The name @negativer stems from his blood type, O-. You see O- is the one blood type that all other blood types can receive from. Their blood is invaluable. The downside of being O- though is you can only receive blood from other O- people. @negativer found this out at the age of 17. He was involved in a terrible car accident that left him severely injured and losing alot of blood. The hospital he was transported to from the accident scene did not have any O- blood on hand and he was in need of a transfusion if he was going to survive. The medical professionals thought that they were going to lose him, they frantically started calling other hospitals and the red Cross to see if anyone could get them some O- in time to save this young man's life. No one seemed to be able to get the blood to the hospital in time to save him.
Then at the last moment when all hope was thought to be lost, a frail unassuming old man walked up to the nurses station in a pair of jeans, a brown jacket and a WW2 VFW hat on. He had heard the flurry of phone calls seeking blood for the boy and said to the nurse, "ma'am, I have O- blood, can I do anything to help?" The nurse quickly rushed the aged veteran back to the operating room and told the surgeons he was a match. The Man laid on a table next to the boy and they ran a line from the man to the boy. Almost immediately the color in the boys face returned and his vitals started to come back up. He was going to live!
That was the day that @negativer was born. After coming so close to death and then being saved by the selfless act of a World War 2 vet, he made it his mission in life to give as much blood as he possibly could to save others. From that time to this date @negativer has given over 16 gallons of his own precious life giving blood, to help others in need, just as was done for him.
Even if its wrong that's a damn good story lol