A Contest For #NewbieResteemDay | Your Craziest Experience

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

As promised to the new Steemians and @davemccoy on making an impact to the community, I decided to run a contest for a week-long, from today until this Sunday, the 18th.

Like anyone who first started on this platform, I knew what it's like to start from scratch. With passing time, I grew along with the community and some friends were made, while others in different time zones will do their best to support my efforts and work.

Because of your support, I grew from 100+ of followers to 400+ in less than 2 months.

Because of your support, I gained enough just to give more back.

Because of your support, I feel I need to do something, anything just so you'll get a head start.

Since the payout for this #contest is not much, I've decided to come up with a simple contest. The main objective is to

  1. Get as many new Steemians to actively participate on this platform
  2. Boost the #newbieresteemday tag
  3. Put the new Steemians great posts out there, so they'll get more followers and/ or readership.

With this 3 clear objectives in mind, let's get the momentum up to speed…


Easy To Join


  1. Let me know your craziest experience on Steemit. As long as your comment is interesting and mind-boggling, the length won't matter. I'm not looking at a long comment here. Long-winded comments are not necessarily good. The person who gives the most outstanding comment will win 1 SBD, and an upvote for the comment. It's that simple :)

  2. Tag #newbieresteemday in your comment.

  3. Resteem this post. The resteem button is beside the 'Reply' button as seen below…


It's been a crazy week for me, so this post has been sitting on my desktop for awhile. More updates later! Right now, comment and resteem away!


Image credit: All public domain images are taken from Pexels, unless stated otherwise.

These days I mostly write on Steemit.
I still have my portfolio and personal sites— virtuallydebbie.com and debbieang.com.
But these sites will eventually redirect you to my Steemit blog.
Well, what can I say. If it’s good stuff, you can’t get enough of it :)
Follow me and I'll take you through my unpredictable journey— filled with wilderness, curiosity, and randomness.

PS: Join #steemitbloggers to unite with other bloggers and #sfg #steemgigs to partake in the freelancers' clan. Also, check out @kristyglas amazing divider below. Support her work by sharing as she puts in tremendous effort into creating pretty dividers for Steemians.


Don't know whether I would call this experience "crazy", but in my short time at Steemit I have met some great people. One in particular, which is why I reply to this contest. She read my intro and eagerly replied how we were born in the same decade, enjoy similar hobbies, do the same sports and have the same approach to social media. I really felt we were living parallell lives, although in completely different locations on this planet. I felt an instant connection and it made me truly happy. Somewhere out there, lived a woman more or less the same life as me. I think more world leaders should go on Steemit. As individuals, writing and connecting with other individuals. They'd see we're not so different. We're not so "special". That way, perhaps Steemit can contribute to a world based on mutual understanding, and ultimately, become more peaceful.

I love this story on so many levels, Michele @lil-mich!

I just had a texting conversation with my life-long Friend with whom I share some significant similarities - starting with our name, "Sharon", got married on the same day, different countries and time zones but same time ...

Love when things like this happen! Thank you for sharing your story!

@lil-mich, Michele, my Steemian "Orange" Norwegian friend! Who knew that one orange quick shot, your orange jacket and chair would make our meeting "stick"!

Great seeing you here with this incredible group of folks at #newbieresteemday! If you have landed here, you have struck GOLD! And I am not talking about money here - though at some point that will happen. @davemccoy, @goldendawne, @bashadow, @beeyou and so many others will help us, answer questions, make suggestions! It's incredible the heart of this community! Great seeing you here again!!

I really like this @lil-mich. You are absolutely right. I've had similar connections and I make more every day. Its really something I never had with twitter or facebook and I think it what makes steemit so addictive. I'm here because of my new friends now and feel like I'm connected to something special!

You have earned a "Newbie Nickel" from someone at #newbieresteemday. I'm glad you entered this contest and you are welcome to play as many as you like this week and earn some more! (hint: you can go to my blog and find my latest post which has many of the games listed in the comment section)

Thanks @davemccoy ☺️ I love all these different contests - Steemit is truly addictive! Being on Facebook I find draining, being on Steemit is rewarding (and I don’t mean in terms of money) 😊

I completely agree @lil-mich! I think of when I can get online the first thing when I wake up... that never happened with facebook! lol

Congratulations you have been upvoted as part of @deborism Contest For #NewbieResteemDay | Your Craziest Experience

We invite you to use our tag to connect with more of our members. To learn more visit: Come Join Us!!! (Newbie Resteem Initiative)

@bashadow, you sure do a lot for us!! Thank you very much and for your patient help with the Vote Slider. Haven't gotten it to work yet. @lynncoyle1 is trying to figure it out too! \

Thank you again for all you do!

hey @kismet2018, check Discord, I sent you a msg and replied on general chat...I have it working now...HOORAY!!! Thanks again @bashadow :)

My "craziest" steemit experience would be attending the back-to-back steemit events starting from last weekend.

I flew from Labuan to Kota Kinabalu (KK) to attend the 1st ever "Steemit masterclass" in KK. I thought I can stay back in KK for Chinese New Year (CNY) but then, there was another event which is "100 degree introduction to Steemit" held in Labuan 2 nights ago so I flew back Labuan on Monday. (I'm gonna fly back to KK again this afternoon to celebrate CNY with my family)

Not complaining here but at least for me, this is my craziest steemit experience so far! Anyhow, I gained lots of info during the 2 events which is great!

@connie1018, thank you for your post. I was forced to go check where Labuan and Kota Kinabalu are. Belated Happy Chinese New Year to you!

Hi @connie1018 ... tried upvoting your comment a gazillion times and still can't. So I actually upvoted one of your recent post to compensate :) Thanks for participating

Aww.. its alright @deborism.. thank you so much!

Wow that is very cool @connie1018... I give you my vote! (not that I have one haha)

Which country is KK located? I find your story interesting and love that you are having events such as this! No one invited me either :( ... just kidding!!!

I'm happy to give you a Newbie Nickel and good luck becoming a "master". That's cool!!!

Hi! Thanks for your support, @growingpower just upvoted your comment ;) Hope you have a great day

Hi @davemccoy.. thank you for the upvote! Kota Kinabalu is the capital of Malaysia’s Sabah state in the northern part of the island of Borneo.

Again, thanks for the upvote and spreading the positive vibes!

Awesome!!! Its nice to know you and its great to hear about all the activities all around the world! Thanks for letting me know and good luck with your training!!! :)

The craziest experience for me in Steemit would be I never know it is so addictive! As in more addictive than Facebook and now I spend most of my free time on Steemit! What makes me so addictive would be when my post is supported by community especially #newbieresteemday!

Hi @williamsyee ... tried upvoting your comment a gazillion times and still can't. So I actually upvoted one of your recent post to compensate :) Thanks for participating

Hi @deborism, thank you for your upvote and contest! Sometimes I face the same issue with you too, the upvote little green circle just keep loading and not working. I guess the issue might be from steemit itself :)

I'm not too sure 'cause it happened to @connie1018 and yours only. Oddly I can't seem to upvote both of your comments. But all's good now :)

Newbie Nickel for you my man!!! Keep it up! ... Interaction and engagement is important!

          I will try and come back to this post in 5 days and vote everyone up. My vote at 25% is currently $0.020, I know it is not much, but I like to pass my 2 cents around to as many people as possible. No guarantees though, I forget things sometimes, and well sometimes I just get real busy, or I over vote and have to wait, but I will make an honest effort to stop by and throw a vote.

No worries. my turn to return the favor :) <3 @bashadow thanks for upvoting them all. you're so supportive

Here's a Newbie Nickel just for being @bashadow (that's a good thing) ;)

argg! I upvoted you just for being @davemccoyl and of course realised...no more voting power today!

haha... just the fact that you "want" to upvote me is good for me Lynn! So next time just type in "vote for you" and its perfectly fine ;)

A true story, reposting here to give it a second life...

Tick Tock Tick Tock... ARGH!

It's going to be the end of Sunday, a day I normally sleep in or laze in bed practically the whole day; even hunger won't get me out of bed except to go to the loo or end up wetting my bed.

But today is not the usual carefree Sunday I spend with me, myself and I; literally blank out all thoughts, lying stretched out in bed, with soft music in the background, slipping in and out of sleep without a care in the world till dinner time.

Today is a STRESSFUL Sunday, ever since I joined the Steemit Bootcamp for Ladies, Wednesday & Friday, 24 & 26 January. Why you may ask? Because we were told to write and post at least an article a day at our Steemit Blog. Our brilliant trainers Maverick Foo @maverickfoo or Simon Pang @bitrocker2020 didn't say we could take Sundays off since God also took Sunday off! ARGH!

So there I was in bed, slipping in and out of sleep as usual, BUT could literally hear the tick tock tick tock in my head and feeling guilty... countdown to next article to post before the end of today! ARGH!

So here I am, writing or more like ranting and actually feeling pleased with myself that I wrote something.

So there, an episode of Nothing's Impossible! -- if you set your mind to it, even on a Sunday.


very good @patlu! .... thanks for playing @deborism's awesome game... You have earned a "Newbie Nickel" from someone at #newbieresteemday! :)

Thankyousomuch Dave! Much appreciated.

Congratulations you have been upvoted as part of @deborism Contest For #NewbieResteemDay | Your Craziest Experience

We invite you to use our tag to connect with more of our members. To learn more visit: Come Join Us!!! (Newbie Resteem Initiative)

Oh my, thank you so much @bashadow! Invitation warmly accepted. Will do my best to help newbies. In fact, helped two already who has not attended any Steemit Bootcamp:

  1. My godson Sean Wang @tadstrange
  2. My schoolmate Tini Zainudin @tinizainudin

BTW, I've added #newbieresteemday at the bottom of my latest post, On Education, Politics, Undi Rosak and Football -- is that how to do it?

Also, at @lianmok's post Gooood Morning!, added the tag in my comment and restreemed -- did I do it right?

My apologies for being blur. Am only three weeks old on Steemit and have so much more to learn. :p

Yes this was a good way to do it. your post was "great" I enjoyed reading it, and feel as if I learned something from it. I upvoted it, and resteemed it. I don't do a lot of resteeming.

WOW! Your support is so very much appreciated @bashadow! You made my day! <3

P.S. I'm so sorry my Upvote is worth nothing ... for now. :p

THOSE are some great statistics!!! Congratulations!

And yes, @davemccoy has been a force with this initiative!

You get a "Newbie Nickel" too @goldendawne for being everywhere all the time! I don't know how you do it, but I'm certainly glad you are my teammate!!! :)

lol- Yeah I tend to be everywhere, either lurking or commenting!

Thank you for the nickle too!

Haha no problem.. you're always welcome to comment - anytime ! :) @goldendawne and thanks for your nevernending support

That "Newbie Nickel" is because you can't enter your own game! But you deserve one nonetheless ;)

@davemmcoy your support is amazing! How'd you organize your time so well for all members! super impressive <3 I could never keep up with you!

Hey @deborism... I was just thinking about you yesterday... it was all good too! :) You are doing such a good thing and I want to make sure that I show you my respect! It gets harder to keep up with everything and everybody, but I do remember people like you that just dive in and do something nice for no benefit to themselves.

I am very impressed with you and your quality, and I hope we deepen our relationship over time because I think you are amazing!

I just wanted to say that and to give you another newbie nickel because its a small token of my respect :)

Have a wonderful evening!!!

Stop giving me nickels @davemccoy I can't take it anymore ;p Always me pleasure, has been an honour working alongside with a comrade like yourself <3

haha... hopefully NEVER....as long as I have them in my pocket, I can't think of anyone better to give them to than you :)

The pleasure to work with you too is wonderful! ;)

Hi @deborism,
For your info, this is the first contest I have ever taken part. That was because I really got the craziest experience. It was too long so I decided to post it here.

I really want to blog about it and your contest gave "push" me into doing it.

Thank you again for organizing this contest.

My craziest experience here on steemit was when I was earning less than 0.10 per posts and then I decided to write an introduction post. I posted my introduction and to my surprise I earned a hefty $32 in that post. Crazy post. Nothing beats that post till date.

Congratulations you have been upvoted as part of @deborism Contest For #NewbieResteemDay | Your Craziest Experience

We invite you to use our tag to connect with more of our members. To learn more visit: Come Join Us!!! (Newbie Resteem Initiative)

Oh no... the craziest experience ever was being curated for and by curie. Whew! Thanks to the person who saw potential in my post. I got the shock of my life when I least expected it. It's the good kind of shock that almost made me cry and jump for joy from the surprise. :)


Congratulations you have been upvoted as part of @deborism Contest For #NewbieResteemDay | Your Craziest Experience

We invite you to use our tag to connect with more of our members. To learn more visit: Come Join Us!!! (Newbie Resteem Initiative)

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