Are you great at trivia? Want to earn money from the comfort of your own home?
If the answer to those questions are yes then you must keep reading. You can thank me when you win. So my wife came home all excited about this fun new trivia game that a co-worker turned her on to. She says, "You can win real money!" I laughted and said, "Well that's sure better than fake money" My wife did not find it quite as funny as I did. So she continues about this game that is played live and have pots split amoung the winners. So I have to admit it peaked my intrest.

With the enuthisaims of a child on christmas she continues. "So the game is for phones and tablets only and it plays live twice a day at 3 and 9 pm PST. It is called HQ. It is a live trivia app where if I can answer 12 multiple-choice questions I could win all or a share of a set pot amount that amount can change game to game," I laugh and say I will take a look at it after dinner. But she continues saling me on going and loading the app, to the point that I just give in stop what I was doing and get the HQ app installed and an alarm set so that I don't miss the 9:00 game. This was manditory as I know once the after work beers and cocktails start that there would be a high percentage that I would completely space this most momentuse event.

So at five till nine the alarm goes off and the wife is wound up and ready to play. From her smart phone she gets a commentatior/ game show style host. On my tablet I only get the fastest chat in all the world scrolling by and the blue spinning wheel of hell. Ha Ha Ha My wife's phone has the host and all the bells and whistles. But for me ....not so much. However, for the next 15 minutes, the wife and I are only about answering the questions.She ran out of time (only 10 seconds per question) at round 4 and I got the 5th question/ round wrong. Yet we both continued watching the game until the end in hopes possibley learning some new information for a future game. I admit it we now both maybe hooked. But it was fun. The 12th round was split by 25 people and they each won $67.00 USD. It is not always that larg: Last nights game was divided by 124 people and came out to $1.98 USD. But it was still $2 bucks they didn't have before.

Today doing research to write this post I discoved severl complaints about the functioning of the app. many claim it to be riddled with glitches and lags. Players are regularly booted from the game without explanation. Sometimes, the whole game is scrapped for mysterious technical reasons; including one high-stakes game scheduled for 11:45 p.m. EST on New Year’s Eve, which was unceremoniously aborted, then rescheduled for 45 minutes later.And yet, still as many as half a million people are tuning in for each game. Trying to win, win, win!

The New York Times wrote, "The game pulls you in by dangling a cash prize, offers manic highs and seething frustrations in quick succession, then dumps you out, usually empty-handed. But the HQ refractory period — six to 18 hours — is just long enough to relax you into a state of optimism about playing again. It’s dystopian “Jeopardy!”: not the trivia game we wanted, but the one we deserve." I have to agree. I think this will be a fun gamenight for us as a couple some interation that we both really can and will continue enjoing glitshes, wrong answers and all.
I think really what can it hurt to try something new and exciting. Something with minimal effort yet with potentially real nice earnings. I mean you will never know until you try, right? So if you find yourself in need of a rather quick fix nightly; I would suggest giving the app a try. If you so I hope you the best of luck. I hope that you and your friends, love ones etc. enjoy it as much as we are.

If you do please feel free to use my referral code or my wife's code. Just use grinsatu2 or lisathedeeder when setting up your account to play. We will get a life if you sign up using either of our codes. So please remember to use one of our codes when signing up. And you can earn codes when any of your friends sign up using your code. Again I hope we all have a great time and win a boat load of money.

I play this all the time. Scott drives me nuts lol. Sunday nights are the most worth it - I saw the one a couple weeks ago with the $5000 payout.
Wow ! right we are now hooked well please feel free to upvote it or resteem it. To help us all grow. Thank you for your commits and if you ever see any way I can improve in my writings and post. I will welcome it. I hope we have a great day. and Good luck tonight!
Well that's interesting... too bad am not too good at trivias. :D
I'll have to check it out, I'm usually fairly good at trivia.
it is quick but fun and last Sunday it was 50,000 and 6 people split it they each won 8,333.33 . it was a great game . please be sure to use my grinsatu2 referral code . m-f 2 times a day 3 and 9 pm pst and 9 pm on sat and Sunday. Only 12 questions all multiple choice but it is fun so I hope you have fun and win some money, good-luck
Thanks for using our service, your post is upvoted, but you have to resteem a post from the group, and if you want to use the recent price (0.1), please use any of our banners on your posts !
Here is the first code :
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You can use anyone you like and you can pay only 0.1 if you resteem a post from the group !
ok done sorry life is happening here a bit it happens to the best of us I guess ... Thanks I added it I doubled up on the resteems as well sorry about that
Man again thank you for following me, upvoted.