Contest ideas for the next weekly contest top 5 will each get 1 SBD.
In case you don't know who I am here is my intro post from way back:
BunnyPuncher Don’t worry your bunnies are “fairly” safe!
What would you like to see for the next weekly contest?
So far we have had (maybe one I forget):
get to know the web
favorite foods
favorite drinks
secrets (that was a good one)
BP is bored
So let's get your idea's for what you want as a contest. I'm looking for ideas that engage other steemians and that are simple that everyone can participate in and enjoy.
Leave a comment with your contest idea. The top 5 ideas will get 1 SBD each.

Most Obvious ICO Scam offerings
Stupidest Tagline...
Like: "Computer Guru"
Yea maybe I should take that out. Mrs. bunnypuncher made so be careful she bites. But, I am very very skilled at Linux / Unix like systems and would qualify as a guru. If you go back and read my intro post it details that I ran 2 of the world's fastest super computers.
BunnyPuncher Don’t worry your bunnies are “fairly” safe!
What the hell is wrong with the label computer guru?
Stupidest contest answers (I laugh at them on my contest)...
Let's collaborate.....
Check out the steemdecathlon , another free contest w/ real awards

Hmmm . Stupidest contest answer, thats cheating, you will definitely be the winner of that
Most misunderstood meme.
Like this gem!

ugliest award
Hi! @bunnypuncher! I would like to write a contest to solve real problems: hunger, world peace, pollution, etc. In order to incentivate everybody's ideas, no matter how big or small. Therefore, maybe, someone will apply them in real life.
All problems but death have a solution
I like this one.
The best sexual fantasy :)
me you lots of steem lol
You have a good one to tell ole bunny .... :) !
What to do with tons of cash
If you could send a message with 5 words to yourself when you were 10 years old what would they be?
better to stop while ahead ...
buy bitcoin hide the porn
favourite cryptocurrency?
Favorite Motivational Quote.
Fuk em all watch em fall
I love this idea @bunnypuncher
I think about guessing football match scores is perfect to try
I think about lotteries or guessing football match scores is perfect to try
What if you guessed the game football match
Guess the score in a football game aja mr. @bunnypuncher.
For example today real madrid vs barcelona
You tell the contest participants to guess the score in the game
If anyone answers the same correctly then you choose the first guess as a winner