Chants For Contemplative Meditation, 8. #0610
--Important to us all is the concept of home harmony. I realize some never experience it, and some deliberately disrupt it, but most of us would like to think that whatever is going on in our world, we can find some harmony in our home.
--Here one might have one's family altar, and use a photo, a picture, or a flower, for one's focus. On the out-breath x108.
--A-u-m ca-moon-da jam-ba-i-a di-pa-i-a mo-ha-i-a waash-ma-na-i-a sooa-ha.
--To get it right and set it in mind, say the syllables slowly until you can, all in one out-breath. As with the others, you might carry this around in mind to replace that inner dialogue that intrudes on one's peace, repeating this sotto voce where ever it doesn't take one's focus from that job in hand. And, as usual I remind, that these are best practiced, to there count, whilst sitting in one's contemplative chair/cushion, at the same time of day each day.
--As some are for repeat for three days, I usually just take on one for purpose every three or four days, and the A-u-m and Ha-ang sa-ha, everywhere I travel, be it down the highway, on the bus locally, or walking the city streets.
--Keep on keeping on. 😇
--May the blessings be.
''Short Reckonings Make Long Friends.''