Water and the Laundry and Pantry - March 11, 2020 @goldenoakfarm

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On Wednesday the plumbers didn’t get here until later, another supply run to get copper piping. Soon after we were told not to run water, they were connecting the drain to the outlet. We survived that and they set to work on the water lines.

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I don’t remember plumbing being such a noisy business. They had to core drill a small hole through the existing foundation for the water line.

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Kitchen island water lines

Then we got water lines in the kitchen.

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Kitchen sink water lines

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They installed the Rinnai RUCS98iP Gas Fired condensing tankless water
heater and ran water lines to and from it.

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Water lines for kitchen

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Water lines for laundry

They didn’t get the water lines through the root cellar for the kitchen island. And for some reason they’ve not put in anything for the dishwasher.

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My intern was here on Wednesday and she and my husband spent the morning putting underlayment down in the dining room, pantry, and laundry and getting materials for building the hood support for the cook stove.

Not sure how much he will get done on Thursday as he went to a Steve Hacket concert Wednesday night. They were doing the Selling England by the Pound album. He took our son as a birthday present. At least one event wasn’t cancelled….


But the end of all things has drawn near. Therefore be sober-minded and be sober unto prayers.(1 Peter 4:7)

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