Chants for Contemplative Meditation, 5. #0581
--The regeneration of aura having been the last, I'm usually next asked for wish fulfillment¿ So, if you have the www. you might like to download a copy of Gopala Yantra. It is the recommended mandala for concentration, but I generally use an imaginative technique wherein I visualise the end result of my wish.
Images on Google may be copywrite, so one way is to visit a Buddhist or Hare Krishna temple and buy one or copy by hand your own, or use one of the visualisation techniques spoken of in my posts or other reference books.
--A-u-m sc-rim rim crim sh-rii-a-i nam-ma-ha.
--On out-breath x108 - evening after wash, you may entrust your wish to Mother (Mary). -and stop thinking of it.
''Idle Folk Take The Most Pains.''