2018! Real opportunities for media, content creators!
2018! Real opportunities for media, content creators!
Polarization is a social phenomenon, win-win system still remains, but there is a ladder of opportunity!
After going to VIDCON in June, 2017, I had the opportunity to present my testimony with time difference between August and September. As far as possible, we released an analysis of change with the thought that we should be careful and informed, and by November, the experiences we were analyzing at the time are going to be realized very quickly.
The following is a summary of what was announced in the middle of the year, but it will be a reference point for measuring changes in the next year. There is a part that has already begun to change, and Korea is a bit slower than overseas, so if you prepare from now on, you can make a good opportunity in the wave of change.
- Hybird - Media companies Strategic Alliance
Keywords is Hybrid. The combination of companies will be more intense. Everyone knows that competition is the most stable strategy from a win-win structure to an economy of scale. Eventually, mergers and acquisitions of media companies will accelerate, and Mega companies will appear beyond global companies. And now Disney has left Netflix and decided to take over Fox. A typical MCN company is already in AT & T, and Netflix is in high-growth but has begun to fight content strongers. Musicals, which were visited during the bead cone period, were acquired by a Chinese company in early November. 1 trillion won in amount.
The article that snapshots that have rejected the acquisition is down, and Facebook 's instagram is winning. The win-win structure of media companies will stretch to the whole world.
Management companies are no exception. CAA and UTA, which already have a global top-star list, are beginning to list up to one creator, and they are accelerating their growth with competent management. In light of this phenomenon, domestic companies are also expected to follow this trend. In the absence of current revenue models and difficulties for content companies, the ransom value for next year will be very high, and companies that have established strong branding will continue to win next year unless they are concerned about ownership risks and brand reputation. We also think it is positive that it will expand to the global market.
#Tip Now, if the name is not known publicly or externally?
Choice and Focus, Content and Media Branding with Micro Targeting
Intensive competency development such as commerce / production / platform
Move with a sense of cohesion and co-branding
- Original - All companies focus on the original series.
IT companies like Netflix, Amazon and Apple are now producing their own content. Why? This is because it is advantageous to create an original series rather than to spend on digital advertisements and to secure a fandom so that it has a constant consumer group. On the other hand, there is a belief that the utilization value of content is greater than the production value. Apple has also decided to invest $ 1 billion and will try to make more pie. Apple may add videos to the direction of the content ecosystem. I wonder if iTunes will be the role of the video platform. Netflix has already decided to spend $ 6 billion, but it is highly anticipated how it will respond to the emergence of large companies like Disney and Amazon.
Eventually, these platform / device companies will desperately want to collaborate with content producers. Even if you pay for it, it will be a war for securing original content, and competent content companies will have a love call on a global scale. The content direction is also a reason to go global.
Domestic companies are also starting to bounce back. SKT's corn has settled successfully compared to HAZ, and what kind of strategies will the operators such as TVing, pooq, and other online-oriented platform operators and CJ Hello and Deal Live have? And what strategies will existing broadcasters make? In the end, content production will be the answer, but content production is limited. In addition to mobile devices, it would be necessary to have a proper grammar for sending to devices.
Next year, it will be a good place to collaborate with competent creators and companies. If you are preparing for content creation right now, I would like to invite you to get started. It is not late yet.
#Tip Focusing on creating the original series (content)
Find the platform to target the core
Get on the new platform and the growing platform
If you are always ready to go up to OTT, take the opportunity.
- Teenager - focused on millennial generation
Where does the trend change begin? When we look back from the past, we can see that change starts from ten. It is correct to say that the beginning of the change is enough to say that it is a primitive phenomenon. Kpop and content trends that hit the world, and countless changes, such as countless changes are built on the cornerstone of the 10s.
Global is no exception. All companies and platforms in the United States are already building a strategy to focus on the millennial generation, and so are the content. Though different from each other, the origin is shifting the direction of teenagers to their taste. The full screen focuses exclusively on the Millennium generation and can enjoy OTT services at a flat fee of around $ 5 per month. MCN, and one-person media can also be found in the Millennial generation. This consumption is transferred to the entire generation. Already the New Normal generation does not need to distinguish media, and the boundaries between online and offline are long gone. They are all integrated daily life, and virtual worlds are not particularly different from real life. Teenagers 'watching time on TV is 38% less than five years ago, and teenagers' focus is four times more attractive. In addition, the Millennium generation has been able to consume vigorous content, including subscribing to 23 average YouTube channels a year.
Teenagers may be old people who say they lack power. Through the platform, teenagers have earned more money through their YouTube channel and other platforms, and their strong income growth rate may soon surpass their parents' generation. Generation gap and reversal phenomenon are very likely to become 'familiar'.
The power of the Millennium generation lies in content novelty. Those who are full of time and curiosity will share their stories with friends through various challenges and experiences and will grow into a generation familiar with online conversation at all times.
It is expected that there will be an insignificant article about the income increase of the teenager next year. The current issue is also on the rise, but the activation of one-person media will become a natural social phenomenon already.
What do you need to prepare? The answer is already there.
#Tip Content creators are aiming for teenagers or teenagers.
Content appealing to millennial generations is likely to be successful (food stuff is not out of the question)
Millennium generation and child generation need to be distinguished from each other
Quickly start a global hot musical or Lively platform
- Live - The Age of Live, Be Truman
The Truman Show was a kind of alarming movie. When CCTV called Big Brother began to watch over us all, it was always filmed with a film called "Shaw" in which all life was exposed, and now it is time for everyone to become a voluntary Truman. The phenomenon beyond the age when catharsis, who share and relate my daily life and is reluctant to reveal my private life, will accelerate. This Be Truman phenomenon will reach out to the business beyond the individual, and they will value the interaction that is gained by relaying everything.
Live said that it stimulates the desire to consume content the fastest, and people who are attracted to the addictiveness of live channels will increase.
The pace of this phenomenon is a change in the shape of platform companies, and the platform will evolve into gaming. Rewards systems like star balloons from African TV are already in use around the world. Cyworld is the first social media, but Facebook did not prevail. Gameplay on the live platform will accelerate content consumption, and game elements will make you pay for it. For example, when you pay money, a large gift bag, effects, vibrations, and other features can be considered live as an interactive game.
The call center will become more active through live broadcasting, and the call centers may fill up with live functions, rather than call center agents, to ask questions about actual products.
Live will stimulate the desire of consumption. Video will also be preferred to live, and people who live around us will look more ordinary.
#Tip If you're a live content creator
The core of live content is sustainability, unpredictability, and feedback
Live platforms will change like games, and live planners will like to play games or sports.
Live quality will become more important, but it requires continuous storytelling
- Glass Media - Glass Media Theory - Customized Individual Content Age
In the era of personal-targeted media, the word omni-channel began to emerge in society where all glass is media. RFID, which is made of smartphone or biochip, reacts to the glass around me and may be able to transmit personalized information to me whenever I pass through it. If you visit the store, you can get ad content that is right for you. More device-specific content will be needed more. Therefore, it can be defined as a change of one-person customized media system. Legacy media will be more enthusiastic about acquiring technology and contents by using big data and artificial intelligence to provide personalized contents for first person.
Content creators are good at content for popularity, but the development of target-specific content will also be a useful strategy. If you are a content creator who starts small, such as capital, manpower, I would like to propose building speciality in a specialized field. There is nothing that can satisfy everyone in the world. Therefore, I would like to suggest a strategy for creating and expanding content that is best suited for the field.
- DATA - everything starts with data analysis
Content creation works often create content with artistic intuition and predictions. This ability was also the subject of special ability and follow-up of the creator. Of course, the machine can not follow the creator in the area of expression. However, it has become an era that may be slightly different at the planning stage.
Trends and consumption can be pre-filled with statistics and analysis through the data, which can lead to good works as a result. Already, many content media companies in the United States are putting their data analysis and system efficiency at the forefront and adding manufacturing capabilities. Demand for content analysis tools will be even higher, and the technical capabilities of big data, artificial intelligence, and scroll bots will be key indicators of success.
It is still useful to the creator, but it will be the past story to take direction only for the creator. Planners must be right analysts and have insights. The creator of the content says that the planner should take precedence.
Demand for data analysis will increase, and the ransom of analysts with good insights will be even higher.
Tuballa, a video content analysis tool, costs $ 50,000 a year, and the premium version costs $ 80,000 a year. Of course, the development of technology may lower the cost.
#Tip If you still have a plan
Look at at least Google Trends analytics and get insights.
It's a good way to start off benchmarking your material and content
At least one analytical tool or solution needs to be learned and utilized.
Media and content areas that you do not have to think about
There is nothing new, content competition should come out yesterday, not with someone. Also, there is no reason why people should not make mistakes because of who they are making, and because of the material. The drama is still there, but new content is pouring out, and it is not too late to start because it is not a territory that matches this area or has a competitor.
However, media / contents companies are especially in the area of polarization and win-win structure. It is hard to follow if leading teams are putting flags and pre - empting brands and formats, and there is no denying that high returns are due to the huge amount of capital required for unpredictable success. Unlike changes in the transitional market this year, hidden champions who have not been seen in the next year will come to sleep and change for consumption of media and content. Platform / media companies can create a structure that does not rely on advertising anymore, with pay-per- (This part is expected to be more active next year than next year)
Nevertheless, there is no law not to overcome the fact that it started late. Instead, a differentiating point must be clear or a role should be set to accelerate the economies of scale between small groups. The media / content group belongs to areas where mutual exchange and exchange are not easy in content ownership. It is also difficult to raise a common channel and it is not easy to collaborate because there are often no common goals and interests. Nevertheless, I think it is the most effective strategy.
Companies will start to make money. It's not about the legacy, but the content that you create to build your own channel, to make your brand's fans. Companies that collaborate with recent offers are also focusing on producing content for their channels, which is why the market is now on the rise. It is also why we are looking forward to next year.
The brand cast that we collaborated with SKT this time is broadcast content that started in the form of podcast, and uses both audio and video.
Chung Young-jin & Choi Wook, who appeared on the show, is a case of fandom that focuses on podcasts rather than actively performing in the existing public broadcasting. Currently, two or five channels are produced by the two of them. It is said that the downloading of synopsis is about 2 million, so that the average of 15 million downloads a month and more than 20 million of reproductions are made. It will be more important to acquire some fans in certain areas.
We are trying to deliver contents in various forms considering media scalability and channels rather than creating podcasts only.
Podcast-VOD- Blog - I try to make a public broadcasting format, and I design the content distribution to create and influence the contents in any format for each channel. This type of content differentiation will be an area for companies to pursue. At present, it has jumped to the 3rd to 40th place among 10,000 channels in just 4 times. (If you know the podcast, you'll know this number is huge)
Corporations will also be budgeting next year to pay attention to this phenomenon. The creators and freelance broadcasters who want to start or want to start creating content today will be the focus of attention.
As soon as the plate is turned upside down, the door of opportunity opens slightly and closes quickly.
There are not many cases where the market is changing and leading the market. If the situation is unfavorable due to the development of technology, there is a moment when there is a moment of shaking. It is a very important time for the 4th Industrial Revolution to emerge. Let us consider the companies that rose during the Third Industrial Revolution. The same goes for companies in the second industrial revolution era. We are now living in a period of openness in the changing times of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. No one knows what changes will occur, but it is true that we need to be prepared. What opportunities will be created next year? Who will take the opportunity. The prepared person will be laughing quietly.
Media Zamong Inc.
CEO, Wenis Kunwoo Kim ([email protected])