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RE: Bunnypuncher Daily contest is over. It has been pointed out why. The bunny has been broken :(
That is most kind of you to offer you help. My only wish is that this flag attack not be done to others smaller than me to discourage them from the very start. At least I had a fun time for a while some minnows never get that chance due to down vote attacks from folks like these two. I can see where I deserve this as I did get over zealous in my efforts to have contests.
Contests are good, they help the community, makes more people engaging in the community and make this platform flourish.
There are a lot of others that have had contests and not being flagged, like @onebitnews (even tho they have stopped, but its not because of flagging) and I also have contest going on all the time, atleast i try to have contest ongoing all the time. @norgesarkaden had only contests, but he havent been on steemit for some months now, not sure why..
I hope you will come back with more contests in the future, or make a new account you can run contests on.