It’s time to celebrate 666+ Followers in 6 Weeks plus 30% SBD Giveaway Contest!

in #contest8 years ago (edited)



Yep 666+ Followers! Is it a number of the Beast???? May be or May not be?!!

Thanks a ton to all of my 666+ followers!!!

I hereby like to giveaway 30% SBD of this post to the contestant(s) who participate and win the below puzzle!

Samantha’s Daughter Jessica need to be picked up from the Guitar Class every day.
Samantha asks one of her colleague to pick her from guitar class.
Samantha devised a password to confirm that Jessica goes with the right person only.
The password on Tuesday was AET27.
The password on Thursday was AST48.
What will the password for Saturday be?

Puzzle Contest Rules:

  1. Only One “bet” is allowed per user
  2. Contestants must comment the answer below
  3. Contestants must not explain that how they got the answer to the puzzle which will give way to other contestants to guess the answer
  4. All contestants must upvote and comment to play
  5. 30% SBD from this post will be paid out to the winner after the payout
  6. If there is more than one winner, then the prize 30% SBD of this post will be shared equally
  7. Contestants who fail to follow above rules will not be considered to be the winner even if he/she guesses the correct answer

Once after this post reaches the payout time, I will be announcing the puzzle winner by explaining the answer in another post!

Thankyou Once again to all my 666+ followers!

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Go Steem Go Digital!


congrats ! I will guess AET69 ! LOL I really don't know !

Congratulations on your achievement!



Congrats, Wicked number 666 :)

Nice puzzle @digitaldollar but this was easy answer is ACT24

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