Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 16 (catch up round)

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

Before we get started with this round.. We just got a new piece of artwork from @yeszuzia ! It's a picture of my character in the IFC world. "Apolymask". And.. I love it. :)

It's such an awesome picture in my opinion. Yeszuzia is so talented! Seriously.. This picture means so much to me, it was a random idea to connect it with the UFO and beam of light and lightning, though.. It is absolutely perfect and really encapsulates a lot of the mythos of my life.

I grew up in Sedona, Arizona which is like the second hot spot for UFOs outside of Roswell in the United States I believe? At least I heard that on a documentary about the subject once..

In my life I've seen more UFOs than I can remember and I've had a few other extra weird experiences or stories as well. I'm totally a believer that there is something unknown flying around in our skies and outer space, I just admit I dunno what it is.. Maybe they are humans with advanced technology or like time travelers or something, I don't know!

I do tend to think there are top secret craft like this owned by human governments, or.. If they are aliens, some or all of them still might just be humanoids from another place, some aliens probably look different but some might look just like us! Hey who knows.. Maybe there are already some aliens living among us on earth. -_-;;

So.. I think this picture is great for sort of blurring of those lines in our imaginary world and the real one in my opinion. :) Anyways.. I'm extremely happy with the picture and if you'd like a picture made I suggest you contact her!

Now on to the next round!

This is a "catch up" round. Catch up rounds are designed to encourage new people to play and also to help those who haven't won a game yet.
So you can only enter this round if you have not yet won a round.

Our next catch up round is going to be centered around the subject of...
The occult. Or "hidden".

The object of this mission is to find the most hidden thing.
Preferably something that can not be found online or on the internet, but.. Just do your best, we will consider all entries. :)

Oh and.. It doesn't have to be serious.. You can have fun with it and make a comedic entry if you want. Or you can do some kind of poem or picture or.. Whatever. Use your imagination, get creative with it.. That's one of the main ideas of this contest, and that's to help people sort of get out of their comfort zone a lil and adapt and learn new things, we try to keep the quests as open ended as possible to let the players come up with their own personal individualized solutions.

Additionally.. The winner of this round is going to be awarded a special new rare and legendary artifact.
The "Unidentified Object".. Some of our archaeologists discovered it in one of the ancient ruins near our castle.

It's a mysterious item as we still don't know much about the ruins we found it in.
However, our researchers figured out how to use it and found it has the ability to mimic any other artifact.
This is a great item for a new player or someone in a catch up round and will hopefully allow them to catch up even quicker!

Unfortunately you do not get to keep this artifact permanently and it is returned to our castle armory at the end of the season and will be awarded to someone new next season.

Good luck!

And now a moment for our sponsors!

First up is @ats-david who has helped greatly! If you appreciate this contest or just his efforts in general you may want to look into voting for him as a witness at @ats-witness, he does a lot of other cool things for the community as well!

Next is @timcliff who has similarly helped out the contest significantly and who is also a witness who does a lot for the community, so likewise if you appreciate the efforts you may want to vote for him as witness also!

I'd also like to thank @theguruasia who has pledged at least 20 steem to the second and third place prizes and he said he may even donate more.

And @nxtblg who has been regularly resteeming and upvoting our challenges which has been a big help!

Plus one other person who has been helping a lot who deserves some credit is @soundlegion who has also been upvoting the contests regularly.


For this challenge.. If there's a tie.. We will do another round to see who wins.

The winner will be decided by whoever gets the most votes.
The only people who can vote in a qualifying sense are myself and the judges I've selected and we will vote by leaving a comment on the submission that we like the most and say something like.. "I vote for this one" and a reason why we voted would be good too, but is not mandatory.

You have until this challenges post payout ends to submit your post. Though we do accept late entries if you get it in before all the judges vote.

The challenge will finish after 7 days when the post ends and provides its payout cycle and unless there is a tie, the winner will gain the steem, the XP and have a point to go towards their long term win. (minus the 25% for curation)


1. Sixteenth challenge starts now and is a challenge to see who can find the most occult or hidden thing. 2. Create a blog post for the contest. 3. Title must contain contest round, "Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 16 entry" 4. Leave a link to your post in the comments below. 5. And you also have to use the #informationfinding tag in your blog post as well.

Acceptable content

  1. The most "occult" or "hidden" thing you can offer..
  2. Language is primarily in English and if you would like to participate from elsewhere in the world it is up to you to translate your message into English so we can understand you.
  3. We also encourage Role Playing for those who enjoy doing that. :)

Good luck in the contest!
Artwork credit - @yeszuzia on steemit and on instagram

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Click to go to the rules page


This is going to be a fantastic set of entries to read, not that they all aren't, but I am looking forward to the stories, the pictures and whatever else people come up with. I vote repeat this one in the end tournament. The last one before the tournament begins should be a what round would you like to see again most in the tournament. And then you and the judges pick a few of the players favorites for the final 16 rounds.

I tend to think so too! :D And I agree with your general sentiments. Also.. That's an awesome idea in regards to voting for what rounds we do at the end with the sweet 16! And split it up between judges and players to vote, I totally think we should do that!

I like your comment/idea so much.. I want to give you the rare legendary artifact Hidden Ladder.

You don't have to accept this challenge if you don't want to.

If you succeed you will level up, if you fail you will lose as much exp as you would have gained.

If you do wish to accept the side quest, send me a private message on discord.

You will have 3 chances to try to guess the answer of an occult riddle.

The reward is great, but so is the risk. I think I will pass on this side quest. But thank you. I am but a poor cobbler, and would not like to lose all my hard earned pennies, if that happened I would not be able to make shoes to protect the young-un's feet.

Understood! That sounds like a wise and seasoned approach. :)

Hi, I'm new and I'm not sure I understand the dynamics but I'll try to do it and be able to join the group ... I'm intrigued by the game ... I feel that by participating I can clear my mind, although I repeat I'm not sure I understand

Hi annycor. Nice to meet you! :) I see you seem a bit confused about how this all works, do you have any specific questions I can help you with to get you started?
Do you want me to link you the rules page? It appears as if our links only work for those on discord right now I think.. So.. I need to fix that asap!

Hi, what really confuses my is the Role Play part. For the rest, I think It's about creating and interesting post about "occult" or "hidden".

About the rules, I only saw what is in this post, I don't know if there are extra rules to participate. It woul be nice if you clarify it to me.


Hey again! So.. In regards to "Role playing". That is like.. When someone gets "in character" so to speak, and they act as if they are in the virtual world in they way they either write their posts or interact with others.

I would HIGHLY suggest you look at how @kryptocek does his posts to understand this, or look at recent entry @iexplore
To role play is to sort of immerse yourself in the world and sort of pretend like you're really there. :)

You are accurate about what you are suppose to do for this round. Essentially create a blog post about something hidden/occult and then link it in the comments here on this post.

Here's a link for the rules, and.. You may want to jump on our discord channel as well as there are usually people around in the chat room who can help if I'm not available!

Hope that helps and please let me know if there's anything further I can help you with. :)

Oops. I spelled @iexplore 's name wrong at first. I edited and fixed it, but if you saw that before I edited it, the proper spelling is.. @iexplore
Heck.. I'll just link you his blog post here.

The way he creates his story is sort of what I would describe as "role playing".

Damn this is definitely the most bad ass one yet! I love the lightning in the background. Definitely sets the scene and then the glowing light on your character. @yeszuzia is one hell of an artist. Not sure how but its incredible that you found her. Once I read the very first post and seen the prize and then the Digital Castle the creativity started flowing right away. I love this little world we've all built together.

Word! I think so too, but I'm a little biased since it's a picture of my character. Awesome one way or the other! And yeah the lightning I think really tied it all together to give it that epic feeling. :) I agree! Well said! She is an amazing artist. I feel really grateful and lucky we found her and she's working with us!
I feel a similar way about you and a few others and, sort of everyone in general that has taken a good interest in this.. Though there's definitely a few people who are doing a LOT for this world and you're one of them. I also love what's going on and the world we're all creating! It's a super fun adventure and I'm enjoying doing it with all of you. :)

Wow bro that painting is INDEED GREAT! Love it too. I see that you were right- so busy with your contest! Great job bro, keep on rocking!

Glad to hear you like it jankasparec! :) I think it's pretty dope as well. And indeed.. A little too busy, but I think it will be worth it.. It already has been really.. It's been an amazing experience so far and it sounds like a bunch of people are having a lot of fun.
Thanks for the encouragement and inspiration! Will do!
Also.. You mentioned before you might be interested in being a guest judge.
We have an art round that just ended for a logo for our competition and would love it if you'd like to go in and leave a vote for which one is your favorite? If you'd like to do that go to this link below and then just leave a comment on the one you like the most and say you're a guest judge and that you're voting for that one.

If you're too busy, no worries! But it would be super cool to get your presence in our world. We have a lot of great artists, in fact.. I feel like you and @yeszuzia the one who created all of our pictures would get along well! Would be cool if you two could make friends and we have a bunch of other artists in our community you might be served by meeting. So.. If you feel like it, feel free to drop by and say hi any time. :) Hope you've been doing good man! Much love! <3

Thanks my man, I do believe that it is rewarding because it's a community "work" and that's what makes us truly human. I will jump on that post as a "guest judge" right now :) thanks for the trust!

Sure thing! and.. I just checked, it was the correct link I sent. So just go to that link and then scroll down to the bottom, there are 4 different entries for logos for the IFC that people made, leave a comment on the one you like the most saying you're a guest judge and that you voted for that one and we should be golden! :) Thrilled to have you be a part of this man! And I dunno if I said this already cause I'm really tired, but.. I hope you've been doing well! :)

@apolymask my friend, I am not sure if I'm getting this right. I went to the link that you posted but I seen just a couple images from the same artist (yeszuzia) I doing something wrong? :) I read the post to see if there's an external link to the entries for logo, but did not find it. Thanks for clarifying!

I'm pretty sure I gave you the right link, but what you should do is scroll down to the comments, the contestants enter their submissions in the comments and usually they are down near the bottom, but not always. They will include a link to a blog page they made which has the artwork on it. Hope that helps! Lemme know if you're still stuck or have any questions and I'll do my best! By the way happy to have you be a part of the community! Makes me really happy. :)

I love this image @yeszuzia has created for you @apolymask I think this one is my new favorite, lol, they all are actually! I love each one of the pictures and they truly are bringing the IFC to life! So many ideas running through my head on this challenge! This will be an awesome round for sure! Good Luck everyone!

Glad to hear you enjoy it as well. :) And yeah I think all of the images she has done are great! So lucky I listened to plushazilla and contacted her, I was waiting on the artwork to start the contest, and she not only delivered.. She made a piece that was epic!! :D And numerous more epic pieces! What a great connection to meet her.
Also glad to hear you've got some ideas brewing about the challenge! I really like the one you just presented on discord! Great idea! We will definitely do that at some point.

@plushzilla definitely makes those connections for sure!A couple of months ago I was introduced to him and we had gone over a few things on who we both knew, I gave him a few names, but at that time didn't really know many others, I am so glad we all have made these connections! It is really great being a part of The Digital Castle and The IFC!
I think that would be an awesome round to do for sure!

Indeed. :) Glad you and a number of others feel similar!
Also I was just thinking.. Maybe some day we should do a round for plushzilla as well since we never would have found yeszuzia if it wasn't for him.. And she has been such an important part of the contest.. So.. I think that would probably be a good idea, though not sure when we'll get to it or what order we'll go in as there's so many rounds that I have had planned for a while, but.. In time.. I think it would be a great idea to celebrate plushzilla as well as others. :) In fact I want to have a round in the future where people go out and like.. Find someone to celebrate and help. Sort of like we did with the find a sponsor quest and the help the judges quest, it'd be cool to do that as well with helping others, and we sorta did that with the help a beginner quest, but this would be different and applicable to anyone and not just beginners.

That would be awesome plushzilla does a lot for many communities! A busy bee he is! I do like the celebrate a fellow challenger ideas I feel it helps us get to know one another a bit more and it's always nice to show appreciation and gratitude to eachother! After all, each one of us in this world, wants to be acknowledged and appreciated....

Agreed. :) I don't have much to add this time.. But I wanted to say that I agreed and also.. Well said at the end there especially!

The success of IFC is definitely something more than I could have imagined from the outset (and that is a greater reward than any amount of SBD)... and if you believe that nothing is a coincidence then I would say that we simply all crossed paths when we were meant to.

Having said that, I have been on a few different paths on Steemit and not all of them have lead to something like the IFC so I am just happy when things work out :D

Now I am going to think about that round 16 challenge... that's another tough one :)

I imagined it might be popular some day, though I definitely wasn't sure and thought it might flop and not do well, however.. I am definitely surprised by how much and how quickly it has caught on for so many.. Truly humbled and excited to see what happens as it sort of takes on a life of it's own. :) I was just the spark to get it started and now everyone who likes the idea is bringing it to life in their own unique personalized way!

Also I agree it's more important than the steem/sbd or monetary aspect.

Also.. I duno about the coincidence thing I'm open minded to both possibilities! However.. I like what you said there.. Maybe there is some kind of reason we are all coming together now.. Maybe it was foretoldin the stars! Or something like that. :) It's a pleasant thought to feel like we are kindred spirits reconnecting, and maybe it is true! I don't know the answer to that and I don't know much in the grand scheme.. Though I'm glad to share this dream with you and everyone else.

Good lucking thinking about round 16! And yeah it's another tough one! Though.. A really important one too in my opinion! Alrighty, bed time for me.. Peace and talk to you later!

Wow! This @yeszuzia is extremely talented! I enjoy seeing all of her work and the style fits so well in this world you/we are creating! @apolymask This art in particular is perfect for this's very mysterious! Is the UFO spotting you? Is it capturing you? Is it transporting you? I just don't know! I will try to set aside time to enter this round!

Glad to hear you appreciate the artwork as well! And.. Agreed! So happy we found her! :D And you seem like a great addition to this world as well! I hope your entry in round 12 wins, though.. I'm not sure the other judges understand or appreciate the seriousness of the water issue in regards to animal agriculture unfortunately.. And I think only one other judge has voted in that round so far, I'm not sure.. So who knows how it'll go. I hope you win.. But I dunno. Either way, so far you've been really engaged and leaving a lot of comments and interacting with us on, I enjoy and appreciate your positive energy and efforts. :)

And I have a feeling you're going to do well in the rounds that you enter when you find the time! You seem like a really bright individual and I look forward to seeing more entries from you in the future. :)

Also in regards to the image, I guess it's up to the perception of the viewer! Though when I asked her to make it, I sort of envisioned the UFO and Apolymask are on the same "team" so to speak. And that this flying saucer is connected to our castle in some way.

Anyways.. Thanks for the positive feedback, hope you're having a great day and I wish you good luck if you find the time to enter this round! :D

I am passionate about leaving animals off your plate and that simply act's impact on the planet. We just need to keep pushing the info and facts and how simple it really is! I believe last year and possibly this year the "vegan movement" (I don't like labels) was and will be the biggest food trend! (Again's not a to speak)

As to the's open to interpretation...I like that!

I am also, and I've been speaking out passionately for animal welfare for the last couple years. So it's nice to meet another likemind! And I agree, I think things are getting better but I also think they might get worse before they get significantly better.. Time will tell, I think we have a hell of a fight on our hands, but there could be a more positive and beautiful future!

This round is gonna be extra-special! I'm seeking the most hidden thing I've heard of. :) @yeszuzia is smashing it with her artwork! She is amazing!

I have a feeling it is! Especially after the entry @iexplore just posted.. That was a pleasant surprise and pretty quick as well! And every time you've entered you've gave us something pretty unique and special or interesting, so.. I do have a feeling this round will be a good one! :) I'm extra curious to see who gets this artifact! And then I wanna see how they use it. :D Oh and yeah! yeszuzia is doing a wonderful job. I think she's a really important part of all this. I'm glad we were able to meet up and connect and share our services! :D This world is coming to life more and more every day! And.. Hope you're having a good day as well. Good luck amariespeaks!

Thanks @apolymask ! My days coming to an end but was a relaxing day stuck inside due to this blizzard lol But I got quite a bit done on here! I hope to find something cool to enter!
I'm going to check out @iexplore's post now!

Oh yeah, that's really cool! I love how the tower is always in the drawings! :-)

Great art! I like the topic, my mind is spinning ideas...

Glad you like the art! And.. Good to hear! I love it when people are spinning with ideas. :) Looking forward to see what you come up with! :D

This is doing bad things to my Google search history...

Hahaha! That made me laugh. And.. I don't think I want to ask for exact details, I'll take your word for it on this one.

Starting at occult takes you down some weird rabbit holes.

Yeah it does.. I've been researching it for a couple years now and let's just say I don't look at the world the same way anymore.. It's a totally different world. And often times in a not so positive way, but it's not always bad.. There's some really important and valuable things we can learn from the hidden world as well.

Oh man... I don't know what the most occult/hidden thing I could find could be... Hmmm.

What kind of UFOs have you seen btw? You weren't abducted right? That's scary...

I dunno if I was ever abducted. Heh. I had a weird dream with aliens when I was a lil kid, and that's a fascinating story.. But I don't know.. A lot of times it seems like people who report such things, don't know and later remember it in weird ways? I don't have any %100 memories, just the weird dream I had when I was a kid that was sort of close!

In regards to the different kinds of UFO's.. The first one I ever saw was a traditional Vrill saucer type, and most of the rest were what I refer to as "moving stars" they are like spheres of energy almost and will move intelligently or appear or disappear, often when I'm thinking certain thoughts which is a crazy part! I've heard many others report some kind of psychic connection almost like they are reading our thoughts somehow? I know that must sound insane, but it's what I've experienced and others have as well.

Additionally.. I've seen a few other weird ones, like.. One time in the day time I saw what looked like a shooting star but it was rainbow colored and moving much slower.. Dunno if it was a natural phenomena or a craft or a being or what.. But definitely a UFO. Also one time I saw a bright green shooting star, which I think is probably just a rare natural phenomena, but.. I don't know for sure.

And I've actually filmed some before as well on video and have seen a lot of different craft from other peoples videos online. Though I think the most common ones are the "moving stars" the "spheres of energy".. Could they be the angels ancient texts spoke of? Or Gods that ancient peoples spoke of? Who knows.. I'm open minded to the idea.

Also good luck thinking of something hidden! :)
I really loved your last entry, right now for me it's between you and another artist and I'm not sure who I'm going to pick yet. It's really tough to decide! Heh. You did a great job though either way!

Oh wow. Not sure if it's related to having a 3rd eye open or maybe you did get abducted as a kid!? Saw a post around here saying that if you dreamed it and it felt like you weren't in control of the dream it was probably because it's not a dream but aliens. 👽

Abt the judging... Well i know why you're having a hard time judging. 😁 I'm happy at least I got to join and do my own take on the logo.

I'm not sure either! Lol.. But it is interesting and noteworthy.
And that's good to hear! I'm happy you're happy and also that you got to enter! I love your entry, and I was thinking we may find ways to use all the logos in time! :) So.. Even though there will only be one winner of the round in an official sense.. Maybe we can sort of make it so all of the people that round win in another sense and all of their logos can hopefully live on in some form or another! :D

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