Colors of doodles (Coloring Contest) / Colores de los Doodles (Concurso de Colorear)

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

This is how I colored Doodledanga

Así es como coloreé Doodledanga


I cleaned the line up of this piece a bit and uploaded an 8.5 x 11" (letter size) file so you can print it out, and color it using traditional media (paint, crayons, markers, etc.). Digital/vectorial painting is also allowed and encouraged to use less paper.

I want to start rolling the ball for some momentum, so I made up this contest for doodle, color, and crazyness lovers! Unfortunately I colored my doodle before I made the rules for the contest :)

Limpié un poco las líneas de ésta pieza y subí un archivo de 8.5 x 11"(tamaño carta) para que puedan imprimirla y pintarla usando medios tradicionales (pintura, crayones, marcadores, etc.). Pintura digital o vectorial es permitida y alentada para no usar mucho papel.

Hice éste concurso para amantes de los doodles, el color, y la locura! Desafortunádamente colorié mi dibujo antes de hacer las reglas del concurso :)

Contest rules:

1 - Follow @doodle.danga (be sure to follow the account with the dot in the middle - my new account)
2 - Resteem (optional) and upvote this post.
3 - Download the 'Doodledanga' coloring page, print it (optional) and color it with any medium (digital, paint, crayons, etc.).
4 - Create a post in your account with the name "Coloring Contest: Colors of doodles by doodle.danga", with a picture of your colored doodle, and also of the process, explaining it briefly. (This is now optional. You can do it on this post)
5 - Post a reply in this post with an image of your colored doodle, the link to your post, and the number of color you are using (read below to select your color).

(Img Preview)
http://... (Post Link)
Color 3 (Color number 1-7)

Reglas del concurso:

1 - Seguir @doodle.danga (asegúrense de seguir la cuenta con el punto enmedio - mi nueva cuenta).
2 - Dar resteem (compartir) y voto a ésta publicación. (Opcional, pero sería de mucha ayuda para mí :)
3 - Descargar la página para colorear 'Doodledanga', imprimirla (opcional) y colorearla usando cualquier medio (digital, pintura, crayones, etc.).
4 - Crear una publicación en su cuenta con el nombre "Concurso de Colorear: Colores de los Doodles por doodle.danga", con una foto de su doodle coloreado, y también un poco del proceso, explicándolo brévemente. (Ésto ahora es opcional. Pueden hacerlo en ésta publicación.)
5 - Publicar un comentario en ésta publicación con una imagen de tu doodle coloreado, el link a tu publicación, y el nombre del color que estás usando (leeer abajo para seleccionar tu color).

Selecting Color

The idea is to follow the succesion of the colors of the rainbow: Red 1, Orange 2, Yellow 3, Green 4, Blue 5, Indigo 6, and Violet 7.

Seleccionando Color

La idea es seguir la sucesión de los colores del arcoiris: Rojo 1, Naranja 2, Amarillo 3, Verde 4, Azúl 5, Indigo 6, y Violeta 7.


So for example, if the last person posted an entry using Color 5 (blue), then the next person will post an entry using Color 6 (indigo), then the next person Color 7 (violet), and then back to Color 1 (red), and so on.. That color should be predominant in the doodle.

The first two entries to the contest will win .5SBD (First red and first orange)

Entonces por ejemplo, si la última persona envió su participación usando el color 5 (azúl), la siguiente persona va a participar usando el color 6 (Indigo), luego la siguiente el color 7 (violeta), y luego de regreso al color 1 (rojo), y así sucesívamente. Ese color debe ser predominante en el doodle.

Las primeras dos participaciones van a recibir .5SBD (Primer roja y primer naranja)

The first entry will start with the color RED (there could probably be more than one RED color if two people post near the same time, but that will be fine). _The color used by each entry will not affect the selection of the winner. The rainbow coloring is only to have some fun. _

The reply section will look like a rainbow with all the entries to the contest. Please choose the next color in line. If you finish coloring and you missed your color in line, don't worry about it. Just post your entry in the comments section. I will make a post with all of the entries when the contest is over, where I will also announce the winners.

The contest will be over after the 6-day period of when this post will be active.

The winner of the contest will get 3SBD

Second place will get 1SBD

La primera participación va a comenzar con el color ROJO (podría haber más de una participación con éste color si ambas personas publican en tiempo similar, no habrá ningún problema. El color usado en cada participación no va a afectar al ganador si hay múltiples publicaciones y los colores pierden el orden un poco, o se repiten.

La sección de los comentarios se va a ver como un arcoiris si se escogen los colores en el orden correcto, así que porfavor selecciona el siguiente color en línea, simplemente publica tu participación en los comentarios. Si terminaste de colorear y ya se te pasó el color, no hay ningún problema. Al finalizar el concurso, voy a hacer una publicación con todas las entradas, donde también daré a conocer al ganador.

El concurso va a terminar luego del período de 6 días en que estará activa ésta publicación.

El ganador del concurso se va a llevar 3SBD

Segundo lugar va a ganar 1SBD

I will select the winner using criteria like creativity, use of color, uniqueness, details, use of texture, etc.

Please note that this contest is not aimed for children.
I will host a contest for children soon

Users that don't follow the contest rules in their entries will be automatically disqualified.

Sorry for the small prizes, I will make the prizes better if I get enough support :)

Voy a seleccionar al ganador usando criterios como creatividad, uso del color, caracter único, detalles, uso de textura, etc.

Porfavor tomar nota de que éste concurso no está dirigido hacia niños. Voy a hacer uno para niños pronto :)

Los usuarios que no sigan las reglas del concurso en sus participaciones, van a ser automáticamente descalificados.

Disculpen por los pequeños premios, voy a mejorar los premios si consigo suficiente apoyo :)

Edit: I have made some of the rules optional, after I got feedback from @apsu in the comments section. I appreciate your help and suggestions.

Editado: Hice algunas partes de las reglas opcionales, luego de que obtuve retroalimentación de @apsu en los comentarios. Aprecio tu ayuda y sugerencias.

File Download

Descarga el archivo

Coloring Page

Imgur Download LinkGo through the link, and right-click the image and select "save as".

Enlace de Descarga en ImgurDale click al enlace, luego click derecho en la imagen y seleccionar "guardar como.."

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

To see my older work, you can visit my old account @doodledanga
If you enjoy what I do, you can donate to my bitcoin wallet:

Para ver mis viejos trabajos, pueden visitar mi vieja cuenta @doodledanga
Si les gusta lo que hago, pueden donar a mi billetera bitcoin:

QR Bitcoin Doodledanga

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Next in line was Color #4 :) but it's all good haha. I love that little blob guy you did at the very top. Good work.

Thank you very much for your participation. Hope you enjoyed and had fun :)

In fact my illustration was already ready since yesterday, but because of the electrical inconvenience of my city, it was impossible to publish at the time, thank you, greetings and I love this initiative.

oohh! haha I thought you just chose the color you liked, which would've been ok anyways :)

I'm happy that you liked the contest. Will bring more contests soon. Thank you

Wow nice color.

Very nice! :) I noticed that @gade colored the same eyes inside the mouth differently.

Thank you for participating. I hope you had fun! :)

Thanks very much

Thank you very much for your participation! :) You have won the .5SBD for the first ORANGE entry.

thank you!! :D

I choose color #4 - Green as per the sequencenfrom your rule. This is my entry and first time i joined this contest.

Great! It's interesting that @abdoon colored the same eyes inside the mouth differently. Thank you for your participation! ;)

Thank you.

Hi, I know contests can be also a great way to find more followers, but sometimes contests which require resteeming etc. can push out people who are more active.

Of course it's nothing wrong to maybe attract a bunch of newbies either and as a single individual, I have no clue what's actually the best way or not.

Also some contests attract people more if they don't need a separate post to join, but they can join the contest in the comments section.

As some are somewhat protectice on what they post on their own wall, these are small steps which might make a difference. Of course, quite many are less picky.

If I knew everything best, I'd be far more popular and richer.

I'm not joining but the contest idea is nice so I'll drop a vote on this.

Thanks a lot! I appreciate your time and your feedback. I will fix the rules :)

Here I leave the link of my colored, I really liked this idea of ​​contest, I hope you do more like these. For the drawing use paint and let loose a little different tones, I work mainly and according to your rules with violet.


Thank you for your participation, Rachel <3 Have a nice day

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