Here is my entry, the savage act i would have done to him on the convocation day is i would look for a way and sit close to him (preferrably behind his back). While everyone is on their feet for the opening prayer, i will turn about four tubes of super-glue (original brand) onto his seat without him noticing. and make sure his seat is all filled with the glue and let him sit on the glue after the prayer.
And then after school, i'm being granted a job and find out he happens to be my boss. I will let him know this was no longer secondary school or high school and that we are grown people now. And if he thinks i will still be intimidated by his height, voice, looks, then he has failed. And that i will arrange for him to be tied up in his office while i flog him as much as i wish to. Lol
hahahahahahahahahhahhaaha....@citimillz kuku kee
thanks for participating.
i love how you actually pointed out that you are not the same old guy. but who would you call to tie him and how do you intend continuing to work harmoniously with him as your boss?
I have boys in my street i can buy them breakfast or lunch and ask them to do that job. But i can only do that if he refuses to see reasons with me that we ain't kids no more. Actually, answering your second question i can work harmoniously with him if he has let go of oppresive lifestyle. If not then i just arrange those boys to tie him up and get flogged. After that @t-flames I quit the job. you go unemployed
Yes boss! 😁