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I Run shrieking towards the Dragon.
I use my grappling hook to latch on the head of the dragon and climb up so that I may poke at his eyes with my mall bought nun chucks.
Low Down Dirty Thief Inventory
| Bomb -3 to enemy | Ingot +1 to player | 2 health left | |
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 5.
I giggle maniacally.
Haha in the bagZ Crypto!...Can he tempt you @gobbo
Gobbo sneaks in and steals all the dice.
He laughs like a jerk and throws a die.
The sneaky git rolls a 1.
What happens in the case of a tie.
Defender wins - if someone attacks defender needs to match or exceed. Aint got time to count this morning, but if you have tied just use pickpoct command and see what item he drops before he scampers away :)
That was a fight for honor.
I'll just keep the items I have.
Gobbo loot cannot be declined in this tournament -- I asked about this back in stage 1 when I got stuck with a gem from Gobbo.
Quit following me!!!
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 1.