Chants for Contemplative Meditation, 6. #0595
--Beyond granting your wish, the next query always seems to be of finance. So, we don't look at financial increase so much, as at eliminating poverty. Again one might use the Gopala Yantra for the focal point of sight. This is chanted each day for three days in a low whisper, x54.
A-u-m sc-rim rim MAM dari-dri-ia nya-sham koo-roo sooa-ha.
--As per course, it may be chanted/sung whilst driving distance in open traffic such as on Highway or Motorway, or while doing a physical chore such as washing up or raking leaves. For the actual practice, it is always best to sit to do nothing else but quietly chant and focus on the end result envisioned. The around house or work song is not counted as one's slow breath count of 54 or 108, and the around house or distance drive are used to replace that inner dialogue that so often is worry, when one cannot actually in that now, do, anything about one's caution or goal. Therefore, the Contemplative chants are very good for the purpose of focusing the mind away from one's negative feelings, with an edge toward the positive that one wishes or is paying attention to.
Keep on keeping on. 😇
May the blessings be.
''Frugality Proves An Easy Chair For Old Age.''
Thank you @bifarlacoil and @deliberator. It did cross my mind of a how-to, as I pointed out to bifarlacoil@. 10xvf red. 13wk up ea, then kapow 😉😆😇