfed to not score too many points (1 point for FGs, 2 for 50+ yards, 0.1 for extra points made, and -2 for extra points missed).
  • DEF is tweaked a little, like 1 point for "3 and outs" and "4th down stops", and only 3 points for touchdowns. It's basically trying to tone down the wildly high outcomes where a DEF scores like 37 points and is the pivotal player.
  • QBs get small fractions of a point for completions and for 1st downs and for 40+ yard completions, and negative 0.1 points for incompletions. Points per yard are dampened from point per 25 yards to point per 50 yards, but with a 1 point bonus at 300 yards, another 1 point at 400 yards, and 2 points at 500 yards. Overall it works out where their value is about the same as the default (the top guys project for close to 20 points per game), just tweaked in that way.

You'll be able to look at the full scoring rules from inside the Yahoo! league page, but those are the notable differences from the default settings.

Receptions are 0.5 points.


Like I said in the teaser post, it'll be vaguely first come first served, but with precedence to anyone who has been active on my blog or is an active Steem user or has already commented saying they want to play.

So if push comes to shove it'll be some imperfect balancing of those things.

I really want everyone who wants to play to be able to play.

Unfortunately leagues can be just only so big because there are only so many NFL players :(


2nd league

If there's overflow, I'm going to create a 2nd league.

The two leagues will be separate entities. There will be a champion of each league. And then, we can have a "Super Bowl" sort of clash between the two respective champions. They'll battle it out in some sort of NFL postseason type of contest.

So even if it seems like the first league is filling up, we will hopefully have space.

If you actually PREFER the second league, because this draft time doesn't work for you, feel free to say that. And you can also suggest draft times or dates that work well for you.



So this is interesting:

participation ribbons

Folks may frown upon "participation trophies" but I think it's a great addition here. It will help prevent disengagement if your team isn't playing well. Excited to play!

ya! I frown upon it too, usually. But ya, preventing disengagement is the thing

It seemed like a good way to offset that, and then also, if by chance we got a really good upvote and a lot of rewards or something, it might be nice that everyone gets a little part.

so just seemed good.

and at least the participation portion is still commensurate to performance baha

well done

Hi @full-measure. @boatsports90 mentioned that you had some open spots. Do you still have room for one more? I actually have some suggestions instead of a ribbon prize, why not also activate the second league options where anyone can rebuy in and redraft and play in the playoffs? Also, instead of using the post earnings as prizes, use it buy upvotes from bots to increase the grand prize. I have some bot strategies that are pretty good if we get lucky. Let me know.

Also, may i payin STEEM instead of SBD. I am trying to save what little SBD i have remaining since it stopped printing?

hey!! ya, we were wondering when you'd show up.. YUP, still 2 places, so join up. toss me your email and I'll send you the signup link.

Regarding the ribbons.. I think let's keep the general structure and format in tact, it's what people signed up for so I don't want to make any meaningful changes at this point.

Bots... I mean we could think about loaning SBDs from the prize pool to go towards bot votes. But off the top of my head it seems a little problematic, because I think half the rewards from the botting will go to SP and not be liquid? So like.. we'll pay, say, 1 SBD, be a little profitable when you factor in the SP, but end up with less than 1 SBD in liquid reward. It seems hard to be profitable on the liquid side.

I think I probably won't use them on my posts about the league, I've never used bots anyways. but if you want to make posts and bot it, go for it, and if there's a way where we can loan money from the league prize pool where it works out for everyone or whatever then we can def consider that.

Also, may i payin STEEM instead of SBD. I am trying to save what little SBD i have remaining since it stopped printing?

sure, but I'll just convert it into SBD for the prize pool hehe. so send enough. might be easier to just convert your STEEM to SBD yourself and then send me the SBD?

you can do it inside your 'wallet', just click the drop down next to STEEM, and then click on 'market'.


Yes if everyone agrees, I would be interested in the doing the weekly post and use the league prize pool to bot and increase our prizes. In terms of the liquidity of the post payout, i can front the non liquid SP that is earned from the post and make weekly payments to the prize pool holder after each post payout.

You should definitely do a weekly post! I'll resteem it. What I'm thinking is like, we can make posts and there doesn't necessarily need to be 1 official one. If you want to do a league summary each week, that would be cool!

and then anything I post.. I'll try to keep it fresh and different, you can do the main summary

for now let's hold off on thinking about loaning prize pool money for botting. The more I think about it, it seems a lot to keep track of. And I'm not really sure at what tradeoff, like if some people who would support the league will be turned off by botting. So I'm not sure. And if nothing else we'd need to talk about it on an email chain or something and make sure everyone agreed. So I don't want to just decide that we'll do that.

You should always feel free to bot on your own tho, and just subtract your costs before you send over the amount to the league, or whatever makes sense.

But you should definitely make posts!!

Sure, I'd post the weekly recap. I totally understand that some folks do not like botting. I am OK with or without using league prize money for botting. I am confident that I can generate a decent ROI to increase our prize pool. I don't think it will be hard to keep track since 100% of the post payout will go towards to league; all i have to track are transfers vs payout. Ultimately the entire group should make the decision to bot or not. I'm perfectly OK either way. I am just excited for the season to start.

cool! and ya sounds good!! I think what we should do is.. get the ball rolling, see how the content goes and what it feels like etc, and then we can do a group email to discuss botting/using prize pool money/any other thing

glad you're in the league and love your energy!!!

Thanks bud. I'm happy to be here. It's only my second year of FF but it's hard not to be excited. Such a great time of year. We can Discord or SteemChat instead of email for the group discussions; i think that's easier than email. And does our league of a name? If yes, we can use that as one of the post tag for easier tracking.

I post something hopefully by Wednesday. Will let you know the topic once i decide so we don't overlap.

Cool, sounds perfect

hmm.. right now for the league name I just wrote "STEEMIT4EVER" on Yahoo lol. Got any ideas for a better name or what tag we should use?

and ya, that sounds good regarding discord/steemchat.. email is a dinosaur sort of thing :p

I made a discord for Steem but I've barely used it, I think my name on it is full.measure (with a period, not a dash like on here)

try adding me if you want, I'll need to check later when I'm on my tablet

Entry free sent. Thanks for hosting this league. Last year was my first FF league and I missed 3rd place by 2 points so I still have that bitter taste of defeat in my mouth, haha.

Entry to FF league by @full-measure.jpg

hahah nice, chance at redemption!!

thanks for sending. it's only 5 SBD tho. I'll send 5 back.

oh haha, my bad, thanks. Not sure why I was thinking it was 10 SBD.

I am trying to entice my good buddy @davemccoy to join our league. He would be a great addition. I think he and I will enjoy this fun bunch.

so looks like we're filled up now, after @bola registers

so @ dave "the real" McCoy has snoozed on it too long.. BUT, keep him on a short leash if you want in case someone bails or something

OK. So we have 10 or are we open for 12 if 2 more people show interest?

now it's just finalizing the buy-ins from people.. btw you can look at the "savings" section of my wallet for the prize pool at any time

we're only waiting on 2 people and they've both been in touch and just trying to get their hands on the SBD and should be fine for before draft

we have 12 actually!! 12 was always the plan but would have settled for 10 if need be.

looks like @bola just signed up and we have all 12 now!

we did it

(note: that's listed in Pacific time.. draft is 6pm EST)

cool! I think we have exactly one more spot.

(trying to make sense of who has joined among the people who are definitely in)

so if you succeed at enticing him, should work out!!

oh danggg, did I not send you the link yet? lol sending now

Got it. Just curious, how will you pick the draft orders and when will we know?

Good question. It was talked about in the other post, and in this comment tree:

Basically, just gonna go with what Yahoo! spits out. I don't want it to look like I cheated if I get a good pick or something haha, so gonna go with Yahoo generated.

We're not sure tho when they do it. It may be when the draft room opens, which is like 45 mins before draft.

But basically, just not gonna touch it and let Yahoo spit it out.

Ok, sounds good. I can't wait.

That’s great! I assume it’s “Yahoo fantasy football league” right? I can use iPhone’s app correct? If yes, I’m excited. It’s much easier for me to be able to use my phone. As I said before, I’m in. I just need a litlle guidance since Im not a game boy and have never played any fantasy league. But don’t worry, I’m a very fast learner 😆. Let’s hope there is enough contestants.
My e-mail is [email protected]

Awesome that you're in!!

Yup, it's Yahoo. You can. Well, I don't know anything on the app, but I've played before from inside of Safari, just using their mobile site. I think I found the app weird the first time I looked at it, but maybe it's improved.

For the draft, I don't know for sure how well it would work on the app. It's 2018 so I'm guessing it works. You'd probably be more comfortable drafting on a laptop or a bigger mobile, but should work either way.

You'll pick it up in no time!!

I feel like we'll have enough, at least for the flagship league. We'll see if there's enough for 2 and a Super Bowl.

Good! I’ve been practicing now a bit 😆. Do you want me to send you 5 SBD now?

hehe good, the more you do something the better you get at it!

You can send now if it's all the same, any time before the draft is fine.

I'll email soon, sorry was just kind of lazy lol, was waiting for a few more to come in and then was gonna email everyone :p


nice, you're locked and loaded, good luck!!

I think you made a mistake. Those should be Philadelphia Eagles photos included in the post. 🏆🦅 😀

Eagles? Who are they?? Old school rock band or something?? 😆🙈🙉

good post

watch your mouth, horse

😂 I saw that and figured I'd just ignore it

I would be the 1st to say yes and the last to join in smh #life
$5 sent
[email protected]

aw dang man, it's filled up :(

draft is tomorrow, eventually we had to solicit more players. I'll send back the 5.

I know @mawit07 commented that he has a league too:

(not sure if that's filled or not, but that's the link he passed on before)

Thanks for being better with replies than i am lol. I'll head over there now 🙌 good luck this year.

Posted using Partiko Android

haha for sure :p good luck to you too!

Whoop whoop! Pumped man, thanks for organizing!
Really glad to see you've tweaked some scoring, especially with defense/kickers. I'm trying to get my other leagues to just drop them but we're not there yet, haha. The change in scoring makes sense and I don't mind having them at all.

Send invite to [email protected], I'll send you the sbd once I get it together, shouldn't be too long at all

nice, ya I don't mind having a team defense, it can be fun to play matchups and stuff, but I like smoothing them out a little so that it isn't so much about TDs and the crapshoot huge games

and ya, you should try to just get the kickers nerfed a little in your other league maybe. I like setting it so that they're not swinging the game by too much, letting them chip in a few points seems about right.

and ya no worries, I have no doubt that you actually want to play so just send the SBD any time before draft

Sounds good man. Already told my wife the draft date so there's no going back now, hahaha

hahahah sick!

Just sent the 5 sbd


Thanks for the reminder! Yes I’m in 100%

[email protected]

sweet!! I'll toss you the email right now!

Hey! I joined the league and accidentally created two teams. Can you delete the second one please. I also sent you 5 SBD

hahah, yup i'll do that next time I'm inside the league page!

and awesome!!

OOOOOooooohhhhh! Nice.

Email: [email protected]

nice, about to email you!

Got the email man, Thanks!
Should I send the SBD now?

Sweet!! Ya if it's all the same go ahead and send it now, and I'll slide it into the savings, but before draft will be the only hard deadline!

@kryptocek join up!

ya, let's go @kryptocek .. head in the game, head in the game

is @kryptocek in there yet?? DOESNT LOOK LIKE IT! get in there krypto!!

it looks like we have 7 now, and I know @kitzchris is playing too. so 8.

looks like @pittsburghhodlr isn't in there yet either .. so prob 9

I think I'll make another post tomorrow to give people a final chance and remind everyone and whatnot .. and then we can hunt down the last player or two if need be

@kryptocek! Come on man!
That sounds good to me! If we don't get enough from your post, just let me know and I'll try in a couple discord groups. I have no doubt we can fill it

alright alright I'm in folks! [email protected] but for yahoo fantasy I use [email protected] !!

sick!!! sending you the link right now, I'll just send it to both emails

Beauty just got in!

w000t, welcome welcome!

You know it lol

I would have love to but I do not know any of the rules of the game. If it was soccer though, I would have been able to do something in a the game.

All the best to the contestants though.

ahhh dang would be fun to have you. Ya, in America they like to throw the football and hit each other 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ it's pretty wild lol

thanks for your support!

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