
Travel to another country with little money.
If you win the first prize, what will you do with the money?

I will sell it to pay an Uber driver.

Have you seen a ghost before?

I have not seen a ghost before because to me it's not necessarily important.

Why do you like money?

I love money because it answers all things but with God all things are possible

Why do u hate SBD

Erratic sbd? Why shouldn't I? It rise and fall without considering my plight.

Why can't I Resteem this post

You can't resteem because you didn't click on the right link.

What's your biggest fear?

That would be... Fear itself. Lord! I hate the feeling!
What is the weirdest food combination you've eaten?

The weirdest food combination I have eaten is garri and rice cooked together 😂

Do you gym regularly?

Craziest? Well, I've done tons of crazy things....but the day I stood up to my randy Boss who tried taking advantage of me. Gave him an embarrassment of his life...

I didn't know I could come up with that.....

What is your biggest fear?

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