video: How We Are Programmed To Consume Beyond Our Conscious AwarenesssteemCreated with Sketch.

Why do we dress the way we do? What's our trademark style that others recognize us by? Perhaps clothes, music, or electronics, or gaming. To what effect do those things we purchase define who we are? Today we discuss the Corporate influence we face in the realm of social groups and gaining status among our peers.
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We live in an era of mass production. Never in history have people had such availability to products from across the world. Products are so abundant that it's common for people to engage in "frivolous spending". Regularly buying products on impulse, rather than need, necessity, or clear purpose.

Our environments have become flooded with advertisements. Someone trying to sell something on every corner. Consumer Capitalism operating at high efficiency. Corporate programming made up of television, media, and advertisements; conditioning us into living a life as they define. When the masses of people repeatedly see images of ever increasing consumerism, then we subliminally perceive of that life as normal. And as we see it and imitate it on mass, then it actually becomes "normal", in reality. Thus being a self fulfilling illusion, whether that's what's intended or not.

After a new normal is reached, for us to continue behaving a less commercialized lifestyle, then we are considered old-fashioned, or out of touch. And so we risk being looked at as strange, or unpopular.

In previous recordings, we've gone on at length about the hedonist life of Materialism and Consumerism, and why that life path is misguided and ultimately leads to destruction.

But what we are discussing today is the invisible influence of Corporate programming that causes us to act beyond mere pleasure seeking. We are discussing the modification of our behavior and purchases to fulfill the expectations of other people around us.

It's natural for us to try to fit in with those around us. Just as other primates, the nature of humans is communal, as we evolved to live with others in a tribal setting. Living our entire life in isolation is no ideal path toward survival or continuation of a people. As a communal species, we depend on each other for existence. This deep instinct is the reason we are compelled to modify our behaviors to conform to the standards of those around us.

But what happens when we work to fit in with those around us, yet the expectations of those around us have been altered by Commercial influences? Are we able to recognize those expectations of others that have been altered by Commercial influences? And how about expectations that we hold for others around us?

Modern culture is highly manipulated by Corporate programming. The influence of media to shape normality did not start in our life time, so it can be difficult for our current generations to recognize the control it has over our lives. With each generation we become more entrenched in it. But is this normal? Does it feel like something is not right in society? Yet, if we have never known what customs were like in earlier times, and we only know the life we've lived, then how can we think of it as anything but normal? Perhaps there's something wrong with "normal".

The most direct way for us to begin to understand the control it has over our life, is to exit. Exit the life of commercial influence for a while. Disconnect from Commercialism. Take a leave of absence, and live alone out in wilderness for some time. We should bring as few items as possible, and spend some days by ourself in the environment of our ancestors. Take some time to meditate. Eat dinner cooked over a fire, and sleep connected to the Earth under a star lit sky.

Experience the world without any expectations of other people. Are there behaviors we doing that don't make any sense? When we let ourselves free, then are we worried about the style of our shirt or shoes? Or our hair style? Does it need to be gelled? Do we feel the urge to take a selfie, or picture of our food? If our food falls on the ground, are we going to throw it away, or are we going to clean it off and eat it? Are we self conscious about biting our nails, or picking our ears, or our nose? Do we think our Paleolithic ancestors were self conscious about such things?

A fish that was born and lived all it's life in polluted water was asked by a frog, "How can you bear to live in that polluted water?". Puzzled, the fish answered, "The water seems fine to me", as polluted water was all the fish had ever known.

After coming back from spending time disconnected from Commercialism, we may begin to have new eyes about the way our lives are being controlled and essentially manufactured in society. A drastic change in our environment can help us see things, the things that have always been there, yet we've never seen there.

Who are we trying to impress? Do we identify with the products and brands we purchase from? Do I consider myself a Nike or Adidas person? Am I a Honda or Ford or Bugatti? Who around us do we see pushing products to try to gain status? Do we allow our minds to be controlled by Media and Manufactured products? What percentage of our actions and purchases are unnecessary, just to try and gain status in the eyes of others?

It becomes a problem when it distracts us from our Life Purpose. Rather than being embarrassed in the eyes of those around us for not having the latest fashion, we should instead be embarrassed in the eyes of our ancestors for behaving as mindless lemmings bending to will of Corporate programming.

It's a problem, because we must beware of that which drives us away from our Life Purpose. Our time here is precious and limited, and it is the duty of good people to remain focused on cultivating the future and children of tomorrow. Those that succumb to hedonism and fail to escape the Corporate programming are doomed to have their future destroyed.

We see other people buying games, buying fashion, cars, accessories, etc. Let's not fall into the trap of thinking it's acceptable just because it's "normal". We should seek excellence in life, and be the example for others to see. Rise above the illusions that permeate our culture. Recognize the Corporate programming and reject it.

Now to be clear, this is not a message to say discard all purchased belongings and go walking down the city streets naked. This is a message to recognize where we are at, and where we've come from. And work together, to push the envelope towards the direction it needs to go.

Do not let the material expectations of others lead us down a path of ruin. With open eyes we may see the failed path of trying to gain social status through fueling Corporate interests.

We can see which demographics are the main targets of Corporate programming, as they are having the least children. And so we are fed images and thoughts, to disconnect us from nature. To disconnect us from our Life Purpose. To disconnect us from our unborn.

We cannot allow ourselves to be defined by the products we purchase. Products end up in the landfill, and as we identify with them, then we too shall end up in the garbage bin of history.

Instead, we must identify and define ourselves by the legacy we leave behind. The most important thing is to stay true to the future. Let us teach the generations that follow us, for they must carry on when our time is done. It's not by accident, but through deliberate action that we may prevail.

Previous Video: "Killing Male and Female Roles"


We send out love and to all our brothers and sisters. Stay blessed.


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