What Do YOU Qualify As Good Content?

in #content5 years ago


In my year and a half journey thus far on the Steem blockchain, I have seen countless posts and comments discussing “quality content”. There are those that feel this place should only be for top quality content creators...or professionals. Then there are those that want the masses to be onboarded. Sadly with regular everyday people...you are going to get regular everyday postings. It’s just how it goes and I’m perfectly fine with that. I actually welcome it.

I personally am not interested in most of the random crypto talk, but that’s what seems to be supported the most heavily here. But what about the chef talking about delicious creations? Or the cab driver discussing his crazy fares? The working folks who write about their dead end job? The kid talking about her strufgles or triumphs with schooling? People talking about their cats? Is that good content or shit?!? Because I’ve seen folks here arguing on both sides of the fence.

I personally write about whatever the hell I feel like. It’s mostly nerdy shit...but I also discuss my pups. I talk serious issues like illness and my own struggles...then pivot to a completely fictional piece made to (hopefully) garner a laugh or two. But according to some...my content would not be “quality”. That’s fine...they don’t have to like it. I’m not writing it for them. I’m writing it for me. If it finds someone who resonates with it, that’s great and I’m appreciative of it. But if not, fuck it...onto the next random thought I want to talk about. These are probably the main reasons why I haven’t grown as quickly (organically) as some of my other friends here who have surged past me with support levels. I kinda don’t give a fuck. I just write what I want to write.

I know when I write about the weekly comics that come out, at least currently...my audience is micro penis small. I have the usual regular fellow nerds that are interested but outside of that, maybe a couple take a peek and possibly leave a comment. But to me...That’s exciting! The fact that someone like @janton who has told me several times that he’s not knowledgeable on my world, comes to my post to see the weird random toys that were just released...that right there is the beauty of Steem and one of the reasons I love it. To me, it’s connecting everyday folks who might have a common interest. Are we professional bloggers?!? No...but does it mean we don’t belong?!? Fuck that noise!

I think we all have something interesting to share...finding, networking, building, and connecting with said audience that finds what you have to say valuable...that’s the challenging and rewarding part.

So I’m curious...what do you feel is quality content and what do you dislike? What do you look for when looking for new users to support? When you are scrolling the feeds here, what gets you to click on something from someone you don’t know?

To me, it’s just whatever tickles my fancy. I’ve definitely gone outside my realm of comfort here to try to learn more about something new. I’m also trying to be better about throwing support not just to the friends I’ve made here...which I do feel is important. But to new users talking about weird off the beaten path type shit. We need those people here too. This shouldn’t just be an echo chamber discussing the inner workings of Steem. That is going to get us nowhere fast.

Anyway, lmk your thoughts. I look forward to seeing what you all value and dislike as far as content creation.



I like your content. It's genuine, it's personal, it's entertaining. Exactly the kind that can connect with people. And you reach out to so many people, from my impression. My two cents.

Thank you kind sir. Yeah sorry...I didn’t mean this to come off as a “come compliment me” type piece. Lol. More of a curiosity as to what everyone looks for and avoids and such. But very kind of you. Lol

See?!? This is who I’m not a professional. I can’t even convey the actual point of my post properly. Lol

I figured I could do two things at once :P. Though I guess I only answered part of the question. There are too many things I avoid so I just haven't sat down to get my top dislikes

Gotcha sir! Either way I appreciate the kind words my friend.

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Thank you robot voice. Your input is what I was looking for on this.

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For me it is very easy to indentify good or bad content. When you see an effort put in, no matter what the topic is, that content deserves votes. When you see something that can be done in 2 minutes it is shitty most of the time and deserves no votes.

Word. Effort level is important fir me too most of the time. Once in a while something catches my eye. A meme or a quick photo with very little context. But usually effort plays a part for me as well.

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Tought question.
De gustibus non est disputandum.
Like : what is good music?

IMHO good content is when you clearly do some effort to create whatever. Generally.

If somebody would take a picture of i.e. tiles from the bathroom he's sitting in and post it in, like, 10 sec... Well, that MUST be a hell of a tile, to be considered a good shit. :)

Ah, I essentially repeated words of moon32walker :)

Sure. I think caring about what you put out is important. A pic of a house with a sentence written is probably not going to garner my support or interest as it seems cheap. But maybe there’s a dude out there who loves houses who finds value in it. I dunno. Lol

I’m going to dedicate my next bathroom time post to you. 😜

As for sharing the save sentiment as another, that’s totally cool. I agree with bits and pieces or entire chunks of what everyone here is saying. Also appreciate you taking the time to respond!

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I think "quality" is such a personal perception that I don't really feel it should into play as strongly as it does.

Now before everyone jumps down my throat, I just mean that I think that the Steem blockchain is big enough to handle all kinds of conten, and I think the various tribe tokens are beginning to support that concept as well.

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Agreed. When I see folks drone on about the need for quality content...it just makes me think that they don’t want regular people here. That’s how we thrive and survive I honestly believe. Getting the masses here is how we grow and prosper. Not by only targeting or wanting the elite.

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I am all on board with this. Half the stuff folks calling themselves “content creators” crap on about is so damn boring. Like who calls themselves that? It’s like people on Instagram who call themselves influencers.... douchey.

My favorite posts are the ones where people just crap on about their lives and ones where folk’s passions and personalities shine through. This is something I have always enjoyed about your posts.

I am really against these down vote crews that have been trying to gather momentum post HF. I think everyone makes content. You might like it or hate it, someone else might feel the opposite. Just let people be themselves and stop worrying all the time. The block chain is big enough for every level of poster to have a home.

The worst is people complaining about rewards. Like oh I am a content creator, why is this shitposter taking what should be MY reward? That stuff kills me, and sounds sooooo childish. Welcome to life folks.

Influencers. Yuck. Lol

I don’t mind the downvote posse if they are targeting individuals who are clearly attempting to game the system. They know who they are. There’s a lot of that sadly and fuck those people. But yeah, I’m with ya on the mob mentality on “lesser content”. Who’s to say that someone isn’t finding that joke, picture, or meme interesting?!?

I just like real posts. Feeling like that author is really like that. That’s attractive to me personally.

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I like your content too . And if I've been absent recently, it's because I've been spending very little time on the platform, in general. You're actually someone I always like reading, because you're funny and honest and post about stuff that matters to you (and it shows). And I like it, even though most of the time, I have no idea what you're talking about :P

I like stuff that's genuine, I like creative people obviously, artists, folks who go out on a limb with a story or a picture or even a random happening. I don't really care about the crypto stuff much either and one of the reasons I feel less and less inclined to be here is that even the micro-penis (so stealing that) amounts of quality content that were being promoted before have disappeared.
It's no longer content, but a recipe. It's a big cooking world where you can't get a pot unless you're Martha Stewart.

I want to see stuff that I relate to. Stuff that's from the heart. Not generic BS people think so-and-so whale might appreciate.

I’ve noticed your absence and I hope you come back to the fold in time as this place hopefully becomes a bit more even for us and as communities grow. I love reading your stories but I get where you are coming from.

Yeah...writing pieces with whales in mind is pretty weak in all honesty...


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For me quality content is anything that catches my interest. If i stop to read it and enjoy it that hols it's own quality. Whether it's a picture, writing, video it doesn't have to be a novel, just genuine. Like your stuff.

Perfect answer. If you find interest...which literally could be anything. I agree 100%. There is just so much...kinda...snobby ness about content lately so I was just wondering where some folks stood on the subject. Thanks for your answer. I thought it was perfect my friend.

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I always loved your stories when you told them in person. Now theres this platform and I get to read about it from hundreds of miles away now. I feel content on here can range from anywhere.

The issue I have is how the posts get visability. Yes you can forward a story and the can get the ball rolling. I just feel like an interface with a bigger break down of content categories would help so much.

I'm still new here, but if I want to see content about New York Giants, it feels like it's a needle in a haystack to find those posts.

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Thx brother.

I agree that the search functions here are the pits. As is the lack of “communities”. The latter is supposed to be coming and I think can be a big game changer if handled properly.

Also...Giants are dogshit. Sadly. Lol

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I know I've been absent, what communication has come out for it?

And yes. I completely understand the lack of giants post now. Its Diarrhea....

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