Contest with up-votes as prize.

in #contest7 years ago

Some people on Steemit think it is all about the content, while others think it is about the social interaction. Well I can tell you right now it is definitely not about the content of a post. But there is nothing I can do about it so I have been enjoying the social interaction of the site. So I have a proposition, or a Contest for the Steemit community. I have been doing upvotes for various reasons, and I am out of ideas at the moment. So I would like to hear, from you people, what type of contest we should do. If I use your contest idea,
you will get a prize. Please only one idea per person, that way everyone can participate. So make it a good idea or I will have rando whale down vote you, just kidding I am not a downvoting kind of guy.


Am suggesting a kissing contest, so those that do not know how to kiss will be exposed

Okay I really like this one, but I don't know how we go about It.

Each contestant must send a picture of him/her kissing the opposite sex and the picture must clearly show his or her face.
In order to know how to Judge

  • For those willing to enter this contest must first change their profile picture showing their face.
  • Or you can as well create a tag using (kissing-contest), where anybody can enter the contest .(here no change of profile picture).
    After posting it on his/her account a copy of the of the link must be pasted here.
    Then you select the best ten, so we vote for the winner

Contest: A movie that changed your life or way of seeing some things.

Rules: The participant will say the movie title and shortly what is in the movie that induced a change of thinking/acting (and the change itself).

Why: I guess everybody has watched a movie that made some sort of impact in his life or way of thinking, so everybody can to participate and don't any require specific skills.

Who wins: Most original and interesting history.

I do like how you spelled it out. Will think about this one.

Crypto to have the biggest gain in the following 24 hours.

That is a unique Idea.

@bigram13. My idea is that you post a picture and we give it a caption, the best or funniest caption wins, since you don't like long stories

Does anyone really like long stories? But you are on to something.

Me personally I don't like long stories, but I think we can go with my suggestions.. I can even send you few images to choose from.. Caption challenge

By the way, please kindly follow me back

Meme war!

How would a meme war be judged. Just who has the best meme?

I think least upvotes wins.....That would encourage everyone to upvote everyone else.Alternatively the most upvotes by $BD, or #of votes. Elimination rounds are always cool, I do contests (very bad at it BTW) by randomizing or "judging."

meme stratego!

Meme war!! Yes!!

Yes I really love the best meme idea. Thank you.

Following by @share4angels

Ugly faces - Photocontest.

No one ever did it! And we will see so funny faces hahahaha everybody wins!

Im thinking of a number 1 through 1 million..whoever picks the number nearest wins.

Not a bad one for sure. That is interesting.

I agree with you


Perharps a post about, posting jokes in the comments section would be great fun!

Some people on Steemit think it is all about the content, while others think it is about the social interaction.

By the way, I authored a post on exactly what you mentioned in your open remark - STEEMIT IS MORE THAN WRITING LONG BLOG POSTS

Ya I will be honest I don't read long posts. Jokes could be a good one.

         The contest does not really matter, it could be as simple as pick a number between 1 and 10. The fun part would be to make the rules so complicated you need to hire a lawyer, a priest, a doctor, then a politician to tell you if you have followed all the rules correctly and voted for the correct post, paid the right amount to the right account, then made a post with nothing but the number you pick, post your link in the comments, and then see how many votes you can buy to increase your blogs value that contains only one single digit number. After buying all the votes you possibly can, you need to run over to berniesanders, grumpycat, transisto, and haeijn and tell them all in a comment on an unrelated post how much you got for your one word post. He or she that survives wins.

So I take it you have seen the Place holder comment worth 200 by the guy who use to down vote everyone at will.

LoL, yep, seen a few of those types.

what a funny contest just keep it up

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