Astrology and Philosophy

in #contest7 years ago (edited)


A set of views, theories or attitude held by a person or organization that acts as guiding principle for behavior - Philosophy. What is the best way to live? is it possible to know anything and to prove it? What is most real? Is it better to be just or unjust (if one can get away with it)? Do humans have free will? These questions run a noisy mill on the minds of all humans whom of course have distinct answers to each; that's not surprising for opinion is like an ass hole which everyone is entitled to. Nevertheless, some people's view of matters seem to bear more weight, wield more influence and sit deeper in the minds of the majority, totally transforming their understanding, mindset, views, way of life, approach to matters and expectations.

After living for a while, one man said "don't expect anything, and you won't be disappointed" - his view, but many men today strongly believe those words; the power of philosophy. Obviously every aspect of life; educational, social, religious, political, economic and more; function on existing philosophies by humans past and present, views hardly questioned, widely believed and with authors highly esteemed.

The Truth

Most philosophies are not believed because of their substance, but for the reputation of their sources.
Hence a Holy book says "look out that no one takes you captive by means of philosophy and empty deception according to human tradition, according to the elementary teachings of the world..." Sadly, many today are swayed hither immense confusion by the philosophies of men. A typical example;

Horoscope and Zodiac

A forecast of a person's future, typically including a delineation of character and circumstances, based on the relative positions of the stars and planets at the time of that person's birth - Horoscope. Astrology is the basic ingredient of Horoscope. The Heavenly bodies (planets, sun, moon and stars) along with 12 zodiac signs each representing a period of time (Aries; Mar 21 - Apr 19, Taurus; Apr 20 - May 20, Gemini; May 21 - Jun 20, Cancer; Jun 21 - Jul 22, Leo; Jul 23 - Aug 22, Virgo; Aug 23 - Sep 22, Libra; Sep 23 - Oct 22, Scorpio; Oct 23 - Nov 21, Sagittarius; Nov 22 - Dec 21, Capricorn; Dec 22 - Jan 19, Aquarius; Jan 20 - Feb 18, Pisces; Feb 19 - Mar 20) are used to psych people into believing in a certain action, or imbibing a set of predictions regarding the personalities of people born at certain times of the year.


December Born
"Generally, individuals born in the month of December are fun to be around and thus make a lot of friends and admirers. These honest and trustworthy individuals are unassuming and amicable, however they often tend to be a little short tempered. They are adventurous, can be a little assertive at times, blessed with high spirit and being philosophical. By nature people born in December do well in the fields of law, communication and language. Known for their good sense of humor, these individuals detest any sort of restrictions and take high pride in themselves. They love to indulge themselves in discussions pertaining to knowledge and philosophy and make really great teachers. They are also known for their supportive and generous traits and are extremely emotional individuals who are connected to their past." And what if I am December born and do not exhibit much or any of these traits? Am I strange? Do I have to change my personality to suit the acclaimed one of December born? The endless battle fought by many.

January Born
"Smartness and productivity are among the several traits of people born in the month of January. They are also very ambitious and diligent, the characteristics which make them highly productive at work. Although, generally serious, they can also be humorous at times. But, they are mostly reserved and do not talk much, unless they are required. They possess qualities of patience, perseverance and self-motivation. They are strong, hardworking and very tolerant individuals. Success to these people does not come overnight. They have to struggle hard to achieve their goals. Focus and determination, the basic requisites for anyone to succeed in life, are innate to them. They are highly observant and are extremely careful about the decisions they make. They know how to make someone happy, but are too reticent when it comes to expressing their love. Their reserved demeanor makes it difficult for them to open up to others and makes them uncomfortable in the presence of new people. Basically, they need to improve their social capabilities." What if I am January born yet posses more traits of December born or vice versa? Sure there are a bunch of lazy and unproductive individuals in every birth month, and don't you know any lazy one birthed in January? Yet many give up so much to squeeze themselves into a mould of supposed personality description of people birthed their month.

The Dangers

"'It can be life or health threatening, as when women refuse medical advice to induce a baby because they want the child to be born under a later sign' or month - believing that children born in a certain month do better than others of different months; a great fallacy!

'Astrology relieves people of accountability. It teaches that a person is what he is because of the influences of the planets and stars. This is set at birth and his subsequent life is on a preordained course. Such a belief is called fate' and is disastrous.

'Astrology is usually vague and general in its predictions and can be open to a number of interpretations, any one of which may satisfy an individual', which is why there are horoscope columns in over 80% of the news papers, each containing different interpretations.

'Astrological advice on investments, spending and purchasing is often wrong and can be costly.'

'Astrology is deterministic and can lead to a fatalistic view of life, which can induce real depression.'

'Most seriously of all, Astrology is strongly linked with the occult. Sybil Leek in her book, My Life in Astrology, states, 'Astrology is my science, witchcraft is my religion'. Most occultists use Astrology and many Astrologers practice other occult arts. ‘Astrology is essentially a magical art’, Richard Cavendish. Astrology is 'found virtually everywhere occultism is to be found', Dr. John Warwick Montgomery.'

'Astrology is sometimes seen as 'soft' occult, relatively harmless in itself but providing a gateway for people to enter into 'hard' occult. It encourages superstition, creates receptiveness in the mind to other occult influences and generally weakens people's desire for and appreciation of God.'

And again, the inconsistencies of astrology gives me great concern; 'there are many systems of astrology that are often diametrically opposed to each other. There is a great gulf of difference between interpretation of horoscopes in the West and those of Chinese astrologers. Even in the West there is no agreement as some astrologers see eight, or fourteen, or even twenty-four zodiac signs as opposed to twelve; what is here, isn't there.'"

Instead of Horoscopes and Astrological philosophies, can we tell people that life is in its living? And each day has its own troubles? Each action its own consequences? Each human his uniqueness? Truth weighs heavier than philosophical and astrological euphemisms.

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Very interesting. I like philosophy, especially the Greek philosophers and I like the way you lay it all out. So true about December borns, I'm one! Seriously we all have traits that conflict with what we are supposed to be character-wise in the world of horoscopes. We are human, we are different, we only bear some traits of others. But sometimes, we think alike and it's always random. Liked this post thank you. Happy Steeming!

Yeah we all have our uniqueness. Thanks alot.

I like your post

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