The Steemit Wishes 2018 Challenge #11 / Winners announcement!

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

Dear steemians,

Thank you to all steemians participants to The Steemit Wishes 2018 CHALLENGE!!!

You are a lot of creative people, 124 participants!!!
The choice was really hard! ^^.

I loved reading your beautiful wishes lists! I hope all that your wishes will come true in 2018 ...

It is my great pleasure to announce the winners!!!

The WINNER is : @infinityroad

His wishes list:

financial goals

  • to start a online business
  • to have at least 5 income streams
  • to earn enough money on Steemit so that I don't have to invest in cryptos out of my own money
  • My cryptos are going to the moon or to the sun (don't mind)
  • financial freedom what be awesome, but I give a few years time
  • Earn enough money to buy what I want, for who I want, when I want and where I want

personal goals

  • to stay healthy and fit, even increase my shape
  • to pass all of my exams with a good mark
    that everyone of my family stays healthy
  • to travel a lot and discover new countries
  • to spend a great time with family and friends
  • to improve my personality (don't complaining, be happy, be more open, show more feelings - (thats a problem :D, have more patience, etc.
  • to reach at least 5000 Follower on Steemit

Rest of the world

  • peace in the world - actually one of my biggest wishes...
  • less poverty, more equity
  • Nature recovers, less environmental pollution
  • No natural Disasters
    that politicians somehow change and get competent and trustworthy
  • No hate, terrorism, violence...would be so so nice
  • To win this contest and get some new followers on this post :-)

Congratulations, You'll receive 20 $ from FlaminGirl!

The Second place is for : @macodi1

His wish list:

  • Deseo en primer lugar que se logre la Paz mundial.

  • Que el hombre entienda y comience a cuidar y proteger nuestros recursos naturales y se comience a concientizar a nuestros hijos en las escuelas sobre este tema, de manera que las próximas generaciones tengan una mentalidad en pro del ambiente.

  • Que cada ciudadano de cada país del mundo tome como suyo el problema de la pobreza y situación de calle de nuestros niños y se lleven a cabo iniciativas que eliminen estas tristes situaciones de nuestra sociedad.

  • Que la humanidad se vuelva más humana y nuestra descendencia recupere los valores que se han perdido en este mundo.

  • Que se consiga la cura del cáncer y otras enfermedades consideradas incurables.

  • Personalmente le pido a Dios que mis viejos continúen sanos y felices.

  • Que Dios me guíe para educar a mi hijo para ser un hombre feliz, acertivo, saludable y próspero.

  • Que me mantenga sana para que nunca le falte a mi niño, fuerte para poder aguantar todos los desafíos de la vida y próspera para poder darle todo lo que necesite.

  • Que sea cada día más sabia y minimice mis defectos.

  • Que Dios le dé Salud, Prosperidad y Amor a toda mi familia.

Feliz Año Nuevo!!!

Congratulations, You'll receive 10 $ from FlaminGirl!

The Third place is for : @ainie.kashif

His wish list:

  • work from home so that I can spend more time with my loved ones 😍👨‍👩‍👧‍👧
  • buy a good laptop for working on Steemit, now I am using my mobile 💻
  • be the famous steemian who promotes kindness and positivity ❤
  • earn a steady passive income💰💰💰
  • steemit and bitcoin price to stabilise and move steadily upwards forever💰💰💰
  • change my old junk car 🚘
  • help this old couple next door who was ignored by her only son 🤗💝
  • do exercise regularly and constantly for my health💪💪💪
  • roll myself in Tulip field in Holland🌷🌷🌷
  • watch Aurora Borealis in Iceland❄❄❄
    And of course my ultimate dream is...
  • World Peace🌈💞💝💖

Congratulations, You'll receive 5 $ from FlaminGirl!

I would like to say huge thank you to all the participants for their great entries.

The number of entries was very good with high-quality wishes list so it was extremely hard to decide on the winning one. I encourage you to check the entries. as they really were all nice!

If you enjoyed reading this blog, don't hesitate to vote, comment and reestem! ;)

Thanks for your support my lovely followers!

I hope that all your wishes will come true in 2018. I wish you all a wonderful 2018 year on Steemit! See you soon for new FlaminGirl's adventures!


Wow this is awesome!
Didn‘t expect to win this challenge.

Thank you very very very much!

Hope that the wishes of all of the participants will come true.
At least work hard and reach your goals by yourself, that‘s how you don‘t need luck.

Also I wish all the best in 2018 for you @flamingirl! :)

Congrats @infinityroad, you deserve it🏆may all your wishes come true! 😊 and Happy New Year to you!

Uaoooooo!!! que emoción!!! no lo puedo creer!! 2do lugar!! Muchas gracias @flamingirl por el mejor regalo de inicio de año! Un abrazo y espero Dios te haga realidad todos tus sueños y te llene de bendiciones. Felicitaciones a todos los ganadores y concursantes que hicieron posible el desarrollo de este concurso. Feliz año nuevo!!!

Uaoooooooooo!!!! What a thrill!! I can't believe it! 2nd place!! Thank you very much @flamingirl for the best start of the year gift! A hug and I hope God will make all your dreams come true and fill you with blessings. Congratulations to all the winners and contestants who made this contest possible. Happy New Year to all of you!!

Felicidades @macodi, es una señal de todo el éxito que te espera este año. Un gran abrazo.

Gracias querida amiga @syllen, Amén. Muchas bendiciones para ti. Besos

Congrats @macodi1, may all your wishes come true! 😊. Thanks and Happy New Year to you too!

Happy New year! Congratulations too my friends! Hug from Venezuela.

felicidades a los ganadores..... y todos los participantes...un besooo, mis mejores deseos+

Esta fue una prueba. Para ser honesta, no pensé que habría tantos candidatos ^^.
La próxima vez, lo haré mejor y en otra forma! Habrá ganadores todos los días, por ejemplo ...
Y así más Suerte para Ganar ;)!

¡Feliz año nuevo!

pues para ser una prueba fue todo un éxito, felicidades este año lo que viene sera puro exito...

Wow... Congratulation all the winner and all participants. Waiting for the next challenge that is more challenging and more participants.

This was a test. To be honest, I did not think there would be so many candidates ^^.
Next time, I'll do better and in another form! There will be winners every day for example ...
And so more luck to win;)!

Happy New Year!

Thanks @iqbalsweden, Happy New Year and all the best to you too, may all your wishes come true☄

Hi! Why are the TITLE of your past 3 post greyed?

And, congratulations to the winner. And, to you too, for the contest.

Hi! Thanks a lot!
Greyed? I'm sorry but I don't see that... 🤔

Congratulations to the winners. I really enjoyed being part of this contest. And seeing my name mentioned in someone's post is great achievement for me. Good luck everyone for your Steemit journey especially @flamingirl.... :))

Thanks @arslanhyder, Happy New Year and all the best to you too, may all your wishes come true☄

@ainie.kashif Thank you and Happy New Year.... :))

wow, i really i love this, its interesting

Your a generous person. Good on you. Thumbs up from a Steemian stranger.

Thank you so much and Happy New Year!

congratulation . great jobs @flamingirl

Thanks a lot my friend! Organize a contest is work and time especially, but it's fun too;)

Yeah, i see that, you do the best. Bravo @flamingirl
Visit my post please, your support to be honour for me

Thanks for putting so much effort to make this work. Success to the shortlisted winners

This was a test. To be honest, I did not think there would be so many candidates ^^.
Next time, I'll do better and in another form! There will be winners every day for example ...
And so more luck to win;)!

Happy New Year!

That's good news.
With that I would have a higher chance of winning. :-D
Happy 2018, Ms. Flames. A year of achievements, success and happiness for us all.

Yeah, i see that, bravo @flamingirl
Visit my post please, your support to be honour for me. @madamuhammad

Congratulations all winners i hope your wishes comes true

Thanks @artoraly, Happy New Year and all the best to you too, may all your wishes come true☄

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